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What is the relevance of 117? Help Please.

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posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 07:16 PM
I started noticing the number 117 in various movies and games over the last few months. Any numerology folks or others that know if there is symbolism associated with this number. Thanks for any help you can forward to me on this?

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 07:32 PM
Not sure it has any relevance.

Well, not to the NWO Board anyways..

[edit on 21-1-2008 by Smugallo]

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 07:43 PM
I thought that since I was seeing it in various movies and even HALO 3 that there might be some meaning associated with it. Could just be me making a connection where none exists to anyone else. Someone suggested I read Psalm 117, the shortest psalm in the bible.

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Ever seen the movie Number 23?

posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 08:26 PM
During Holographic Kinetics, we ask the persons' Spirit if the overall frequency is 119 or 117, if its 119, we ask it to switch it to 117 as its a positive frequency, where as 119 is negative.


posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 05:04 AM
What is holographic kinetics?

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 05:34 AM

Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics An advanced Aboriginal healing Modality understanding the ancient past knowledge of Lore, and the balance of nature through the cycles man calls time and it recognises the life force in all living things as a spirit and knows how to communicate and can assist to clear its trauma from the spirits cycles of time, Dreamtime Healing acknowledges man as a multidimensional being in a mulitdimensional world and can access and clear dimensions of reality and other dimensional forces that at times invades the space of man creating voices in the head , multiple personalities, compulsive disorders and more. Holographic kinetics is the science behind this knowledge and the future to healing the mentally imbalanced.

Last year Steve was awarded the 2005 life awards from suicide prevention Australia and was also nominated for the 2005 human rights medal awards as a recognition for turning suicides around within Aboriginal communities with Dreamtime Healing using Holographic Kinetics.

Steve has been asked to go into the high security prisons for the mentally insane, where he has obtained results with clients in one session, where nothing else tried had worked.

Dreamtime Healing is an ancient art of LORE [universal knowledge]known by the Australian Aboriginal's for over 40,000 years and ignored by western sosciety. Holograpic Kinetics is the science behind that knowledge which transcends dimension of reality and time.

Dreamtime Healing sees man as a multi-dimensional being in a multi-dimensional world, consisting of a spirit , soul and a physical, all seperate and each can store its own trauma. it recognizes that all living things have a life force we call spirit, trees, rocks water, animals humans, this Earth and more.

Holographic Kientics has trained over 200 students how to access the spirit of any living thing, as only the spirit knows, how, where, when and why an internal created reality was created, it teaches how to assist the spirit of the client to step out of this dimension and move back through time into a dimension where trauma was first created and how to assist the spirit of that client to enfold space/time upon that dimension, which in turn changes the effect

It also recognises how drugs , alcohol, some medication , trauma, invoking, rituals, initiations and other events can open wormholes into other dimensions of reality, resulting in voices in the head, multiple personalities, compulsive disorders and more as symptoms. Holographic Kinetics teaches how to bring these invading forces to the surface and using LORE make changes to those dimensions and remove the invaders safely, so they cannot jump into others. The results no more voices in the head no more self harm no more attempted suicide etc.

Holographic Kinetics has the ability to assist to access the cause of self harm and attempted suicides, usually in one session preventing that desire continueing.

Holographic kinetics can stop the repeat offenders and more within the prison system as it assists to access the stuck in time cycles that are resposible for the repeat patterns of the crimes of man.

All things are first set up in the invisible as cause and transmute into the visible as effect.
Holographic Kinetics is the future from the Dreamtime of the past.

Teaching is available; [email protected]

Website is down at the moment, but its

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 06:35 AM
An element was the first thing that came to mind, so -

according to Wiki, maybe it's element 117, which is ununseptium, an as yet undiscovered element. The Russians plan to synthesize it and the speculation is that it may be a semi-metal.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Smugallo
What is holographic kinetics?

New age clap trap that further proves Barnum was right.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 05:23 PM
Thanks for the replies so far, I'm trying to remember which movies that I've viewed recently that contained the number. more than one had it on an apartment door.

For those of you that have some of these movies, check and see if it's there the next time you watch one:
Live Free or Die Hard,
Shoot 'em Up (Which sucked by the way)
Death Sentence
The Simpson's Movie
Pirates - At World's End
Conspiracy Theory (1996)
Heroes (I can't remember the episode but with in the last partial season)
Halo 3 (Ending Cinematic)
This is a partial list of a few of the shows and I'm not sure which ones contained the number.

If you've seen 117 in another show or game please let me know.

(FYI) Haven't seen 23, any good?

