Well, I have to call shenanigans on this one for a few reasons.
addressing the videos themselves, I find it hard to believe that these could have been shot by a military photographer or a film nut from that era.
They are shot in a very haphazard manner, there are random cuts from shot to shot and none of the shots really give you an open look to the room or
what is really going on, you see a lot of headshots, glowing eyes, but no bodies, I know if I was shooting a roomful of aliens, I would try and
document as much as I could, I probably wouldn't even bother to stop the film unlike whoever shot this who appeared to be stopping it and moving
every few seconds... Now it could be edited afterwords, but if that was the case, the original film would have a whole lot of splice tape on it unless
it was transfered to a new reel which would have been a process in itself. Even so, you would probably still see a few of the splices. Or, the guy who
bought this, after getting it onto his computer could have edited it, but if that's the case, why?
Next, the quality of the film itself. Man, if this is a real piece of film, it has been treated like crap. Most old footage I have seen from the
40's-60's doesn't look nearly this bad, my family has old 16mm and 8mm films galore and the worst stuff is either from the 20's or my dads kmart
super 8 from the 70's. You would think that again, something this huge would be treated with a bit more respect. Now the hairs and random blobs I can
deal with, but the scratches make it look like they have run this thing through a broken or super dirty projector about twenty times. How did this guy
transfer it? It definitely isn't projected on a wall and recorded, does he have a transfer box of some sort? An affection for old film? What is his
background I wonder?
As for it being harder to fake old film, no not so much... Where I work we have a synergy 2 video switcher that has an old film generator for
production use. It has a range from the early 1900's to vhs and is pretty good for a realtime dve effect. it will add random hairs, blobs, film
jitter, scratches, and oversaturation to a perfectly clear video to make it appear it was shot years ago. It isn't perfect, but it's realtime, and
the randomizer works pretty dang well. With post production these days, you could do all those things and more and all you really need is a copy of
after effects. To me, it looks like someone went overboard with the scratches thinking it would make it more effective.
Here's a good example of the old film look. check out the grain, the scratches,
and the jitter when the picture starts to roll down a bit, look familiar?
Here's another.
Just search old film effect on youtube. there's a ton more.
Now as for the story, I'm not buying it. So a woman sells her fathers things in a trunk and doesn't even bother taking the money out? I mean, it
didn't look like much currency really, a couple bucks from each country, but to sell that with the box? Also, has she no desire to keep old photos of
him? Apparently one of the photos said "daddy with so and so", I'm guessing the marine didn't write that, so the daughter must have known what was
in the box. She didn't just sell it blind, This whole thing seems fabricated. I can see selling the helmet, hat, coat, projector, and cameras, but
the photos, films, and money seem like something you'd hang on to. Especially the photo she marked...
The blinking alien was cool, but the others did look pretty cheesy, and the whole *removal?* from the human scene just looked staged in the way it was
Eh, that's my opinion, it isn't exactly damning, but I for one can't buy this as real.