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Dr. Steven Greer - Mr. Greer Has Informed Us He Will Not Do The Interview

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posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 05:12 PM
Mr. Greer has informed us he will not

participate. Draw your own conclusions.


The ATSMIX Team has the opportunity soon to interview Dr. Steven Greer.

In 1993, Greer founded the Disclosure Project, with the intention of de-classifying and disclosing all information on UFO and extraterrestrial-related issues the group alleges the U.S. government has classified and kept secret.

The Disclosure Project is a nonprofit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret.

Please visit the sites below for more information about Dr. Greer

The Disclosure Project

This is a thread solely for members to submit questions for Dave and Johnny to ask Dr. Greer, it is not a discussion or debate thread. PLEASE KEEP YOUR POSTS CIVIL.

[edit on 3/22/2008 by Dave Rabbit]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 05:49 PM
My questions for Steven Greer:

Will we ever be able to break open the black projects? How can we break open something that is unacknowledged?

How will we be able to recognize a false flag operation? like Dr. Carol Rosin explained.
I'm sure they will try when the world doesn't believe the terror excuse anymore.
And what can we do about it?

I'm convinced that the New World Order and UFO technology are related.
Same people, same criminals.
I'm also pretty convinced UFO/Energy technologies are in Corporate control and not in complete military control. ( which is also the case for politics obviously )

How will we ever break free from this corporate terrorists that control medical and energy technologies to save this planet.

How can we ( the people ) ever take control back on what is happening in space programs?

Thanks for your effort. Continue your journey of peace and truth.
You got my support.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:53 PM
Why has the government failed to release a statement supporting your statement to this day?

I feel that when a large body of credible, former Government employees come forth saying that alien visitation is a reality, the media should have extensive coverage of such an event. Why is the mainstream media ignoring the biggest story of all time in favor of Britney Spears?

Discounting hoaxes, do you feel that most UFO cases are visitors from other planets, extra-dimensional beings, both, or something else entirely?

In your book Hidden Truth: Forbidden Knowledge you tell stories of communicating directly with the visitors. Has this communication been ongoing, and if so what have they said?

thank you for taking the time to talk with ATS

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 10:57 PM
What is the reason for the seeming extreme secrecy surrounding CSETI? Why don't CSETI have any photos or footage of their various UFO encounters available online? Is there some sort of good reason for them to be keeping such a low profile?

Can Dr. Greer go into some detail as to what CSETI has in terms of evidence, and is he willing to share any of it with us?

Whose decision was it to post the Orb/Rod/"Mothra" photographs last year, Dr. Greer's or Mrs. Foch's? And why those rather silly (and damaging!!!) pictures, and not photos of mile-wide ET spacecrafts and EBEs etc?

What is happening with the promised Open Contact with a G7 country, which was already "imminent" in February of last year?

What's happening right now with AERO and the Potomac Energy Project? When does Dr. Greer expect to be able to disclose a "generation 1" new energy device?

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 01:27 AM
Ok first thank you very much for this opportunity. The Disclosure Project changed my perspective on ufos forever.

First, in the video interviews of TDP at the end some 'ufo' footage is used. Part of it is from Billy Meier. Are you, mr Greer, supporting it as being legit?

Second question, I see certain ufologists coming back on tv shows such as Larry King live about the subject, people like Steven Basset. Have you tried being part of certain shows? Have you really tried to appear and promote TDP on the air?

Third, it is now 2008, you said that by that time we would have a major government set contact with ETs, seeing as how it 'failed' are you still willing to try to make such an event a reality?

Thanks a million.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 01:36 AM
I would like to ask Dr Greer about the G8 country contact that was spoken about and what is the future for actual goverment disclosure around the world including Australia and the UK.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 01:46 AM
Mr. Greer, I'm curious if any of your associates or perhaps even those at CSETI visit and post at

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 02:47 AM
Dr. Greer. I am very familiar with the Disclosure Project and have written letters to Harry Reid D-NV on the matter, had petitions signed, sent e-mails, and made a few phone calls to his office. Nothing. Not one reply, not even a "get off my back you nut" statement. my efforts to point him in the direction of your organization and the evidence and testimony obtained by your organization seems to have fallen on deaf ears. I have made to him very compelling statements of the nature of said witnesses and evidence and still, nothing.

I'm sure this is a reaching question, but do you have contact with members of congress today? And is Senator Reid one of them? He is the Majority leader if I remember correctly.

Also, why do you suppose Congress and the Media have said so little publicly on the matter? Despite your 2001 press conference, it seems to have gotten no exposure. What do you suppose you can do about this? And do you think that your organization can work with my team and resources to make a more concentrated attempt at convincing Congress to hold an open hearing on disclosure? Would this be an acceptable proposal to you?

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 04:07 AM
Hello Mr Greer!

