posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:27 AM
I am so disgusted that these freaks call themselves Christians. It makes a mockery of the gospel message of love.
You do not have to agree with any type of conduct, and you may have scriptural grounds for being against any type of conduct. BUT, you do NOT have
any biblical or scriptural justification for hate, of any kind against anyone.
I have two friends who are gay, and have been together for almost 20 years..a regular old couple. They are the nicest people one could want to meet,
and intelligent and witty and kind. I personally find the thought of male to male intimacy appalling, and not at all in my area of interest. But I do
not allow my personal dislike of other peopls practices to make me label them in some way or see them as lesser than me.
I just see them as folks who are really nice and I do not even consider their private lives: to wander into imagining what gays do is not what one
would expect from those who have no interest in it!! Those who make a big deal of the physical aspects are probably sick to the core from awful
applications of various things, always spinning the worst interpretation on every act, and always condemning rather than uplifting.
I have no doubt also that old Fred Phelps must be one sick pup to have such bitter hatred of those he sees as ' sinners '. Maybe Fred had a bad
childhood, maybe he was molested or has gay desires he suppresses to the point where he hates all the gays so he will not hate humself: it is a common
psychological trait.He has to be seen as ' holy ' to keep his flock in line, and to do so he has to stop to the lowest forms of protest to make sure
that the followers he has see him as the protector of God's will on earth and a martyr for the holiness doctrine he must espouse, although his life
and actions show no trace of the things that make holiness a desired trait.
Priovacy and respect mean that you treat people as if their private lives did not exxist, whatever they are: They are private. By eliminating
imagination from relationships, we can make friends and enjoy people regardless of their orientation or choices in life. Respect means not only being
discreet and considerate in speech, but to give the other person the benefit of the doubt and not assume things one really has no direct knowledge of.
Supposition and judgement can ruin everything, and fast, not only in personal relationships but business and every other aspect of life as well.