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I just watched ENDGAME

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posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by Fada126
in one way it sounds credible cause youd have a hard time making this stuff up,but then logic comes into play....

But it doesn't have to be real. Nazi science was founded on some of the most insane techno-Satanic cultish beliefs in history. What matters is not whether or not we believe it but whether or not the PERPETRATOR believes it. It is the motivation of the criminal that matters when we understand a crime. This helps us understand and identify signature, and leads on to an analysis of how modus operandi furthers their real objectives, their real desires. No matter how delusional and repugnant those desires might be.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by DogHead
But it doesn't have to be real. Nazi science was founded on some of the most insane techno-Satanic cultish beliefs in history. What matters is not whether or not we believe it but whether or not the PERPETRATOR believes it. It is the motivation of the criminal that matters when we understand a crime. This helps us understand and identify signature, and leads on to an analysis of how modus operandi furthers their real objectives, their real desires. No matter how delusional and repugnant those desires might be.

Nazi science was founded on satanic cultish beliefs???? Do you have any links so I can check that claim out?What amazes me is that all the people who spout this nonsense would not in a million years pass there own test, look at hitler, hardly a poster boy for any advanced race,and geurinn, the fat bas****, look at the state of em, how can they blow that kinda crap outta there mouths and follow such idiotic policies, and as for the bunch of old men in ENDGAME who are apparently in charge of the world, they gotta be knockin on deaths door! now if they were seven feet tall and built like a brick # house then they could conceviably argue there point, but as is no way!

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 05:28 AM
I thought it was by this point more or less a settled fact that Hitler and the other Nazis grew from the fertile pagan soil of the turn of the twentieth century pan-Germanism movement and its related faddish vegetarian and environmentalist offshoots... In particular though, if we do not accept as read that Hitler was an occultist- all of his friends and associates were.

I will start a separate thread.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by TheoOne
Why is Alex Jones still alive or not kidnapped by the government?
If he's still alive, then he must be talking B/S......
Why do you think Martin Luther King Jr is dead? For speaking truth, right?
[edit on 24-1-2008 by TheoOne]

Wait a minute, thats a good point... though I really think Alex Jones rocks and is bringing up a variety of valid truths.

Anyone see the southpark where Bush admits to 9/11, but at the end you find out he only admits it because he wants us to think the Government is all powerful when they are not. I still think they're behind 9/11, but you see my point?

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 06:29 PM
I want to watch it...........BUT........I am on 56K modem dial-up. I am a single mom, dealing with odd the modern illness of FIbro Myalgia and my income is not conducive to cable internet..... and getting large downloads takes forever.

I even miss out on podcasts

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Fada126

LOL..have you seen Bush..Hillary...Kerry??? Have you listened to Bush????Sounds pretty retarded to me...and Hillary..inbred He/She?It.
And Kerry..had a member here post "he looks like Frankenstein...LOL

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by gingerly

LOL..have you seen Bush..Hillary...Kerry??? Have you listened to Bush????Sounds pretty retarded to me...and Hillary..inbred He/She?It.
And Kerry..had a member here post "he looks like Frankenstein...LOL

LOL!! At least they look human!I'm talkin bout the kinda inbreeding that makes you look like a chernobel baby!which i thought was he common thing to happen to these kids

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by vision

Is that the one where they see the conspiracy guy havin a coffee after he got shot!!very good!brings up a point as to how far the government will go to decieve you!

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
I want to watch it...........BUT........I am on 56K modem dial-up. I am a single mom, dealing with odd the modern illness of FIbro Myalgia and my income is not conducive to cable internet..... and getting large downloads takes forever.

I even miss out on podcasts

I also suffer from that(i dont like, but i didn wanna make ya feel left out
)can ya rent it anywhere in your area?how much is internet in america, Broadband is cheaper in Ireland than dial up, way cheaper!go to local college and use there computers to torrent it!

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 07:45 PM

I juste watched ENDGAME.....i mean WOW, my eyes are wide open now! we need a plan!

Take a look at these films to....!

Arron Russu Interview

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:29 PM
Yeah, I also just seen ENDGAME and that was the main reason I joined this site. It was a very good film, but my outlook on the world changed after seeing this.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Fada126

LOL..I have seen some post here about them all being reptilian shape shifters..LMBO!! I dont buy into the shape shifter thing (sounds like exercise equipment to me) BUT the euginics IS real..It is sick and the part that sickens me most is how many churches pushed it!!! As a Christian this just sickened me!!

