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Weird Sky Colors????

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posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:13 AM
This morning as I was riding the bus to school, I noticed something very weird, or at least it was to me. As I looked SouthEast, I saw a grey sky with a pinkish background in the little bit of horizen I could see. In front of all this however There was a giant pilar of something Blood Red. It was just a cylinder thing against a grey background. It seemed as though it came out of the cloude itself. I know it wasn't the sun rising, because it wasn't supposed to for like 30 minutes, and It was rising in the East, not in the direction I was looking...We had to drive north for a while, then when we turned and face the direction again, it had vanished... Can someone please tell me what the hell I saw??

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by DarkHelmet
This morning as I was riding the bus to school, I noticed something very weird, or at least it was to me. As I looked SouthEast, I saw a grey sky with a pinkish background in the little bit of horizen I could see. In front of all this however There was a giant pilar of something Blood Red. It was just a cylinder thing against a grey background. It seemed as though it came out of the cloude itself. I know it wasn't the sun rising, because it wasn't supposed to for like 30 minutes, and It was rising in the East, not in the direction I was looking...We had to drive north for a while, then when we turned and face the direction again, it had vanished... Can someone please tell me what the hell I saw??

Santa! Did ya wave?

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:16 AM
Santa?? Sure didn't wave... he didn't give me my XBOX...

But seriously... This was a coulumn kinda like a tornado... Maybe I was just seeing things?? I don't think so though, and it was also very bright.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by DarkHelmet
Santa?? Sure didn't wave... he didn't give me my XBOX...

But seriously... This was a coulumn kinda like a tornado... Maybe I was just seeing things?? I don't think so though, and it was also very bright.

So a red column high in the sky? Could it be atmospheric phenomenon? Could it even be a tornado that never touched the ground?

Could it be a reflection of a really low sun in the atmorpheric particles creating spectacular colors and effects?

A meteorite? Aurora Borealis? I'm running out of guesses... which one did it most look like?

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:31 AM
What color was the cylinder btw?

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:34 AM
It was a perfect cylinder, so It most resembled a tornado. I highly doubt it was one though, because there has been no news of one or anything related with that. I guess i could say it also looked like the tractor beams of aliens in some movies, and to be more accurate, it looked like a Waterspout, since they are usually perfectly cylindrical and rise into the sky... All I know is that this was huge, Bright, red, and rose up into the sky.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:35 AM
"Could it be a reflection of a really low sun in the atmorpheric particles creating spectacular colors and effects?" lilbam

yeah, that's probably what it was. i live in michigan and on my way to school every day i see the most spectacular red/pink/orange sunrises. i need to get a camera and take pictures. they're so beautiful. makes me glad to be alive

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
"Could it be a reflection of a really low sun in the atmorpheric particles creating spectacular colors and effects?" lilbam

I don't think so because the rest of the sky was just a dull grey since it just got done snowing. It was like the only colored thing in the sky... The sun wasn't even rising yet. It wasn't that light out.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:38 AM

The sun pillar, visible as a column of light when the sun is under the horizon, is caused by multiple reflexions between flat ice crystals, all falling with the same orientation.

You can scroll down the link about half way down to see a picture (right). Is this similar to what you saw, DarkHelmet?

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:41 AM
It was more like the rainbow, only straight up and more circular... it looked like a 3-D object, compared to a 2-D light object.
And I must leave in 3 minutes so I will not be able to answer anymore questions about this until about 3:00...

[Edited on 12-2-2004 by DarkHelmet]

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by DarkHelmet
I don't think so because the rest of the sky was just a dull grey since it just got done snowing. It was like the only colored thing in the sky... The sun wasn't even rising yet. It wasn't that light out.

yeah, that's how it is here... and what you're seeing is the light coming from over the horizon and illuminating teh clouds. the sun hasn't risen where you are, but further east where those clouds are the sun has. does that make sense? i'm bad at explaining things, but i try

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 04:16 PM
yeah, that's how it is here... and what you're seeing is the light coming from over the horizon and illuminating teh clouds. the sun hasn't risen where you are, but further east where those clouds are the sun has. does that make sense? i'm bad at explaining things, but i try

The only problem is after I got done posting all these and went to lunch... i noticed the sky was completely empty... While riding the bus It was dark and it looked as if there were clouds. So right now, the only clouds even close to me is the ones west of me in the Mountains. Even those are fairly small... I guess the question gets a little more complicated now??

P.S. My computer class is in a room with no windows, that's how I could not tell if there were clouds or not.

[Edited on 12-2-2004 by DarkHelmet]

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 07:33 PM
I just talked to one of my friends and he said he saw it also, though he didn't bother really paying attention to it, he had no details that I could share sorry... But I'm still waiting for an answer/hypothosis!

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by DarkHelmet
This morning as I was riding the bus to school, I noticed something very weird, or at least it was to me. As I looked SouthEast, I saw a grey sky with a pinkish background in the little bit of horizen I could see. In front of all this however There was a giant pilar of something Blood Red. It was just a cylinder thing against a grey background. It seemed as though it came out of the cloude itself. I know it wasn't the sun rising, because it wasn't supposed to for like 30 minutes, and It was rising in the East, not in the direction I was looking...We had to drive north for a while, then when we turned and face the direction again, it had vanished... Can someone please tell me what the hell I saw??

Could be God who is rehersing on his entrance. He is supposed to come as a pillar of clouds and fire from the East. Run, duck and cover!


posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 08:14 PM
You obviously saw a UFO. There is no way to tell if it was made by man or somebody else, but it was most certainly an Unidentified Flying Object. I suggest reporting it at

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 09:31 PM
Hmm God? I never have been a religious person, but that's a good description of what I

And if it was a UFO... That's my first sighting ever... And I actually don't have a hard time believing it, since it was so strange. nobody even seemed to notice it from what I saw on the bus. But oh well... I guess I'll never know...

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by DarkHelmet
The only problem is after I got done posting all these and went to lunch... i noticed the sky was completely empty... While riding the bus It was dark and it looked as if there were clouds. So right now, the only clouds even close to me is the ones west of me in the Mountains. Even those are fairly small... I guess the question gets a little more complicated now??

no, not really. clouds come and go with time. especially in the east because the winds predominantly blow them that way. in michigan it can literally be clear one minute and 15 minutes later be overcast. weather moves fast

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 09:41 PM
I'll have to check how the forecast was this morning so I can see if there were clouds or not... Because the clouds on the mountains were moving East.

posted on Feb, 12 2004 @ 09:48 PM
From what I've seen, we had clear skies this morning save for a few small ones. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing. I'm in Colorado springs, So If you wanna look it up go ahead...

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