Originally posted by goosdawg
It may be caused by nematodes or a fungal source.
More video news from KTVU in the Bay Area.
Hello everyone. I am the person shown in the latest video here in the latest KTVU News Health Segment on Morgellons Disease. The video showing my
thigh was taken four years ago (as I appeared on one then as well) and I was shocked as I couldn't even remember (loss of memory is also a symptom)
how bad it really was!!!!! I am now lesion-free.
I have been personally involved in this issue for four years to get the CDC to investigate this disease. I have suffered with this for four years. I
have heard every idea as to what this is as well for the last four years. Being an ex-Veterinary Technician I immediately thought what I was
experiencing .... the intense itching, slow healing and very painful lesions, cloudy vision, swollen legs and hands (to the point that I could not
feel them), aching joints and muscles, chronic fatigue, and yes seeing black specks, fibers, and golden glitter exiting my skin ... was and had to be
from some sort of parasite. Seeing a few doctors and being told that I was "self-mutilating for attention" and that "there was nothing wrong with
me" .... became a battle that I soon gave up on with the doctors as none of them would take me seriously.
I joined three different Morgellons Yahoo Groups to share experiences and to also share self-treatment protocals. We also banded together to get the
word out to the CDC to help us and take us seriously. I have litterally worked on this almost as a full-time job writing to Senators,
Congressmen/women to the CDC, personally had been in contact with the founder of the Morgellons Reaserch Foundation (MRF), written to MANY hospitals,
teaching hospitals, and government agencies to gain thier interest as well, in hopes of getting the CDC interested in getting this disease studied.
While waiting through this nightmare, I had tried many different treatment regimes. Through one of the groups I became friends with one particular
member in Pennsylvania that was almost on the verg of suicide and then started taking an animal wormer with anti-fungal properties. I took it in a
high dose at first which caused the cloudinesss of my eyes to clear, the swelling and numbness in my ankles/feet and hands to also dissapear. Over
time at a lower dose the itching and lesions have stopped. I have been on this treatment for over a year and I am almost symptom-free. I Rarely get a
lesion and if I do it heals in weeks instead of months. I no longer itch, however I do get some fibers and black specks continuing to appear from my
skin but not like I had.
I do not buy into the nano-technology robots created by the government ideology. I do believe that a nematode, agrobacteria (which is also a
commonality) and posssibly other bacteria, and fungus are involved. Many of Morgellons patients also are diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease (My test
was 'incunclusive' but I have many Lyme symptoms as well)
Commerce (Food) and International Travel (diseases going global) are a very important factor on 'New Emerging Diseases' or the Global transfer of
known pathogens!!!! The USA has been in denial of our citizens having any type of parasitic disease and our doctors have not been trained in this
I am a friend of 'goosdawg' and he can vouch for the fact that I am not delusional and that I do indeed suffer from a VERY REAL DISEASE!!!!!!! It
has hurt and angered so many of us suffering with this when people dismiss us as being diagnosed: Delusions of Parasitosis. Any questions my fellow
ATS members?