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JFK Assassination - Was Officer Tippet Supposed to Have Killed Oswald?

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posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 03:50 PM
I've came up with a theory about the involvement of Officer Tippet in the plan to kill Kennedy that I hadn’t heard discussed before.

Most everyone agrees that the Kennedy assassination was a conspiracy and that Oswald had been framed to take the blame. Obviously the plan worked very well, but I'm certain that things didn't go exactly as planned. They had to deal with things as they happened. If something went wrong they had to make changes to put the plan back on track.

"No battle plan survives contact with the enemy." Helmuth von Moltke the Elder

Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby inside of a police station in front of media cameras and many witnesses. It's one thing to kill a man who has no protection sitting the back seat of an open convertible top car, but it is a far different thing to kill a man surrounded by police inside of a police station. I don't think killing Oswald in the police station was part of the plan. It was too risky.

There's been a lot of discussion about Oswald being a CIA agent. I believe that may have been the case. Whether it's true or not, Oswald wasn't going to play his part in the plan willingly. No one wants to be the patsy. Oswald was going to try to defend himself using everything he could think of and every resource available to him. After he was in custody he spoke very calmly and deliberately. He wasn't the idiot some people have tried to make him out to be. I'm sure that killing the patsy was all part of the plan, but I'll bet that the plan was to kill Oswald before he could say a word to anyone.

Officer Tippet was killed about a mile from Oswald's apartment. I think it might have been Tippet’s job to apprehend Oswald for the murder of the President and in the process silence him by being forced to shoot to kill. Tippet would have been a hero, but Oswald had probably already figured out that he had been set up to take the fall for Kennedy's murder. When Officer Tippet confronted him he fought back and Oswald won that battle.

Since their plan to kill Oswald had failied they had to come up with something else. Jack Ruby knew his mission was a one way trip. That's probably why he was chosen. I'm pretty sure he had cancer, and wasn't expected to live too long anyway. Someone had to silence Oswald, and Ruby was the best man they had to do it.

I thought I'd share this line of thinking and see whether anyone has anything they can add to it.

I wonder how things would be different today if the plan to kill Kennedy had been discovered and honest people in our Government had taken control. I'm a firm believer that ever since they killed our President in broad day light in front of hundreds of witnesses and got away with it that our country hasn't been the same.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by LazyGuy
When Officer Tippet confronted him he fought back and Oswald won that battle.

Interesting theory, but I would think that if that was the plan there wouldn't have been any kind of confrontation. Tippet would have already had his gun drawn and blazin' as soon as Oswald came into range.

I tend to lean more towards one of the theories presented in the movie JFK that "agents" were following Oswald and Tippet was lead to Oswald's location, solely for the purpose of his own murder, so the story against Oswald would be that much more damning. Good thinking outside the box though.

I don't think Oswald shot Tippet BTW (as stated).


[edit on 23-1-2008 by Dr Love]

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Jd Tippit(et?) has been one of the things that stand out to me in the whole assassination. From what I understand Oswald made it home, retrieved a hand gun then the next you hear about Oswald is that he shot JD.... Why not hide out your house? If you wanted so much attention why deny shooting president-if you wanted to get away why shoot a cop? Maybe I'm being unreasonable asking this questions of a delusional man but I think they are reasonable questions....

just to add-i agree with the above poster in that oswald did not shoot tippit. there is just something strange going on with this part of the story

[edit on 1/23/2008 by racerzeke]

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 04:28 PM
If i remember correctly Oswald owned a .38..(if you belive the photos).
And, if i remember correctly for many years a witness, Acquila Clemmons, who lived across the street from where it happened, said she saw two men approach Tippet, one fired 4 or 5 times and then the two ran off in opposite directions.

Theres also the anomoly of the two or three police radio communications mentioning a semi automatic pistol..oswald had a six shot .38.

Either way none of the bullets could be matched to any weapon.

Funnily enough, Acquila Clemmons, the only person to see TWO men, was never called to testify to the good ole Warren Commission.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 05:02 PM
One theory that I've considered is that Tippet was somehow involved, or an insider, or knew something he shouldn't have. Perhaps he came across a suspicious person on the Grassy Knoll that he knew and put two-and-two together. Maybe he was a 'plant' and stationed in the area?

When you look at the gunshot wounds, he was shot in the body several times and then shot in the head (according to the report). This sounds like an execution or contract killing where the person doing the job had to make sure the victim was dead.

I hurry to add that this is just a theory, because there's little else that suggests Tippet was anything but in the wrong place at the wrong time.

So, theorizing:
Maybe decided to ask for more money to keep quiet. When he went to pick up his pay-off, he was ambushed; written off as a liability.

There's some evidence that two guns were used and two men involved. There's also some evidence that the shells presented at trial were not those that were initialed at the scene by officer J.M. Poe.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:21 PM
I know that both witnesses to Tippit's shooting never ID'ed Oswald,so Johnson's boys killed him to make LHO look more gulity.That's my theory.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:25 PM
Well according to wikipedia a taxi driver saw what happened and identified Oswald as the shooter, but you know how reliable wiki can be.... What I dont get is how Oswald killed JFK-took a bus, taxi, walked home-then possibly safe he retrieved a hand gun then mysteriously ended up a mile away then approached a police car killing Tippit then only a short distance from his home decides to run into a crowded movie theater.......

anything odd?

