reply to post by orangetom1999
I totaly agree. In my opinion what condemned New Orleans was a state sponsored psychology of dependence.
If you look at the demographic of those stranded after the levies failed, you will find multiple generations of people with a dependence on state or
federal assistance.
These people had been conditioned like Pavlov's dog to recieve thier subsidies in exchange for following " the rules" of various state or federal
They followed directions like good litttle dependents, right into an untenable inescapable situation.
A bit more on topic and along the same lines of psychology I got to thinking about how people use and react to the word " survivalist".
I am old enough, and come from a rural background, to remember when everyone kept a larder of spare food in thier homes. The average household
always had kerosene lamps in case of power outages. The average family had a small garden patch in the backyard to suppliment the family diet.
Almost every household had firearms which were used every hunting season to bring home wild game for the table.
Young boys were given firearms safety class as part of the school curiculum.
As a part of childhood you learned to fish and set snares
In short all the things we are tsalking about learning and preparing for were just a part of ordinary life.
Some would consider this a more primitive lifestyle, and shake thier heads while makeing jokes about living in Mayberry..
This is where the psychology comes in.
I have to wonder at what point did self sufficiency become a joke.
In one lifetime our society has gone from independence to inter dependence, and I am wondering if it were planned to be that way.
For the vast percentage of our society, making something unfashionable, or a subject of ridicule is enough to limit or stop it's proliferation.
How many here have experienced the eye roll, or snickers of thier friends, or family when the subject of survival preperations comes up ?
When you want to share the knowledge or experiences you have with those you would like to see survive, you can almost watch as thier eyes glaze over
and you know they are not listening. If you persist they will laugh and dismiss you as a " survivalist nut "
Even on these threads I have seen posters whom one would presume to be interested in survival, resort to the same mantra of " waiting for the
authorities" to re establish order.
Again I have to wonder if this campaign to stifle even the notion, much less the conversations, relating to survival is intentional.
I don't consider myself a " conspiracy nut" but i have lived long enough to know that conspiracies do happen.
The surrest way to control a population is to make them totaly dependent on you. That is one of the basic elements in " stockholm Syndrom" where a
captive is psychologicly dependent on the captors to the point of becoming complicit in thier own capture.
Even though i am no proponent of conspiracies in general, i can't help but wonder.