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Was the shuttle shot down by UFOs?

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posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:54 AM
Back on topic please

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:14 AM

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Black Sun
Looks fake as hell...

I think the governments made those images...

Am i ignorant?

At least I'm thinking...

Unlike you.

The foam strike was seen at launch on live TV, it was talked about (and shown) in the media immediatly after launch, and the possibilty of it having caused damage was discussed while the astronauts were still in space.

So this isn't a fake image.

[edit on 1/24/2008 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by Black Sun
....Only person left is John Lear, and I fear that because of his old age he does not see whats going on.

OT for a moment...

In my opinion John Lear is still on because he is (usually) polite and respectful towards others.

I personally think Lear he is dead wrong about most of what he says, and I think his theories have little or no validity, but he presents himself in a respectful manner, and I tried to do the same on the occasions that I debated him in ATS.

That's all...sorry mods.

[edit on 1/24/2008 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by Black Sun

Whatever he is having i will have two please.

Honestly Black Sun i did not think you could make it any worse for yourself.

That was offcourse until i read your last huge QUOTE.

You are deluded sir plain and simple.

When was the last time you slept ?


posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:50 AM

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:57 AM
Guess he failed to follw the T&C?

Maybe he got whacked by one of the mods?

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by h3akalee

That was offcourse until i read your last huge QUOTE.
You are deluded sir plain and simple.

I just read his profile.
"Emperior of China"

The shuttle was just a human mistake that should have been repaired before re-entry. A terrible tradegy with loss of good astronauts.

I see the giant ATS eraser has come along and took care of him. Thank You.

[edit on 1/24/2008 by Solarskye]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:19 AM

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 12:08 PM
apart from the mods and the usual gracefull people ,.....most of the posts in this topic ...esp the OP are just plain rude !!

just hope it isnt the start of a new tyrade of posters who ignore the T&C`s.



edit ...ok the OP`s posts have all gone ?? have they been removed ??

[edit on 24-1-2008 by snoopyuk]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 12:10 PM
Back On Topic Now


thank You

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:10 PM
External Tank Foam strike. The most visible piece of evidence seen so far, NASA ground-based ascent tracking cameras captured a sizeable fragment of material believed to be 20 inches and 2 1/2 pounds (0.5 m ~ 1 kg) by in size - either External Tank insulation or condensational ice - breaking loose from the Shuttle's external fuel tank and impacting the leading edge and/or the underside of the Shuttle. The point of impact appears to be along the left wing, either on the leading edge where the wing meets the fuselage and/or the underside of the left wing near the wheel well - which is just below where the wing meets the fuselage. The current belief is that the impact of the foam may have damaged one or any combination of the following areas:
The leading edge of the left wing.
One or more of the protective tiles on the underside of the wing.
The seals along the edge of the wheel well hatches that protect the landing gear during reentry.
A failure in any one of these elements in the Thermal Protection System could lead to catastrophic failure during reentry. A combination of failures would increase such chances of catastrophe by several orders of magnitude depending on the nature and locations of the failures.

Very good FAQ here:

[edit on 24-1-2008 by rocksarerocks]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 03:06 PM
All the OP posts have gone.

Is this another method to silence us i didn't get the customary UTU

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 03:39 PM
Ok i just want you to see this footage i'm not sure at 100percent that it is from this incident but if this not a craft fireing a beam i don't what is it, if it had been proven fake so i apologise for sending that.

columbia crash

I've posted it in another thread but nobody replyed me, as usual

edit: why op's post have been deleted? if it's due to bad language, it's the whole thread that should be put down.

[edit on 24-1-2008 by ufopunx]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by ufopunx

That footage was taken after the columbia broke apart.

Now im going to go out on a limb here and i expect to be fully burned to the ground.

But given the evidence im going to say that if infact that purple thunderbolt picture is genuine.

Then it was not attacking the Columbia it was taking it's crew out of there just before it broke up.

I was going to post that video but did not.

Take care.


posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 04:18 PM
I believe the picture that is being refered to here is this one below. Pretty easy to find actually...just google columbia lightning.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by h3akalee
But given the evidence im going to say that if infact that purple thunderbolt picture is genuine.

Then it was not attacking the Columbia it was taking it's crew out of there just before it broke up.


I believe there was news coverage shortly after the breakup. That refered to people picking up peices of Columbia and body parts. I'm not 100% but I'll search and see if I cant find the excerpt.

Personally, I believe the video showing the "saucer" to be fake. I dont recall ever seeing that the day of the crash, nor do I recall any posts on ATS showing that footage. I'm sure someone here would have spotted it and posted the "attack". That would have made a whole hell of alot of noise on this site.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by ufopunx
Ok i just want you to see this footage i'm not sure at 100percent that it is from this incident but if this not a craft fireing a beam i don't what is it, if it had been proven fake so i apologise for sending that.

columbia crash

I've posted it in another thread but nobody replyed me, as usual

edit: why op's post have been deleted? if it's due to bad language, it's the whole thread that should be put down.

[edit on 24-1-2008 by ufopunx]

Hey that's my thread

It's a couple of months old and it's not active anymore unless people start posting on it again.

I'm a bit surprised this thread hasn't been closed, but I guess the past Columbia thread is old enough to start a new one
(just my guess).

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by sensfan

nice find sensfan.

A bit different from Seredas artists redintion, which shows this "beam" makeing a B-line toward the shuttle.

It's pretty evident in the real photo the strike was zig-zag'ing as it made it's wat TOWARD the shuttle. I don't think beam, or plasma weapons would do that.

Mayybe the corkscrewing after the miss, to try and re-engage the target makes some sort of sense, but not as it's going toward it's target. Maybe one curving motion I could see, but 3-4 zig/zags as it travels toward the Shuttle..... I don't buy it.

Also the length of the line the shuttle is makeing reminds of those photos people take of airplanes with some crazy shutter speed setting to get these long lines in the sky, and sometime when done on heli's they can appear to be UFO's.

So if this is the case, what we could be seeing is a pice of the shuttle breaking off, and flying back and away from the shuttle.

I'm with the guy with the bulldog icon (sorry forgot your name). Why would the aliens decide to take out this ONE shuttle and not do anything to the dozens we've launched before, and the stuff we've put up since, and why not touch the I.S.S.? It just doesn't add up.

But I regress, since the OP's posts have all be taken down, and I didn't get to read them, I'm not getting his side of the story, but I've seen the videos he posted, and I've heard this theory twice before, so I doubt he'd have anything to say to change my mind *shrug*

Again though Sensfan nice find, everyone copy and save that-quick!

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:40 PM
what the hell?
why can't i see the OP?

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