posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 12:13 PM
Hey there everyone, theoretically & imo, it doesn't seem unreasonable to suppose that someone, somewhere, @ sometime'll be able to produce some type
of authentic proof of an et presence here on earth. If/when this is achieved, that someone could properly (with all bases covered) release just enough
to get the attention of those that are truely concerned. Perhaps then that someone's fortune'll be made with the bargaining chip of "how much'll
you pay me to make this a hoax"? In the meantime, the few independants that thoroughly scrutinize the the released proof'll probably have to admit
to themselves that they honestly can't say for certain one way or the other. Unless one is THE producer who's willing to risk everything for perhaps
nothing(huge gamble here), the rest of us witnessing the proof'll only be rewarded with a simultaneous sense of doubt on the one hand, & awe on the
other. If there's anything to be produced in the way of proof, & if it's possible to even get it, who'll be the 1st to risk it all getting &
distributing it; YOU?