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Up Coming Tax Rebate

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posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 08:03 AM
Ok, what I want to know is... People making more then 3,000 a year but don't pay taxes are getting some back. Uh, that's not a rebate, they didn't pay any taxes.

Also, the hospitals and morgues better get ready. Anyone wonder why these people make so little? Probably because they're on too many drugs to pass a drug test for a better job. Give them free money? Watch them OD left and right.

Hell, up in Detroit its already ridiculous when the welfare checks are sent out. The casinos see a huge increase in action. What will happen when these people get even more money? Imagine hell on Earth in every casino.

And lottery tickets, can't forget those. Better produce an extra 100,000,000 of them cause these people who are in such dire straits... well, they didn't get there from smart financial actions.

Sure some people will be helped but I am seeing drug dealers making millions and the casinos and lottery tickets booming.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 12:13 PM
There seems to be a racist undertone here HHH.

Anyway what business is it of yours what anybody does with their money.

I personally don't need or want anyone to tell me how or on what to spend one dime of my income, regardless of whether that money comes in the form of a paycheck, rebate, or I find it in the gutter.

I don't like taxes either. Sales taxes are OK to fund the infrastructure.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 12:57 PM
Hey, rednecks with hillbilly heroin OD just as much if not more since meth is worse then marijuanna.

Also, I'm just saying. I'm sure it will help lots of people pay off debts and stuff but the others... Well, I hope the funeral business is ready for a boom.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 01:34 PM
HHH, have you ever created a thread here that wasn't meant to direct some sort of hate at someone?

Every time I read a thread of yours you are railing about some group of people or another, and now it appears I'm not the only one noticing it.

Although I'm sure this is all just the result of me and my child molesting Republican friends isn't it?

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 03:43 PM
There was a black financial analyst on Fox News' Neil Cavuto show just yesterday that said almost exactly the same thing that HHH said in somewhat more academic terms.

The subject here is what the outcome will be for the economic stimulus package.

People who abuse drugs are not likely to go out and buy what most people consider to be the necessities of life. They are very likely to buy drugs.

People who have never made any effort to manage money are very likely to spend their money unwisely on such things as casinos and lotteries.

Studies have shown for fifty years or more that the poor are disproportionately hurt by "gaming," because they may not understand the mathematics behind "gaming" and because they can't overcome losses the way more affluent people can, even though many affluent people ruin their lives, careers, and families with "gaming."

There is no reason to come to this thread to take the OP to task because of his position on this matter and since I know of at least one black financial expert who agrees with HHH, his position is not necessarily a racist one.

Perhaps, those who see racism in his view are projecting their biases upon the OP>

[edit on 2008/1/25 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Well, I know firsthand just how hateful and judgmental HHH can be. Considering according to him I am nothing more than a pedophile and a child molester.

And I apologize if for some reason "rednecks with hillbilly heroin" just doesn't sit right with me.

Back to the intended point though. Sure, some people will waste this money on whatever they want, but so what? This money isn't being given out "to buy necessities" or anything else. It's only meant to help stimulate the economy a little, meaning they WANT people to go blow this money.

I don't see where there is a problem.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 04:02 PM
The financial analyst who objected to the package had some pretty well-publicized reasons why he doesn't think it will work. To find those reasons read the financial papers, articles, and websites.

The politicians all want to get on board with this because even if it does nothing to help the economy, it will make them look good to a lot of voters.

The analyst of which I spoke was responding to Hillary Clinton's statement that the package was to help those who are striving for the middle class.

His point was that people in the lower class already get a lot of free money, such as "earned income credit" or whatever it's called.

He observed that people get into the middle class through hard work, not free money from the government.

Of course, many have pointed out that the government really has no money. They get their money from us, the taxpayers.

Some others have pointed out the irony of calling the package a rebate when much of the money will go to people who pay no taxes.

Personally, I think it's worth a shot.

Most Americans aren't all that concerned with long term consequences if they can just get a few extra bucks in their budgets.

Even if the package has no real economic impact, raising morale of consumers is never a bad idea.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
There was a black financial analyst on Fox News' Neil Cavuto show just yesterday that said almost exactly the same thing that HHH said in somewhat more academic terms.

