Jesus said be not overcome of evil but, overcome evil with good.
My oldest son used to go to sleep everyday at 12:00 to Mr. Rogers. He was a minister. (methodist, I think) I really have a lot respect for him.
Jesus DOES see everything we do. Good or bad. He loves us but, our pride sometimes,won't let us love him or others (What will they think of me?)
Which are the highest commandments. To love God with all your heart, mind soul and strength, and your neighbor as Yourself!
When I became a christian that old gospel song Really rang true for me . "Give me that old time religion, give me that old time religion, It's good
enough for me. Makes me love everybody, makes me love everybody, makes me love everybody....It's good enough for me."
I've met some REALLY wonderful people since I've been a christian. Before I was a christian, I didn't take much notice of anyone but myself. Even
if they were perfect! I just kept my mind on number one.
(I need this, I need that, I've got this problem, I've got that problem....Blah, blah, blah.)
Now, if no-one else will comfort me and I'm strained, I can relax, or cry or worry and talk to Jesus, ask him what's wrong, and he WILL help and
love me and talk to me! May you have Jeshua in your endevours as the good shepherd. Peace to you.