Australian day weekend, Party time. Whos house?? what beer ?? I the beer snob will even be doing the aussie beer thing!!!!! VB mmmm. All welcome.
see mya nuts
Tets baby you are now my aussie mate, welcome to the celebration what will it be? VB? Fosters? you name it hon, glad you could come!!!! i will see ya
Lets go with a Fosters, cuz I don't think we can buy VB in North Dakota. My friends and I will be having a party in honor of Aussie day! (one of our
all weekend parties!)
Heres to you guys then, fosters it is.
what would you normally be guzzling over a week end? Hope it will be a great long week end here. It can get pretty wild tho!!!!!!!!!
When I first saw the thread, what came to mind was 'people getting into the sauce and tossing their cookies'. In other words:
The next definition I had in my mind was that a 'tosser' could be what we call a 'bouncer'; the guy thats hired to stand by the door and get rid
of all the unruley sots.
Oh my god ducky, I realize this term tosser, could be confusing now!!! You are not one. I declaire you a mate.
I wish i hadn't used it. It is usually used as a term for a wanker here in Aust, i 'm sorry for all who toss and are affended by my brashness.
Let me rephrase.... If your a complete ------ your not welcome. All due respects for those that may be inocent of all charges.
See ya nuts.
Ohhh hit me baby one more time. Make it a huge schooner of Fosters seings it"s Aust day!!!! I hope Ducky isn't mad at me for my bad language, i"m a
nice girl really, Ducky are you mad at me??? nuts
Thanks alot monkey. If i could give you a xxxx i would. I can't stop laughing at your reply, any one who does know what a xxxx is would be
thinking all sorts of funny stuff is going down. lol see ya nuts.
Hi ducky The days been going fantastic, been to the beach, now its beer-o-clock, time to play yippy, wanna play too?.
What time is it where you are? nuts go well with beer!!!!! heheheh.
Aussie Aussie Aussieeee oi oi oi, To all fellow Aussies, hope this weekend brings some well deserved pleasures. From me and my mates ''have a great
day/night''. Hope someone knows the cure for a hangover in the morns. love ya nuts.
What Roswell? your mum told you? Whoa, and it apparently works? are you telling me that you are an Aussie?
Well check me out tomorrow, i will tell you how it works!!!! What greasies do you suggest? Are you at least having some fun tonite?, check back nuts.
Speaking of mmmmmmm, has anyone tried a vegemite and fried egg toasted sanga for breaky? Lots of butter , goes without saying!!
To all a chipper night.
Getting nuttier by the moment. weeee