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by Achilles 13

My internet is over its download cap at the moments and one of those streams was over an hour long, i think ill just torrent it or something, iv heard the russo interview only yesterday, damn rokerfellers!

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by The Keeper
Yeah, I also just seen ENDGAME and that was the main reason I joined this site. It was a very good film, but my outlook on the world changed after seeing this.

I dont really buy into some of it, but the world government thing scares the crap out of me, things (half)work the way they are now, why rock the boat, people need to tell there politicians that!

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by gingerly
reply to post by Fada126

LOL..I have seen some post here about them all being reptilian shape shifters..LMBO!! I dont buy into the shape shifter thing (sounds like exercise equipment to me) BUT the euginics IS real..It is sick and the part that sickens me most is how many churches pushed it!!! As a Christian this just sickened me!!

Shapeshifters!!!! I know your supposed to keep an open mind but sometimes people make that so difficult (says the fella who thinks a new world regime is gonna come to power, sounds crazy when you say it out loud!)
I wouldn be sayin your a fan of religion on this site at all, i mean some of the posts here are VERY anti religion, i'm a chatolic myself, but only in name, dont go to mass or anything yet i still hate rangers(its an irish thing)I can remember reading something before about how the english practiced eugenics on the irish during the famine, although the term wasnt coined at that stage, i just find it hard to wrap my head around there apparant goal of splitting humans into two species ,and then they go and travel the cosmos!

[edit on 24-1-2008 by Fada126]

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by TheoOne
Why is Alex Jones still alive or not kidnapped by the government?

If he's still alive, then he must be talking B/S......

Why do you think Martin Luther King Jr is dead? For speaking truth, right?

[edit on 24-1-2008 by TheoOne]

King was murdered for ideological reasons, not because he was exposing secret s of the state or/and the elite. Im sure it takes a lot more than what alex jones does be victim of political assassination.
Alex jones isnt present on the mainstream media and if he does, he'll be regarded as a lunatic and most of his claims will be brushed away.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 01:17 PM
The movie is pretty good. He points to a lot of interesting details. SCary stuff.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by imdeceived

scary is right, no one seems to know or care that this sh-it is happening right under our noses!

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Fada126

I dont really buy into some of it, but the world government thing scares the crap out of me, things (half)work the way they are now, why rock the boat, people need to tell there politicians that!

I don't believe everything in the film myself, every story has two sides. I am sure the film was more one sided then it should have been. But still it makes a compelling statement.

posted on Jan, 26 2008 @ 01:23 AM
What a load of b0llocks.
This is just another nutjob trying to convince the world that his 'view' is how things really are. All 'conspiracy' theories are basically the same. Don't misunderstand me here - questioning the status-quo is our job. It's what we're here for - but ascribing to this rubbish is merely a declaration that you do not spend your waking hours doing a great deal of thinking.

These theories will attempt to find collusion and conspiracy amongst all number of differing events and occurrences from around the world in history and feebly 'tie' them together to make an argument that is 'convincing'.

All you have to know is what human nature is. We are innately greedy, and we instinctively want to survive. Work it out.

That said, who's for a 'national education curriculum'? Who thinks it's a good idea to have the same laws across an entire country? It makes sense, doesn't it? Why, the decrease of paperwork alone would save $millions.. ;-)

Now imagine that you are an envoy from Earth aboard an interplanetary craft, and that you are landing on a 'civilised' planet the population of which you would like to befriend and perhaps trade with.

Imagine if you had landed in the other planet's equivalent of Iraq. Imagine if you had landed in the other planet's equivalent of Sudan? I think you can see where I'm heading.

Wouldn't you expect an 'alien planet' to have some sort of cohesion and similarity of government? Wouldn't you then extrapolate that to expect the land areas of Earth to have rights and privileges that have some sort of similarity all over the planet?

'One World Government' is inevitable. The only debatable aspect of it is will it be egalitarian and will it be for the benefit of the population, or will it consist of a bunch of stupid capitalists who enslave the bulk of the population?

Geez... considering over 80% of the population are 'really nice people', who do you think will dominate?
Sure, there will be nasty despots popping up, but can they defend themselves against you?

There is only one reason to live, and here it is:

Be the nicest person you possibly can be.


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