posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 08:17 AM
Hi All,
Just wanted to report a sighting I (and 5 others) had on New Years eve this year in Chester UK.
We all went out at midnight to watch the fireworks that were going off, when I saw an orange ball of light flying towards us, below the cloud cover.
As it got near us it veered off, straightened up, then faded out. The sighting lasted about 4 minutes. After another 5 minutes, it came back on the
same flight path, did the same manoeuvre and faded out again.
We continued watching for another half an hour or so but it never came back.
I used to be in the Air Training Corps and have done plane recognition courses, but this was not a plane. I deliberately watched to see if I could see
navigation lights, red, green, and white strobes but none were present.
A few days later a letter appeared in the local paper saying that lots of people had sighted UFOs that night over Chester. I emailed the person who
wrote in, but as of yet have received no reply.
I did try and film on my mobile, but it never came out as i think my camera on my phone is not good.