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God's Warriors??

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posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:36 PM
So i been seeing a lot of Documentary like Jesus Camp and now on CNN theres a show called God's Warriors about Christians, Muslim and Jewish "Warriors". Whats excaly is the point of a Christan "warrior" and what would that mean for people that arnt Christians living in America, does that mean they will be punished or would things even get so radical that they might even be killed for not believing in god? Because seeing some of the people in that Jesus Camp and how strongly they feel about there beliefs make me wonder how they would treat/react to atheist and even satanist. I don't think a person should be judged on there religious view alone even if they are into Satan or witchcraft ect. Cuz i mean say u tell people that u believe in Satan as a god there going to look at in u a different light or say thats not right or your a bad person. But when a Christian tells you they believe in God no one seems to object and say there wrong or not right for there believe. I just wanted to kinda see how other people felt about all this "Warriors" of God and if anyone else has every felt like when they speak there mind about not believing in God or following a "Strange" Religion they are looked down upon.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:41 PM
Anyone who alludes to themselves as "Warriors of Jesus" or the like has seriously, SERIOUSLY missed the whole damn point of the exercise.

The people in this documentary, unquestionably, are such a group. Their "belief" does not make them any different from any other militant group seeking to do away with a group of people it deems "unfit to exist". You'll find a lot of people weaving circles about "well this religion believes X and the other religion believes Y..." all while ignoring that the PEOPLE being talked about are crazy as all hell and aren't really concerned with what their religion is about.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:59 PM
I Agree i really seems like thats the message there trying to get across to you but why would such people and groups be getting so much publicity its almost as if there (the TV Channels) agree with them and want to help get there extreme message out there.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by empire_942

No true believer in Yahshua Messiah would ever threaten to take a life because of what you believe or don't believe. We are suppose to bring people to Him-as a true follower/believer in Yahshua. We are suppose to witness the truth, the way and the LIFE. He came to give life and to give it more abundantly. As a "warrior of God" we are to pray and pray for all those who hate us or persecute us and to pray without ceasing. The enemy is running around fast (for he knows his time is short you see) Our weapon is the Word and only the Word can properly judge us all. Noone should be "looked down upon for their beliefs" We should "bow down" and pray for the non-believer and talk to that person about salvation, ESPECIALLY in these final seconds before He returns. Noone and I mean NONE of US wants to be found naked and ashamed and full of regret and remorse for rejecting THE ONE person who can save us and give us eternal life.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Elisha4Yah

I ask a favor... Please don't pray to your tent-god on my behalf, alright? If I wanted to get his attention, I'm more than capable of doing so on my own. I'd offer you the same deal, but honestly my gods don't give a damn about you either way so it'd be moot.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Elisha4Yah

I ask a favor... Please don't pray to your tent-god on my behalf, alright? If I wanted to get his attention, I'm more than capable of doing so on my own. I'd offer you the same deal, but honestly my gods don't give a damn about you either way so it'd be moot.

Now that you've popped up here with such a plea, I will put you on my prayer list
You would have kept yourself silent had you really not wanted to be prayed for. Your Father loves you and wants you saved and in His Kingdom. You can fight all the day long with me or others while you sit safely behind your computer screen but can you hold up when this all falls down and you are standing before His Throne and the Lamb who took your filth away with His blood. I NOW DECLARE THE BLOOD OF YAHSHUA MESSIAH ALL OVER THIS PLACE.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Elisha4Yah

Now that you've popped up here with such a plea, I will put you on my prayer list I NOW DECLARE THE BLOOD OF YAHSHUA MESSIAH ALL OVER THIS PLACE.

Oh dear, now I have messiahs blood all over my sneakers... Little hint friend, when someone asks you not to do something... it generally means they don't want you to do something.
Using the term warrior in a religion intended for peace generally means somebody missed a Sunday school lesson or two. Even meant in a non fighting involved sense, it still adds on a sense of it to a groups motives. Besides, many of the people who use the term are at least the incredibly annoying types that love blast God and Jesus at you.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Elisha4Yah

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Elisha4Yah

I ask a favor... Please don't pray to your tent-god on my behalf, alright? If I wanted to get his attention, I'm more than capable of doing so on my own. I'd offer you the same deal, but honestly my gods don't give a damn about you either way so it'd be moot.

Now that you've popped up here with such a plea, I will put you on my prayer list
You would have kept yourself silent had you really not wanted to be prayed for. Your Father loves you and wants you saved and in His Kingdom. You can fight all the day long with me or others while you sit safely behind your computer screen but can you hold up when this all falls down and you are standing before His Throne and the Lamb who took your filth away with His blood. I NOW DECLARE THE BLOOD OF YAHSHUA MESSIAH ALL OVER THIS PLACE.