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 09:44 PM
Well 117 adds up to 9 if you seperate it. 9 is quite significant I have come to learn in the last few weeks. Do a google search for "Vortex Mathematics". There was a website up when I first heard about this that explained it all very well. For some reason now I cannot get that website to load. I did find a video explaining it the other day that I sent to my cousin. I would look into it, it is pretty interesting.

posted on Jan, 22 2008 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by sputniksteve
Well 117 adds up to 9 if you seperate it. 9 is quite significant I have come to learn in the last few weeks. Do a google search for "Vortex Mathematics". There was a website up when I first heard about this that explained it all very well. For some reason now I cannot get that website to load. I did find a video explaining it the other day that I sent to my cousin. I would look into it, it is pretty interesting.

P.S. I thought Shoot'em up was great btw
but i know others that share your opinion.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:14 AM
a have not come across the numbers 117 or 119

1+1+7 = 9 117-9=108 = 12x9

1+1+9 = 11 119- 11=108 = 12x9


It would seem that both these numbers share the same natual value.

Interesting... in music once you reach the 12th note there is
no where to go but to the next octave and start back at one again.
the same thing with the 7th note of a scale
so in music, both the 7 and the 12 are the last step before reaching the octave.

so both 117 and 119 show that 11 or 1:1 as in
genesis 1:1 "In The Begining" lead to the "9" and
start over again at the one

in music and in vortex math , in the end the result is always 9 or a multiple or division of 9.

this may be another sign to show us that our reality is approaching

heres that vortex math site with Marko Rodin

[edit on 23-1-2008 by Maya432]

[edit on 23-1-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:12 PM
Revelations 1:17
When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: "Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last

Revelations 1:19
"Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 01:03 AM
Not sure about 117, but I've seen 17 a couple of times. There's a movie Paprika which has alot of 17's link, and a song named Seventeen with some interesting lyrics, link. And here's a bunch more 17 stuff.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by MrMicrophone
I thought that since I was seeing it in various movies and even HALO 3 that there might be some meaning associated with it. Could just be me making a connection where none exists to anyone else. Someone suggested I read Psalm 117, the shortest psalm in the bible.

The significance of "117" scratched into the tail-fin of the Pelican dropship at the end of HALO 3 is the Arbiter's way of memorializing Master Chief.

The HALO series is heavy with Biblical references, the Ark and the Flood being the most easily identified. As another example, the leaders of the Covenant are the Prophets, but as you learn in the course of the series, they are False Prophets, teaching the aligned alien races lies.

Master Chief's name and designation are references as well. Cortana refers to Master Chief as "John" in HALO 3's epilogue. 117 is his Spartan designation number. Other HALO-related media refers to Master Chief was John-117 or Spartan-117.

John 1:17 says:

For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came about through Jesus Christ.

The analogy of Master Chief and Jesus is purposeful. Like Jesus is supposed to be our savior, Master Chief is not only the savior of the human race, but every intelligent species in the galaxy, saving us from both the Flood and the HALOs. Like Jesus, Master Chief "dies" in the end to save us. When we last see him, he is suspended-animation chamber, which can easily be seen as a tomb. His last words to Cortana are, "Wake me, when you need me." He promises to return, just as Jesus promised his disciples to return, when he is needed.

But what does this passage mean specifically, as it relates to Master Chief?

As you see in the series, "grace" and "truth" come through Master Chief. It is through his actions that help reveal the truth of the HALOs and the Prophets' lies; his actions help free the Elites from their religious slavery, and perhaps eventually the entirity of the Covenant will be free as well. It is the revelation of truth that helps save humanity, as the Elites become our allies against the Covenant.

There are two meanings to "grace." One of the defintions of grace is: the the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God. In the series, Master Chief gives of himself freely, risking his life multiple times to save not just humanity, but the galaxy, never asking for anything in return. Another definition of grace is the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them. As the game progresses, Master Chief becomes an inspiration to those serving under and beside him. Everyone holds him in awe, not just because he is a Spartan, but because of his accomplishments in the war. We often see soldiers rally around him, his appearance strengthening their resolve, where moments before they were beaten and demoralized.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Maya432

Rodin = Plaigarist

anyone else find flaws in his "system"

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 03:36 PM
432 = The Cosmic Key (Sun) (Also old music frequency)
234 = The mirror of 432

432 + 234 = 666
216 + 117 = 333

posted on Feb, 29 2008 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by Maya432


the mathematical/numerological proof is accepted.

there is no rational however as to why you would jump to the irrational substraction to get a visual result that looks conducive to the eye.
Your statement per se is complete

kiss - keep it simple.
so is the kabbalah as well, consiered the source of todays numerology.
numbers taken out of the 'misperception' in the dualistic sense carry the balanced imprint of the form/motionless (inertia) of the original frequency.

just a thought...
dr. rainbowtide

posted on Mar, 1 2008 @ 10:08 AM
And 117 is a Pentagonal number.

Maybe 117 is also related to the Stealth Nighthawk

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