posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 07:13 AM
I have watched two people die in my lifetime (49 Years)
The first was my grandmother (September 2000)
During the last day of her life, there were things she did which made us aware that she was seeing things unknown to us. Once she lifted both her arms
up into the air, as if reaching out to someone far off. At one point, as I sat beside her bed, she was looking at me, then looked behind me and asked,
“Who is that?” Of course I turned and no one was there. When she drew closer to death, as she lay in bed, she did a lot of thrashing around,
moaning and hollering. When death arrived, as I was sitting next to her, she lifted off of her pillow, made the most horrible, grimacing face of pain
I had ever witnessed, grit her teeth and passed. What I observed was not pleasant at all. It actually looked as if someone ripped her out of her body
against her own will.
The second person was my father (October 07, 2007)
Dad’s death was not as active as my grandmother’s. The only thing dad did the last hours of his death was that he moaned and hollered loudly for
about 8-12 hours before passing. I have to add that the moaning and hollering were very disturbing. Before dad passed, the moaning and hollering had
ceased and he passed quietly.
As a footnote, both had cancer and both had been injected with morphine. The last hours of my dad’s death I was having to inject him every hour with
a syringe of morphine. Hospice “assumed” the hollering was from pain. I know someone will want to know, since I am a Christian, "Did they believe
in Jesus?" Yes, both did indeed believe in Jesus. I have tried to understand the process of both deaths in comparison to the likes of other's, such
as presented here so far, "happy, smiling, etc." But do my best not to make any judgements, since I have no idea what was going on withinn them.