Oh the irony is on you, TheWalkingFox, I must say, this is right amusing for a midnight browse through while waiting for the good ole benadryl to kick in and take me to bed while i lose my nearsight vision attempting to read *breathes* stupid crap like this two minutes before thursday becomes friday in my timezone, gee I should really be asleep.

The end.


Onto part 2, God's Warriors!! Hoowaah!!

Okay, so warriors of God plays out in history in all religions. In the history of each and the history of their following, people end up taking it a bit too far and zealously attacking everyone who doesnt agree with them with weapons with intent to kill.

But isnt this all what truly want to do to each other deep down inside anyway? *shrugs*

Muslim Warriors for God are not good because they are offensive.

and likewise, Jewish Warriors for God are also not good, because they are offensive TEW.

So in the end, the only group of Warriors (*thinks of that old 80s cheesy metal song with the chorus line "dont forget the warriors!"*) worth joining are Christian Warriors. Because we are special and different, we are peaceful warriors. Kind of like in the same way that the Internal Chinese Martial Arts, such as Tai Chi Chuan, are peaceful, but can still be used to totally wreck you without hardly lifting a finger. However, no Tai Chi man would go seeking a fight. Likewise, a Christian Warriors!!!!!!!! of God should not seek out the people he doesnt like, but rather, wait for the person he doesnt like to find him and confront him, particularly the best is when he confronts him over his Christianness. Then the Christian Warrior, in his peaceful defense, can say a bunch of bad things about the guy, but is really only telling the truth.

Kinda like when you get thrown down on the floor by someone using Tai Chi, in the end you really hurt yourself, you created the intent to strike at him, and the force to strike him and inflict harm, but instead that force is harnessed against you in a defensive moment and you are left on the ground, embarassed, not understanding.

Yes, this is much like being school by a New Wave Gospel Sharp on the finer points of Christianity and Monotheism, particularly the worship of Jah, YHWH, Jehovah, Yahweh, and all the other names I dont even know in all the languages/religions that I could only hope to learn more about.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 12:19 AM
Why cant people in religion just accept the fact that not everyone is going to believe there beliefs and that some people just don't want anything to do with religion and think is a bunch of BS. Why do they always have to try and convert people via force or not?

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by empire_942
Why cant people in religion just accept the fact that not everyone is going to believe there beliefs and that some people just don't want anything to do with religion and think is a bunch of BS. Why do they always have to try and convert people via force or not?

I won't speak on behalf of religion. But as for My savior, who died willingly for every soul, including you, I will say that it is my duty to be His hands, feet, voice, eyes and ears while He's away. He teaches us to go and preach the good news to all creatures. Noone here is forcing anything on you, for if they were, well then you'd be converted. But there will come a time, for it is written, that you may be forced to receive a mark upon your head (mind) or hand (action/reverence) and terrible things will happen to anyone who receives or accepts the mark. I don't know you but I would not want you to go through something so terrible, it tears me to pieces inside to think of anyone having to go through the wrath.

There was a time when the Kingdom of Heaven was taken by force, but that time is no more, now we pray to be found worthy and pray for others such as yourself who, stand arms crossed, shaking their heads saying, uh uh, not gonna get me into everlasting life. I don't get it, and perhaps I might never, how people would flat out refuse an invitation of a lifetime by such a loving Creator.

So for now, as long as I'm still here, I will talk about these things to as many as I can, because "the night cometh when no man can work" (John 9:4)

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Elisha4Yah

Let's say there's a concert I really want to attend. REALLY want to attend. I bought the best seats, as early as I could, the prices were crazy. So I'm standing in line, clutching my ticket, bouncing on my feet the day the concert is supposed to happen... And what appears? A sign saying the concert is canceled, NO REFUNDS.

Me, I would demand to see the manager, bitch my head off, and work my butt off to get my money back.

You, apparently, would stay in place waiting for them to change their mind. For a few thousand years, apparently.

EVERY generation of your eternally perpetuating death-cult has been sure and determined that THEY are the ones who will get to see Jesus descend from heaven, kill off all those damned Jews with his sword-tongue, and then kill off the rest of the nonbelievers, casting them into a fiery, eternal torment, while you, loyal little dudes waiting in line for a thousand years, get to worship his bloody toes.

