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Global warming is not a crisis---THE N.P.R. Debate

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posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:35 PM

Global warming is not a crisis---THE N.P.R. Debate


Brian Lehrer is host of the highly-acclaimed “Brian Lehrer Show” heard weekday mornings on WNYC® New York Public Radio®, 820 AM, 93.9 FM and He is also an award-winning author and documentary producer. Lehrer holds masters degrees in journalism and public health/environmental sciences.


Michael Crichton is a writer and filmmaker, best known as the author ofJurassicPark and the creator of "ER." Crichton graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College, received his MD from Harvard Medical School, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies. He has been a visiting instructor at Cambridge University and MIT. Crichton's 2004 bestseller, State of Fear, challenged extreme anthropogenic warming scenarios.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 1/25/2008 by TheAvenger]

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posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:35 PM
I could not believe that a search of ATS found no record of this debate on National Public Radio last March. I was distracted at the time by a government lab inspection, so it got by me.

The subject, whether global warming is a crisis, was debated by six noteworthy persons and scientists, three on each side of the issue. You can read the transcript, or download the audio at the link of of this long awaited debate. The skeptics vs. the believers, with the live audience and online users voting their position before and after the debate. Not surprising to me, the skeptics cleaned their clocks in not the initial but in the final voting. Here are the results:

Intelligence² US audience confirms 46.22% to 42.22% in favor of the motion.
Speaking for the motion: Michael Crichton, Richard S. Lindzen, Philip Stott
Speaking against the motion: Brenda Ekwurzel, Gavin Schmidt, Richard C.J. Somerville
Moderator: Brian Lehrer

What is most impressive is that the vote was 57% to 30 % against the skeptics before the debate. (13% undecided)
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 1/25/2008 by TheAvenger]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:38 PM
Because popular opinion always equals fact. Thus, Atkins diets really make you thinner, Creed is good music, and iran is that big island floating just north of Antarctica.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
Because popular opinion always equals fact. Thus, Atkins diets really make you thinner, Creed is good music, and iran is that big island floating just north of Antarctica.

Whatever preconceived notions you may have, please at least listen to the debate before making comments. I enjoyed listening to intelligent people intelligently debating an issue.

[edit on 1/25/2008 by TheAvenger]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:37 PM
this is quite interesting!

To bad this is just a pubic debate and nothing of substantial value, unfortunately people watch a political backed movie and suddenly every one is an expert. the truth is the scientists really being hushed are the huge amount of scientists going " humm sense when are politicians correct in anything? and why is the scientific method being killed of along with common sense."

This does give me hope that people can listen to reason if presented correctly, though the "public" that attended where people who wanted to see this debate and is hardly a sociological norm.

OMG An Inconvient Truth was political, and one big PR campaign for Al. Gore....say it ant so!


[edit on 28-1-2008 by engenerQ]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:55 PM
I know a few facts, one is that a few years ago thousands of people in Europe, in France in particular, died during an incredibly hot summer, which is frankly unprecedented. Second, the reaction of various UN and other officials was more or less "get used to it, it'll get worse".

To me, the real possibility of heat waves that kill off thousands of vulnerable people sure does sound like a crisis. Do you really think otherwise?

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 09:57 PM
Sure, it may or may not be a crisis now...but if the supreme rulers were to say that, we would all go "phew" and that would be that. Then, come another hundred years or so, it will be a crisis.

So, it's better to say global warming is a crisis, even if it isn't in this very moment of time, because it will be a crisis for sure later and we can't wait until it is too late.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 10:55 PM
I really believe that in 10-15 years all the warmers will have egg on their face as global temperatures cool. They appear to be cooling right now. Why, it wasn't to CO2 after all.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Care to give us some details of this "unprecedented" weather?

Sure it was hot, but there have always been hot summers - this is more of al bores propaganda, straight out of AIT, and is basically a crock.
Did you know that in the winter follwoing this heatwave, 20,000 deaths in the UK alone were attributed to the extreme cold?

The fact is that the UK and france are in a temperate weather zone and both countries are not equipped to deal with extreme heat or extreme cold.

