posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 12:10 PM
Can we please get some video from a website that doesn't completely compress the videos? Please, if you have footage, mail it to me and if it's
worth anyone's time, I'll pay for you to upload it to a quality video hosting website.
Until then, every one of you "reptilian hunters" stop acting like you're doing some breakthrough research by typing in keywords in the YouTube
search bar.
Two facts of life:
1) YouTube compresses their videos, and therefore, pixelizes and decreases the quality
2) Some people are ugly
Neither one of those two facts proves the existence of "reptilians"
Did it ever occur to any of you that maybe, just maybe, HUMANS are striving to control the planet? Why does it have to be some shape-shifting alien
reptilian race from another galaxy that lives underground in hollow Earth with soul catchers on the Moon that is really an artificial satellite?
WHY is all of that necessary?
Say that certain humans are rich and power hungry, point out historical facts and trends, and let those speak for you. Stop getting so damn carried
away and trying to think up the grandest strangest theory thinking you're one of only a few in the world that are "in the know", and therefore
special or enlightened, about this non-existent imaginary reptilian threat.
And by the way, I've seen both of those videos on here before. They weren't proof the first four hundred times they were posted, and they aren't
proof now.