posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Ent of the peoplez
Is the idea that you belong to a country the exact opposite of what god intended?
We are told all governments come from God. This does not mean they are always godly but that He desires order, structure, and a hierarchy. But he also
despises corrupt governments that exploit the people so He issued a fail safe: "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's."
In essence, submit to authority unless it contradicts God. Government is never above God. We are also told to pray for those in authority. Governments
are acceptable but not if they place themselves above God.
Another irony is that people think that they can be god's "warriors".
Very true. We are referred to as the light of the world, not the batons. A light meekly shines while doing it's job. It's passive. A baton is used
to beat people over the head. We aren't supposed to do that. lol Vengeance is His. God is not impotent and doesn't need our help.
[edit on 1/22/2008 by AshleyD]