The subject here is what the outcome will be for the economic stimulus package.

People who abuse drugs are not likely to go out and buy what most people consider to be the necessities of life. They are very likely to buy drugs.

People who have never made any effort to manage money are very likely to spend their money unwisely on such things as casinos and lotteries.

Studies have shown for fifty years or more that the poor are disproportionately hurt by "gaming," because they may not understand the mathematics behind "gaming" and because they can't overcome losses the way more affluent people can, even though many affluent people ruin their lives, careers, and families with "gaming."

There is no reason to come to this thread to take the OP to task because of his position on this matter and since I know of at least one black financial expert who agrees with HHH, his position is not necessarily a racist one.

Perhaps, those who see racism in his view are projecting their biases upon the OP>

[edit on 2008/1/25 by GradyPhilpott]

He is Grady. Nyk thinks since I hate Pedophiles I hate America. He thinks since I support actual conservatives and not Neocons I hate America. So anything I post is hate unless its me saying we need to go out and kidnap little kids and send them to the White House where a child sex ring was ran back in the 80's.

And hey, this analyst just pointing out what I already saw. The poor, whether blacks with pot or rednecks with hillbilly heroin, are going to spend it on drugs. The people who go "Hey, I found a 20dollar bill, lets buy lottery tickets!" are going to do the same with 300 or 600 dollars.

And its not a rebate if they don't pay taxes, its just more welfare.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by HHH Is King
And its not a rebate if they don't pay taxes, its just more welfare.

For some reason, this topic was taken from the one line above... to a thread over who thinks who is a racist...

Now in the OP, i did not see one hint of racism... but my mind tends not to think in those terms... so let me start to think a little worse...

DAmm, still dont see it, wait, let me put my angry white man glasses on... oh there we go...

That refrence to drugs, that clearly only means African-Americans...

And that Refrence to detroit...What on Gods dear America could that mean?

And that bit about prininting lotto tickets... clearly a shot at the Asian comunity...

Now comming to more serious matters, i think what the original idea is trying to say is intresting. I think it is an intresting fact, if indeed lotto ticket sales, casino revenue go up, those things you could check, and saying everyone would OD on drugs, i guess the hospitals would keep track of all those things too.

@$^*, Mabye people are just feeling in a good mood when they get some money back from the goverment, wouldn't you be happy too, considering what you put in?

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 05:53 AM
Wait, Asians buy lottery tickets? I see plenty of trailer trash buying them but never Asians. Course I guess not that many around these parts.

And again, rednecks with hillbilly heroin is a huge number. Meth use is growing in America.

And hey, want proof of casino boom? Go to one on the day welfare checks are sent out and watch the flock of welfare people. Around here Detroit has them but sure the same thing happens in Reno and Las Vegas.

And still saying watch out if you have an emergency and need to go to the hospital. If someone normally buys 50 dollars worth of coc aine or meth or whatever, what happens when they buy 300 dollars worth?

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

There is no reason to come to this thread to take the OP to task because of his position on this matter

Funny how you say this Grady as you attacked me on one of my threads in the same way this OP was attacked. Calling me disrespectful and that I do not know what respect is. A bit hypocritical.
Anyway, how is this package going to work, regardless of who does and doesn't get money, when most of this country is in debt and the tendency will be to apply the money to personal debt. People can't buy goods when they owe so much. And if they do squander the money, isn't that just going to hurt the economy even more?

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by palehorse23

The difference is that I responded directly to the content of your post.

In the future, please direct any comments regarding this matter to me personally.

[edit on 2008/1/26 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by palehorse23
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

There is no reason to come to this thread to take the OP to task because of his position on this matter

Funny how you say this Grady as you attacked me on one of my threads in the same way this OP was attacked. Calling me disrespectful and that I do not know what respect is. A bit hypocritical.
Anyway, how is this package going to work, regardless of who does and doesn't get money, when most of this country is in debt and the tendency will be to apply the money to personal debt. People can't buy goods when they owe so much. And if they do squander the money, isn't that just going to hurt the economy even more?

That's just it. The reason they are in such poor financial standing is because they don't spend wisely. Give them more money and watch them blow it on more junk.

