The "citizens disarmed" agenda, which entered the final stage with the completion of the automatic weapons stage 2006 in Switzerland (1), is now
being completed with the ammunition stage, again in Switzerland, the last country in Illuminatiland where the agenda still required completion. (2)
The last step required for the begin of the phase "Collapse of Major Banks", where the "swiss" UBS plays the key role in the first scene (to be
immediately followed by Citicorp & Merrill Lynch), can finally begin.
(1) Still five years ago any current or former member of the Swiss Army (i.e. about EVERY citizen) kept his automatic weapon and ammunition at
During the last five years, even if the swiss government has not yet achieved the goal of integrating Switzerland in the EU and NATO (only in the UN),
the most important agenda, of disarming the citizens, has now been formally completed. First automatic weapons were prohibited and the citizens army
has now been almost completely replaced by the new type of NATO "army" (mercenaries, most of them sent to Kosovo for the process of transformation
in the robots required by the last antichrist during the final battle of Armageddon).
Note: ironically the only two pages indexed which escaped censorship are from a forum managed by the CIA Web of Disinformation.
(2) ... Right now completed with the citizens being ordered to deliver any personal ammunition still kept at home.
These bombs dropped against the swiss are exactly like those dropped against the Iraqi resistors: you don't hear them outside the country where they
And even where they fell, it is not immeditely obvious for the victims which material do they contain, just like the first bombs of Armageddon,
March-June 1999, over Serbia. The title is misleading, as one would expect from any illuminati outlet in charge of dropping this bomb. You need to
read the text carefully...
"Every soldier is getting a letter these days in which they are asked to returned the normal army ammunition they used to keep at home until now. At
the same time, the army asks them to also return any other ammo they might have, i.e. accidentally or deliberately stolen ammunition."
Reminder: The first measure in Iraq, May 2003, was to ask the population to return their weapons, offering them as much as ten times the price they
had paid for them.
Now, who is more brainwahsed: the Iraqis 2003 or the Swiss 2006-2007?
(3) Major Banks Script explained - upscaling the previous level, 2000-2007, which involved the collapse of stocks and pension funds as well as the
drastic reduction of pre-taxes real salaries and increase of taxes.
[edit on 17-1-2008 by TruthIsNeverTooHorrible]