Can i ask how Space Energy Access Systems is doing, and have you had any breakthroughs yet?

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 04:12 AM
If you have credible photos of the many interactions you have had with Aliens please publish a decent one, you have said that you have taken many photos previously.

Perhaps a close up of an Alien or the inside of their ship.

It's a cop out to not show them and it would go along way to restoring your credibility within the UFO Investigative community.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 04:51 AM
Dr Greer,

You have plenty of whistleblowers of good standing that have come forward to the disclosure project and yet still haven't been taken seriously by the worlds media, thus exposing the cover up. What do you think is the reason for this?

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 05:38 AM
Dr. Greer, what's your take on 2012?

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 08:03 AM
Hello Dr. Greer,
As a tribute to your personal impressive work and the Disclosure project in all, I has the front cover of your book “Hidden truth-Forbidden knowledge” as my avatar.

I have two burning questions, thanks in advance.


The “Disclosure Projects” goal is to hold open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion systems related to the subject.
Do you honestly think there is a change that those highly advanced systems will ever be disclosed, because not only to my absolute bewilderment is this what an Intelligent source said once to Richard Hoagland,

"They would rather give up a major American city to nuclear terrorism then give up this physics."?


How do you think the overall American people will react after Disclosure has taken place, and they finally realise that they during decennia by their own government and military, are cheated and lied to, being stolen of billions if not trillions of taxpayers money, and that many people where killed, assassinate, and lives/families totally destroyed due ridicule?

[edit on 20/1/08 by spacevisitor]

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 09:28 AM
Due to the fact that the more evolved star people can sense our emotions and are often found to flee when they detect the person viewing them getting scared, would it not be obvious that the reason why they do not reveal themselves to the people of this planet is because if they all showed up and everyone could see them then many people here would get scared and so the star people would detect, 'feel' and 'share' this mass negative emotion and so in -turn they would have to experience this fear themselves which might be too much emotion for such a highly evolved being to take.

Or else maybe there are simply Galactic laws which we are unaware of that simply probihits intervention with an evolving race unless asked and put in a form of contract. Karmic laws may also be a factor which star people would have to deal with if they interviened with an evolving race.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
What is the reason for the seeming extreme secrecy surrounding CSETI? Why don't CSETI have any photos or footage of their various UFO encounters available online? Is there some sort of good reason for them to be keeping such a low profile?

Can Dr. Greer go into some detail as to what CSETI has in terms of evidence, and is he willing to share any of it with us?

Whose decision was it to post the Orb/Rod/"Mothra" photographs last year, Dr. Greer's or Mrs. Foch's? And why those rather silly (and damaging!!!) pictures, and not photos of mile-wide ET spacecrafts and EBEs etc?

What is happening with the promised Open Contact with a G7 country, which was already "imminent" in February of last year?

What's happening right now with AERO and the Potomac Energy Project? When does Dr. Greer expect to be able to disclose a "generation 1" new energy device?

I know it's a bit inappropriate to quote in this topic but I think you would do MrdDstrbr a great deal of happiness by asking some of his questions, he deserves it. I'm not too much in line with his opinion on him but he sure did a lot of defending for Greer. Just saying...

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 02:17 PM
Greetings, Dr. Greer: Are there 'visitors' being held as prisoners and against their will to make themselves known to the public? If so, what can we do to help? Thank you.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 02:30 PM
Dr Greer,
How many different Races are there that you are aware of, and how many have you seen with your own eyes?

Where does Jesus fall into this picture, ive talked to a few channelers and they all claim that Jesus is alive and that he is on ship in space.

Where does religion fall into this picture, i recall reading that there are manifests that start these relgions, so does that mean they are all real?

Thank you for your time.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 02:32 PM
Dear Dr Greer,

I have followed the disclosure project since 2001, the NPC a couple of months prior to 911. I think what you are doing is the best course of action. People have a right to know.

My first question is, do you think with the coming war with Iran and it's inevitable escalation and linking of two already war-torn countries, Iraq and Afghanistan into one huge warzone, will any of the ET races decide that enough is enough and intervene, as a modern conflict on that scale could well turn nuclear?

Second question, with all the recent mainstream media coverage of UFO sightings and various high level government statements and discussions around the world regarding the extraterrestrial subject, is it an indication of true disclosure on the cards or a testing the water scenario or the build-up phase of some kind of "project bluebeam" fake ET invasion?

Thanks Dr Greer and keep up the good work my friend.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 05:40 PM
Dr Greer, would it be at all possible to supply the ATS community with real photos of alien beings ?

They could possibly be posted in R.A.T.S ?

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 05:45 PM
Thank you for all you've done. The Disclosure Project gives me great hope. My question is what can we as average citizens do to help push disclosure forward? Is there anything we can do to make contact personally ?

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