homine.simplice says:
September 1, 2011 at 3:56 am
Hope this will help those who are suffering from Schizophrenia as a result of being diagnosed of hearing voices and seeing visions. Those who thinks
it is coming from an evil spirit or the devil. This procedure is for Roman Catholics and bible believers only.
Seek medical help from your selected psychiatrist. Private practitioner is preferred although it costs higher. The medicines he or she will give can
help you sleep and rest your brain as the bombardment of messages from the voices and visions are enormous. Not being able to sleep well will get you
exhausted and tired and will increase your irritability. At one point when you cannot hold on anymore you will either have a major episode and will be
hospitalized. Expect to be cured within or less than 18 years of treatment. It depends on how you react to the medications. There are plenty of
brands. But some of them does not work. It pays that you pray over on the medicines before taking them such that your body will accept its curative
properties more.
As schizophrenia is not a curable disease as per medical practitioners, you have to try out other things that can help you alleviate your depression
and schizophrenic attacks. I suggest the following based on my personal experience. I never tried this procedure for a long time. That is why on the
17th year of my disease , I tried it and it worked. I was fully delivered by God from this sickness. This is a testimony.
a) You can try putting some Holy water to wet the outer of your ears and the temple areas. If it is a real demonic or evil attack, it will stop
hearing the voices temporarily. You can actually try drinking it if your stomach is aching everytime there is an attack. Fr. Gabriel Amorth , the
leading exorcist of Rome suggested that we experiment on using of Holy water to cure attacks from the devil.( from his book Exorcist: More Stories).
Holy water can be requested from your parish church for free. Just bring a small bottle. Take note: not all priests believe in the existence of a
devil. Look for one who will believe you.
At the church, you can ask the priest for an extreme unction. It is not just for the dying but for the sick. It is called a sick call wherein you will
be anointed with Holy oil. (Mark 6:12-13 ” And they went out, and preached that men should repent. And they cast out many devils, and anointed with
oil many that were sick, and healed them.) You must make a general confession, if possible confess all your sins from the time you learned what is
evil that you did in your young age until your current age.
b) Try out the method outlined at the Book of Tobit in the Old Testament:
- Prepare the Fish Heart and Liver. You can ask in the market for 20 pesos or so for the fish heart and liver at the local market. Only the fish
vendor knows how the heart and liver looks like. Buying your own fish is costly and you might not be able to identify the liver and the heart
Cut it into small pieces and salt it. Set aside.
- Prepare the incense: There are 4 ingredients in making this. Pls. prepare this at least a day before. Myrrh colored black, Incense colored amber
yellow, Alum colored
white , Sulphur colored dark yellow. Powderize them in equal amounts as possible. You can
buy this in rock form(original mineral form) . Try to look for them in your local market places
(Exodus 30:34 states it should be of equal amounts and salted, you can surf the internet but we can only come close to the ingredients available).
- Prepare a small dish or metal can where you can burn charcoal or an incense burner.
-Once you are ready for the ritual, do it at daytime or in the afternoon preferably at 3:00PM at any day.
Pls. read the book of Tobit. It says Tobit 6:7″ As regards the fish’s heart and liver, if you burn them(with incense) so that the smoke surrounds
a man or a woman who is afflicted by a demon or evil spirit, the affliction will leave him completely, and no demons will ever return to him
again.”Pray while doing the ritual. I did it with my father who assisted in doing it to me because he is the one who discovered the procedure in the
bible. It takes two to tango. A close religious friend will also do. No bystanders or audiences please as this is a solemn ritual dictated by
archangel St. Raphael. Read the 14 chapters. You can repeat it until you get the desired results. Take note that in my case, a manifestation appeared
on our wall when we did it one time. A square watery figure appeared in the wall. about 3X3 feet. It is no joke. Miracles still happen at this time of
the millenia. This is the sign of full deliverance. Satan or spirits from watery mists or ectoplasms.
Maybe another form of manifestation will happen to you.
c) Next thing to do is to protect your abode. Place a blessed St Benedict medal on every corner of you house. Nail it on each corner after tying a
string to it. The prescribed blessing of the medal can be found on
Good luck and God bless ! If it worked on me, it will surely work on others. Please spread the word.
(Matthew 10:8: Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.)
Homine Simplice