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by racerzeke
no way in hell he did it,man,that's what bothered me about the Lone Gunman theory.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Richard Hoagland actually published in "Dark Mission" a bit (complete with photos) about the assassination. He does not doubt that Oswald was in the book depository, nor that he was shooting. He does entertain the possibility of a second (at least) shooter on the good 'ol grassy knoll. This possible shooter appears behind a concrete barrier on the aforementioned landscape feature, dressed as a Dallas police officer, sans hat. He also postulated that this officer's physical description was very close to, or matching, Tippit's. Now wouldn't it be a hoot if Tippit was the employee of some shadowy government entity, and was sent to Oswald (to die) to clean up the backtrail?
Interesting theory, Mr. Hoagland.

[edit on 23/1/08 by cbianchi513]

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:42 PM
its hard to say anymore.. i was 8 at the time.. my memory is gettting fuzzy .

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:50 PM
That's quite a theory there cbianchi513, I dont know it just seems that every connects to everything else but it's hard to put together of course as it was so long ago.

I also heard a theory that Tippit had a resemblance to Oswald, I forget everything past that of course that doesnt help much but maybe one can research it a bit more

I also find it odd that Tippit is searching for someone who possibly assassinated the POTUS and yet he doesnt approach him with his weapon drawn

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:53 PM

Originally posted by cbianchi513
Richard Hoagland actually published in "Dark Mission" a bit (complete with photos) about the assassination. He does not doubt that Oswald was in the book depository, nor that he was shooting. He does entertain the possibility of a second (at least) shooter on the good 'ol grassy knoll. This possible shooter appears behind a concrete barrier on the aforementioned landscape feature, dressed as a Dallas police officer, sans hat. He also postulated that this officer's physical description was very close to, or matching, Tippit's. Now wouldn't it be a hoot if Tippit was the employee of some shadowy government entity, and was sent to Oswald (to die) to clean up the backtrail?
Interesting theory, Mr. Hoagland.

[edit on 23/1/08 by cbianchi513]
humm,well perhaps LBJ and his backers sent Tippit after LOH when the DPD failed to catch him at Dealy Plaza.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 09:07 PM
I neglected to mention: the photo evidence of Hoagland's theory was referred to as the Mary Mooreman (sp?) photo, and there was film too. The film was from the opposite side of the street as Zapruder, and facing the grassy knoll. It was known as the Mary Muchmore film- as (I think) a nod to the stills by Mary Mooreman. I'd find them online here, but I have a date with an XBox 360 and my little brother. Happy hunting! Be back later.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by racerzeke

I also heard a theory that Tippit had a resemblance to Oswald, I forget everything past that

Think so?

Closer match to Kennedy if you're looking for comparisons.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 09:45 PM
My mistake it probably was Kennedy then- nice job
He sure does look like him... Any theory or relevance with the whole case do you think?

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by Badge01
When you look at the gunshot wounds, he was shot in the body several times and then shot in the head (according to the report). This sounds like an execution or contract killing where the person doing the job had to make sure the victim was dead.

I've always been curious about the Tippet murder, but I've never came across too many details. If he was shot that many times it sure suggests that whoever did it wanted to make sure he was dead.

My theory still holds. It would make sense for Oswald to make sure of the kill. A wounded man would be able to tell his handlers about whatever happened between them. He might be albe to give details that would make it easier for Oswald to be found. Witnesses to Tippet's murder weren't as important since none of them actually knew who the shooter was.

[edit on 23-1-2008 by LazyGuy]

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 04:12 AM
none of the witnesses knew the shooters, but they still saw them...Acquila Clemmons states she saw TWO men, one short and stocky (who SHOT Tippet) and one tall and skinny, probabley Odwald..

The stocky guy shot Tippet and then waved to Oswald as if to say "Dont come near me, get lost or go" the two then parted company, in opposite directions, the stocky guy apparantly unloading and reloading his gun in the process.

A funny thing, while watching a movie clip of the Dallas Police Dept announcing that Oswald has "EXPIRED" i.e has died, he states that oswald "expired" at

Exactly the same time he enters the Texas Movie Theatre..1.07pm
Exactly the same time he allegedy shoots Tippet..1.07pm

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 04:53 AM

Originally posted by racerzeke
Well according to wikipedia a taxi driver saw what happened and identified Oswald as the shooter, but you know how reliable wiki can be.... What I dont get is how Oswald killed JFK-took a bus, taxi, walked home-then possibly safe he retrieved a hand gun then mysteriously ended up a mile away then approached a police car killing Tippit then only a short distance from his home decides to run into a crowded movie theater.......

anything odd?

It's all to keep up the co-incidental similarities to the Lincoln assassination!

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:13 PM
I think Ruby was in on it and didn't want Oswald to prove his innocence in the court, so he shot him. also i don't think officer tippet would have been the man that was supposed to kill Oswald. I don't think Oswald ever even had contact with officer tippet and definitely didn't kill him. Oswald may have been part of the whole scheme but did not take part in the shooting of anyone.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:29 PM
Just came upon an interesting factoid. In the 'JFK Chronology' file, dated timeline March 27, 1953

From a .pdf file authored by Ira David Wood III

Arthor John Armstrong writes that there are actually TWO Oswalds. One of them is referred to as Lee and the other is referred to as Harvey. Dr. Kurian describes Oswald as being 4’6” tall in March of 1953. Yet by May of 1953, Lee Oswald in Fort Worth, Texas measures 5’4”. Warren Commission records show Oswald attended only 24 days of school through May 7, 1953. New York School records show him attending 109 days of school in the seventh grade. Armstrong asks if these might be records for two different Oswalds.

I think this is one of the earliest, if not the first mention of a common theme. There were so many 'Oswalds' it's almost ridiculous.

Here's a site that shows the many faces of Oswald:

It discusses the research of John Armstrong (above quoted) to determine the identity of Oswald.

I'm not necessarily supporting this author's conclusions. Decide for yourself.

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