There is a media blackout of Republican Senator Ron Paul. This is a statement we’ve all heard too much before. I’ve set out to find out 2
- Is this true?
- How does it affect his chances of winning?
I’ve also set out to find out who else has been left out of the mass coverage. Let us first discuss the first question, as if it’s not true, the
second question is irrelevant. I plan to use
Fox News to test the validity of this claim.
I will use Fox News’ top story section as my focus. I will also be starting from most current articles and digressing backwards.
No blackout today on this page! Paul has a top story. It is, of course, about his newsletter. There was one paragraph dedicated to Ron Paul’s
denial of knowledge towards the newsletter. More notably, nowhere in that article or any after are mentions of the
Austin NAACP President stating that Ron Paul is not a racist. In fact,
after searching, I could not find the story an
any major news sources. The story, does however, go on to say this:
On Monday, Paul invoked King’s name to aid his fundraising campaign.
In which insinuates that Dr. Paul would write such an article and then try to raise money under Dr. King’s name.
Six pages of Fox News stories are listed above. I have used Microsoft Word and Excel to chart various aspects of these stories.
After these results were so successful, I decided to run the same test before primaries took place – just to be sure. Here are the results with
To get more sources, as Fox News only went back to Mid December, I ran past January 3 – which is the date of the Iowa Caucus. I stopped before any
others had taken place, however.
Here are the results:
My data gathering techniques are as follows:
• Started at earliest available day for Fox News top stories for politicians
• Copied and pasted all relevant articles into Microsoft Word.
• I counted each time a politician’s name was said through word. If you’d like to verify the procedure, all you must do is open
“find and replace”, put the politicians name in the find box and put “&^” in the replace box (without the quotations). The “&^” will
replace the politicians name with his/her name. Then click “find all”, and it will find, replace, and count every one for you.
• I hand counted every photograph. I did include any pictures of Bill Clinton as press for Hillary.
• I hand counted every article. I only counted the article as for the politician if his/her name was in the title. Many articles were
not about anyone one politician in particular, so those were invalid.
I wasted all of my time doing this research because I feel this race has already been decided. The media picks all of our “top runners” for us,
in essence. For those of you who say, “But hey, the media just takes the one who’s on top and reports about him/her.” I disagree.
Think about this: How many people had heard of Mitt Romney before this election? How many of Obama? How many people had heard of Huckabee? Yet,
these are our front runners. From the very beginning, these were the people who were displayed all over TV, all over the major online news sources,
and all over the radio. Any major media network only covered these big players.
I’m not comfortable knowing the media is picking our president. It’s my opinion, that media should give as fair and balanced coverage of
all candidates. What’s that you say? Fox News does because it’s their slogan? Wrong.
What I’m suggesting is the media’s job should consist of:
• Covering all candidates the same amount of time (roughly)
• Not allowing mud-slinging to get in the way of a productive discussion
• Talking more about the candidates ideas than the candidate himself/herself
• Discuss those points and their relativity to the country
I don’t mind Fox News or CNN giving their opinion on abortion. In fact, I’d like to actually hear them discuss real ideas more often. Why is
Mitt Romney right about this and Ron Paul wrong about that. That’s how elections should work.
I don’t know if you agree, but I think the evidence above shows pretty clearly that the media impacts the public’s mind on a large scale. I
don’t believe the coverage has been fair, and I do believe that hurts this country.