So far, it hasn't happened, and all that DOES happen is that your merry band of sadists keeps screaming at the rest of us about how doomed we are. Meanwhile the rest of us are wondering why, if this world is so evil and nasty and corrupt, and the afterlife is guaranteed to be so great, the while lot of you don't just march into the sea already like a bunch of lemmings. You'd be better off. WE would be better-off. Everyone would be happy. Take your kids, since you've already forced it into their impressionable little minds that everyone they know will be utterly destroyed and condemned to unfathomable torment except for them and the rest of the great white mass of "chosen"

Everyone who can hear your message, has heard your message, and your holy corpse on a stick who demands you drink his blood and eat his meat hasn't shown up to smite the rest of us yet. I think it's endgame, put up or shut up time for Christianity. You can't really squeeze in any more generations of terrorizing your own children into joining your suicide pact religion, after all.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:26 AM
Anyone who says they must fight physical battles for their God is in essence saying the one they serve is impotent. Wars will break out for political reasons, of course, but Jesus never told us to kill or harm anyone for His sake. In fact, He told us to be on our guard because we would be the ones with the tag on our toes. My God is not impotent. He says vengeance is His- not ours. "Be still and know that I am God." Ring a bell? Let's hope so.

As so the criticism "So where is He?" See: HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.

In short, Hosea said the Messiah would return on the "third day" after his ascension. When Peter was asked what was taking so long for Jesus to return he told his readers to be patient and that a day was like 1,000 years. This was in direct context with the time span of Jesus' return. Looking at the above links, you will see why they were sometimes misguided into thinking Christ could return any day by misunderstanding or being unaware of the prophecies. And if you look at Biblical prophecy, we are most definitely in "the time" as more prophecy has been fulfilled within the last 60 years than any other generation before us. Period.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:34 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

So they said sixty years ago.

And 120 years before that.

And seventy years before that.

All the way back to the days when you guys were main course at the coliseum.

[edit on 26-1-2008 by TheWalkingFox]

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

You forgot my favorite group: The date-setters. The ones who claim every current year as being the year the rapture will occur, when the tribulation will start, or when the Antichrist will rise. What do all these folks have in common? They don't know their Bible nor its prophecy.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox

So they said sixty years ago.

And 120 years before that.

And seventy years before that.

All the way back to the days when you guys were main course at the coliseum.

[edit on 26-1-2008 by TheWalkingFox]

II PETER 3:3 - Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation."

[edit on 26-1-2008 by defcon365]

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by AshleyD

Let me tell you about biblical prophecy. It comes in three versions.

1) Vague and / or generic. "Earthquakes, people will dislike you!"
2) Entirely self-creating. "The bible says Jesus will come if there's an Israel. Let's make a European colony and name it Israel!"
3) Just damn fake. Like all those Old Testament prophecies predicting Jesus that actually prophecy some dude named Emmanuel who is born and fills that prophecy within the same book containing that prophecy.

There's a trick to prophecy. The idea is to make a claim that seems a little extraordinary (Earthquakes are an event, not an everyday thing) but not SO extraordinary or specific as to prove you wrong (An 11 on the richter scale will smash Hoboken on May 2nd, 2003!). The idea here is that the earthquake happens, the prophecied events don't follow... so people hunker down to wait for the next earthquake. Again, and again, and again, generation after generation, waiting for "the one"

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I might have to classify you with the ones I mentioned above: Those who don't know diddley in terms of prophetic study. Yes, earthquakes and wars are vague. Read it again. In the original Greek if you are able. You will realize something a lot deeper than what seems so bland in English. Interesting stuff. Hint: "Ethnos" and the Jewish idiom for "nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom."

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 03:06 AM

Well one thing is certain, we are in the last days. The Word says that there will be scoffers and mockers in the last days. I'm just sad that you are one of them. You are also gnashing your teeth and if you continue it's a 100% guarantee that you will be weeping, when you see The Son of man returning in the clouds.

I don't know who has deceived you, or filled you with such hatred and anger and bitterness, but I know 'who' is behind all of that. I'm aware that the enemy goes about like a roaring lion devouring who he can and most lions are in sheeps clothing. But when it all comes down and it will, there will be noone to point your finger at when you are standing before the Lamb weeping because "you didn't know" when in fact as you state, "everyone has heard" and now your words are even recorded and witnessed that "you have heard, many times" and yet still you won't repent.

And as far as your story goes, you are going to miss the concert of the ages when the great "I AM" takes center stage and I promise you, you will wish you had taken that free ticket offered to you. I'm not going to "preach doom and hell" since you already know so much on it, but I will preach truth and love and good news because YOU still have a chance

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by Elisha4Yah
Well one thing is certain, we are in the last days. The Word says that there will be scoffers and mockers in the last days. I'm just sad that you are one of them.

there have been people who have "scoffed and mocked" religious ideas for quite a while now
remember good ol' mark twain? he was an atheist... hell, we've had em since ancient greece.

You are also gnashing your teeth and if you continue it's a 100% guarantee that you will be weeping, when you see The Son of man returning in the clouds.

that's a very arrogant statement to make

I don't know who has deceived you, or filled you with such hatred and anger and bitterness, but I know 'who' is behind all of that.

fox has hatred, anger, and bitterness? seriously?

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 06:21 AM
Does anyone know if there's a T & C against proselytizing? I thought there was, but I could be wrong.

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