In fact, where I live, the climate is sub-tropical and there are palm trees growing everywhere - this is due to one thing only, the gulf stream.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by TheAvenger

I wish I could say Chocolate Milk is not Milk but I can't say that unless I see that printed on a carton of Chocolate Milk that it is Artificial Milk like dry content with purified water added or Soy Milk. The site has a video that shows us a danger that the earth could be totally destroyed, no this is not something about Ozone but with less Ozone this becomes even more real everyday that Global Warming is a Crisis that we must resolve. Scientists don't want to relate Global Warming as a Crisis with scenarios that increase the possibilities because this causes panic amongst the public that would again have to be informed if there werealternatives. Alternate solutions for Ozone depletion can be resolved by creating a Ozone shield in a space laboratory seeding a envelope that is then pushed into the earths atmosphere with a force above that of gravitational pull so that it would not then be desintegrated on entry, while another method could be robotic ships to deliver Ozone instead from a Ozone farm in Space. A Gamma Ray Burst from our sun poises as the worse enemy earth has, this is a fact. The earth has been affected in the past by this phenomena and that is why we should study with more seriousness instead of making it a issue against the thought of a Global Warming. Cloud covers can be vaporized in a flash second which says little to show our current Ozone has a chance of continued existence. What do we do just sit here like dumb scientists or plan something on a massive scale which could counter and incoming Gamma Ray Burst if one ever happens which places us above our call of duty to perform.

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 02:39 AM

Originally posted by budski
reply to post by buddhasystem

Care to give us some details of this "unprecedented" weather?

HAHA, wow we cant even get the forecast within 5 degrees, in 24 hours so where saposed to look at and average of under 3! thats less then a standard deviation!

ok the earth has had a extremely unstable climate LONG before humans came here. there where times when CO2 lvs. where almost 10X higher and the temperature was much warmer......guess what, there was plenty of life back then.

ok lets look at modern meteorology we have had relay accurate measurements and recording not sense the 60's but there where decent ones going back around 200 years. ill be super generous and say wehave been recording accurately for 300 yrs.... now stable large life on the planet has existed for o about 70million years ago that where of a decent mass... so we have been looking at the weather patterns for less then 0.00043% (rounding up) your right i guess i can see how we realy know what a "normal weather pattern is"

want proof watch the weather and then look outside.

The true conspiracy is the denial of these facts.

[edit on 4-2-2008 by engenerQ]

posted on Feb, 4 2008 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by TheAvenger
I really believe that in 10-15 years all the warmers will have egg on their face as global temperatures cool. They appear to be cooling right now. Why, it wasn't to CO2 after all.

I hope you are right man, I really do. However, based on what I have learned I am not as hopeful as you.

Originally posted by engenerQ

HAHA, wow we cant even get the forecast within 5 degrees, in 24 hours so where saposed to look at and average of under 3! thats less then a standard deviation!

ok the earth has had a extremely unstable climate LONG before humans came here. there where times when CO2 lvs. where almost 10X higher and the temperature was much warmer......guess what, there was plenty of life back then.

Yes when there are higher temperatures life can surely survive. A big difference between back then and now is that there are 6.5 BILLION human beings dependent of a thing called agriculture. Take some time to study plants and the problem will quickly become obvious. When temperatures warm and climate cycles shift you cant just move crops to a new location. Plants are dependent on much more than light and moisture. This is just one example of how climate changes will be a painfull for humanity to endure.

[edit on 4-2-2008 by Animal]

posted on Feb, 5 2008 @ 12:30 AM
Except that most forms of global warming is like fertilizer to plant life, look at corn it has actual CO2 pumps and would benefit with an increase in it. This can be seen in regular #2 non-GM corn its yield has been increasing steadily and the amount of time to grow it is shortening. You can just move many types of grain b/c there very similar to grass witch can be found surpassingly in many places.

yes if all the global ice melts it would flood places like Holland and New Orleans.... though if you chose to build a city on the sea and its below sea Lv........ya Likely there will be new deserts but there will also be new marshes and new land previously covered by ice making it fertile.

there is no data to support that this will have any detrimental effects on the environment, or that it is even the "fault" of humanity, however don't confuse this with pollution. it would be extremely arrogant to believe we can predict such a dynamic process when simple weather predictions often are to complex for us.

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