posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_
_BoneZ_ your a big fan of posting that youtube video with the 48 angles of approach. Why don't you post it again so people can see all the different
angles the plane flies in at. It is a great video. Sometimes the plane comes in on high, sometimes it comes in at a horizontal approach., in one or
two it even comes in from low flying upwards.
You cite this video alot but ignore the implications of it citing that different camera angles make the plane appear to fly differently... You may
have an engineering degree but your understanding of video is lacking. You should educate yourself in that department.
I still have trouble understanding how you think no planes exist in shanksville and the pentagon yet you insist that planes hit the WTC. Why man?
Because you saw it on TV? You have no physical proof of it. You have planes parts that landed in New York as neatly as the terrorists passports, 2 ton
engines placed neatly into place, No scarping no scars of in the roads or side walks, Heck those plane parts did not even burn the ground when they
landed yet you INSIST that planes were used there but only there....
Its like a dark truth you can't bring yourself to entertain lest everyone really be that easily dooped yourself included.
Go ahead man, Explain to me why the engine parts that "crashed" left no collateral damaged as they scraped to a halt. Explain to me how the flew
under awnings and inbetween poles leaving no trail.
Explain that one away.