posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:20 PM
The best assault rifle is definitely....the one you bring to the party. No matter if its 7.62x39, .223, .308, 6.8SPC, whatever, if you can't hit
squat with it you won't be playing for very long.
I can hit pie plates well beyond 100 meters all day with my old CETME, but its heavy and very loud. I would want it in a long-range scenario
though, in case I need to reach out and touch somebody. Both of my AKs can hit pie plates to maybe 100 meters on the best day, but they're a breeze
to shoot and I can make follow-up shots much quicker with the milder round. I'm bringing an AK to a shootout in dense woods, urban terrain, or other
tight area since it points and carries so much easier.
The newer, sexier rifles get all the press these days. I'll admit I am very interested in acquiring an AR rifle in .260 caliber, but no matter what
you're using its just a tool. The guy that consistently shoots and maintains an old beat-up AK47 will prevail over some dude with a showroom-new AR15
that sits in the gun safe all year.
[edit on 2/11/08 by ConserVet]
[edit on 2/12/08 by ConserVet]