posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 10:41 AM
The ill-conceived Iraq war and WMD lies not only revealed an incapable admin istration, it also shed light on a dysfunctional and warmongering
"liberal" press that all too happily bought the obvious white house WMD lies (ex: NYT). This latter fact is, imo, extremely concerning: Whithout
sound and fact-based public discussion, there cannot be democracy, and if the american press fails it's role (btw, the european press didnt buy into
the american-israeli propaganda), the US democracy is in the very grave danger of becoming a dictatorship, where corrupt liberal journalists (ex:
Thomas Friedman) yahoo any ill-prepared mass murder planned in the world. In order to save american values, democratic ideals, and many more million
lives, it is imo necessary that rough changes come over the american political/press apparatus.
[edit on 19-1-2008 by ergoli]