Thankfully I refuse credit cards so no debt there. Own my truck, so no debt there. And no house so no debt there. I bet I am one of the few people in America with no debt. How do I do it? Live below my means so I have money in my bank account and don't go with credit cards.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 01:52 AM
I wonder where all that money eventually will go. "Poor people" certainly will spend it, but then won't that all be profit going to the corporations and other fat cats. What will the fat cats do with the money? Invest it in their own companies? So they'll reap the profits of spent "rebates" and then double their profits in stock dividends?

What do the "poor people get? Corn Flakes, a pair of sox and a couple of months of overdue telephone bills paid off? Maybe they can use it to pay off that rise in their mortgage ARM for one month. S'all good.

Say . . . will we have to pay income tax on the rebate? So, like just how much do we end up with?

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by luckypuck

How soon we forget.

About 4 or 5 years ago our benevolent government sent out checks mid-year and then asked for it back on the following April 15th.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

Well Grady, I have to disagree with you on this one. Nyk537 is absolutely correct in his assessment of the OP - past threads have him linking Republicans with pedophiles not once, not twice, but quite a few times.

As for the black analyst coming to the same conclusion, it means nothing and certainly doesn't absolve the OP from his past and present attitudes.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by luckypuck

Originally posted by luckypuck
I wonder where all that money eventually will go. "Poor people" certainly will spend it, but then won't that all be profit going to the corporations and other fat cats. What will the fat cats do with the money? Invest it in their own companies? So they'll reap the profits of spent "rebates" and then double their profits in stock dividends?

What do the "poor people get? Corn Flakes, a pair of sox and a couple of months of overdue telephone bills paid off? Maybe they can use it to pay off that rise in their mortgage ARM for one month. S'all good.

Say . . . will we have to pay income tax on the rebate? So, like just how much do we end up with?

My guess is that the majority of the people getting the money will end up blowing it on frivolities, such as gasoline to get to work, or a new pair of boots for the kids, or maybe to pay off one of those nagging doctor's bills. Anything left over will be spent on junk stuff such as food or prescriptions.

As for the welfarechecks being spent in the casinos, well in my area of the country you can easily tell when the checks are mailed. That's the day the elderly are down at the supermarket squeezing the day-old bread and jostling over the nearly expired "manager's specials" hamburger rack.


As far as paying taxes on the income, the final package is still being hammered out, but my understanding was that it would be tax-exempt. No income taxes, just pay sales taxes where applicable.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 03:48 PM
This thread isn't about other threads.

It stands on its own merit and the fact that some financial analysts, at least one of whom is black, agree with the OP, corroborates his position.

Any other considerations can be addressed elsewhere.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
There was a black financial analyst on Fox News' Neil Cavuto show just yesterday that said almost exactly the same thing that HHH said in somewhat more academic terms.

I doubt very much that the analyst discussed an increase in expected morgue customers, or the fact that unemployment is so high because of the drug habits of the low wage earners. He most likely, as you out it, expressed it in "more academic terms", and probably never once referred to "trailer trash" or "rednecks".

Where is the place for that kind of hate talk here, Grady?

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
The subject here is what the outcome will be for the economic stimulus package.

People who abuse drugs are not likely to go out and buy what most people consider to be the necessities of life. They are very likely to buy drugs.

And if the drug abusers don't have jobs, they won't get the checks to begin with, so what's the point of this thread except to spread hate, Grady?

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
People who abuse drugs are not likely to go out and buy what most people consider to be the necessities of life. They are very likely to buy drugs.

And people with jobs and no bad habits are likely to spend their checks on necessities.

That's what is referred to as "It goes without saying". Or, "No kidding, Dick Tracy".

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Perhaps, those who see racism in his view are projecting their biases upon the OP>

There is no reason for you to reach that conclusion, Grady.

The topic is not "how many socially objectionable epithets can we squeeze into one paragraph." That is what some people are objecting to.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 07:10 PM

Anyways, you don't have a casino near you do you? So you've never seen the flock of poor people go there, in about 3 days they lose all their welfare money.

Also, you say people who use drugs won't be getting money. Sorry, millions will be getting 300 dollars. Its not a rebate, but more welfare. And what will happen when someone who usually bys 50dollars worth of coc aine or hillbilly heroin buys 300dollars worth?

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