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Time to Unite! Spread This Message!

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 11:58 AM

Here is the cold hard fact of life. If you broke down every human body to its most basic form of existance in physical reality, and break it down to its most basic elements at a sub-atomic scale. We will all find out that every single human on Earth is made of the same substance! The same goes for every single object on the face of the planet. Wind, Air, Fire, Dirt, Grass, Trees, Plants, Animals, Insects, Humans, and EVERY element in the pariodic table is created with the same substance or force!!

Do you know what that means?!?!?!?!


No matter what religion you are, or if you don't have a religion, you can not escape this fact. We all have been created, and all with the same substance or force! This means there is no reason what so ever to have different religions or Gods. It is not logical to think that different God's all created the same force, with the same signature of creation, and same design of life and humans. It means, no matter what there is only 0NE true creator!

That means there is no reason at all for the world to have different religions! Instead of worshiping a creator, why not worship all of existance itself!? We should all be worshiping the force that holds physical reality together because that is what creates things! That force is the true creator!

For those that don't think small enough... Everything you see, feel, touch, hear, smell, and think about, is created with sub-atomic particles, and those sub-atomic particles are made with small attraction and repulsion forces. Break down the entire Earth to its most smallest forces, and break down the Moon, the Sun, and all planets, and every star, to its most smallest particles, then add it all together into a big pile, and you have the largest, most powerful force in all of existance. EVERYTHING ADDED TOGETHER IS 0NE FORCE!!!!



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[edit on 17-1-2008 by dbates]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:15 PM
Yes, a beautiful dream! What you say is correct - however, this basic tenant isn't what divides people.

The division that causes the strife and sometimes wars is the path to that creator. Every religion asserts that they know the 'secrets', the 'real truth' and 'the only way'. Each group is so convinced in it's correctness that they are unwilling to consider any beliefs that are outside of their particular faith.

It's no the fact that we all come from a common place, or were created by the same entity or force that causes derision and never has been. It's the way to achieve reunion that tears us apart.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:25 PM
The path to the creator, is the action of becoming 0NE, again. As of now, humanity is seperated. We must all strive to become "one with God".

That is why there is Good and Bad. Good, is the action of attraction to God. Bad, is the action of repulsion from God. We must attract to God, by doing Good things, or making the world full of Good.

It's that simple.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:32 PM
I found this quote on ATS under one of the users, i thought it to be fitting.

What a man believes upon grossly insufficient evidence is an index into his desires -- desires of which he himself is often unconscious. If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence.

What you speak of my friend is simple truth, but the many filters people have on cause them to maybe be weary of understanding, unless presented in a way custom for that person to reach the understanding you are speaking of. A particle, a sound, wave, light. The essence of pure life. The beginning. Together the universe and everything in it One. Perfection. And without one bit would not be complete, therefore not true.

The kingdom we seek starts within,
peace and love

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:36 PM
...or we could just not have been created by anything...
because there isn't really any evidence that something created us...
or that something capable of creating everything actually exists

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:54 PM
One more Moses...

... Except that the worthy follower of Abraham understood early that "vanity of vanities, all is vanities"...

Keep on, boy... But don't wait much from ATSers...

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
...or we could just not have been created by anything...
because there isn't really any evidence that something created us...
or that something capable of creating everything actually exists

WOW, I will never understand how one could be so blind. You basicly said that YOU don't exist. You just said that there is no proof that YOU exist.

How can you sit there, seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, and knowing, and then contiune to say there is no proof. YOU ARE PROOF.

I am proof, You are proof, Earth is proof, All things that exist is proof that something created us. Wether it be a God, an accident, or nothing... no matter what, something created us.

Even if you are atheist, and you believe "nothing created us", well guess what? "NOTHING" is something. Then to you, your God is NOTHING. So you DO have a God, yet you named your God "nothing".
If you believe we are all an accident, well then "accident" is your G0D and that is what created you. No matter what you say, G0D will exist.

The pure FACT of life, is that there is a physical/non-physical force called "electromagnetic force". This force is what holds all atoms together in this phyiscal reality. THIS IS PROOF, PHYSCIAL SCIENTIFIC PROOF, THAT ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE IS WHAT CREATED ALL THINGS.

What is this force? I hate to break it to you, but it is G0D.

[edit on 17-1-2008 by ALLis0NE]

[edit on 17-1-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 05:49 PM
The Three Dimensional Reality, that can be perceived using the sensory channels of the temporal human organism, IS so that the soul can evolve. God's Creation is so remarkable, Immortal Beings evolved in it.

The temporal human organism is an evolutionary relic, like wisdom teeth, in the development of the eternal soul. The soul is the highest form of life to evolve, and it is you, and me. Thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, reason, perception, ability to make complex future plans; All are faculties of the soul.

The stimuli for the chemical reactions in the brain to take place are from the soul. The brain is an interface device between the soul and the body, allowing the temporal organism to communicate with the soul.

The problem is, when people sin, and don't confess their sins in confession, the soul sends fear into the heart, because if the body dies, the soul will burn forever. This causes fear of death. Combine this with secular humanism, and the brain tries to project this fear outside one's self, onto things that can be controlled.

The temporal organism, imagining itself to be what is in control, will always try to frame communication from the eternal realm in terms of experiences in the temporal world.

Dreams are experiences of the soul, who wakes up as the body goes to sleep. The soul goes traveling, always knowing they have a home in the three dimensional reality, so if they get into trouble, they can just force a person to wake up, by going to sleep.

When the body wakes up, the soul is going to sleep. Without the soul having contact with other Eternal Beings, the temporal human organism becomes paranoid and fearful, mentally unbalanced, and a wreck.

What people remember from dreams, and nightmares, are experiences of the soul, framed in the experiential context of the body.

The soul has been part of man for thousands of years, but man is devolving. The soul is the love the mind has for the heart. For this love to be, the mind must know Truth, and the heart must be free of corruption. For a mind to know Truth, they must know God The Father, Who is The Source of All Truth.

For a heart to be free of corrruption, they must know God The Son, Jesus Christ, and receive Forgiveness from sin.

Such a mind as knows Truth from God The Father will love such a heart as knows Forgiveness from God The Son; And it is this love of the mind that knows Truth for the heart that knows purity that IS the soul. In this way man can become like God, Immortal.

Satan has been trying to derail human beings becoming Immortal, because of His utter contempt for God. Secular humanism is a tool Satan uses to reverse the direction of man's evolution, toward becoming an instinctual animal, that cares about its stomach, loins, and preserving its own life.

This way, the strong will destroy the weak by brute force and violence. They will mate with the most beautiful women, by force, and then abandon each girl, in turn for another virgin. This is what happens when people are trained, over generations, to view the temporal human organism as the whole person.

The last time Satan succeeded in instituting Secular Humanism was in Sodom and Gomorrah. Roving gangs of serial criminal sodomites roamed the streets, raping husbands and fathers to death, in front of their wives and children.

God's Angel of wrath rained down burning hail, and burned alive every sodomite in those two cities. If you go toward the southern shore of The Dead Sea, where these two cities were once located, you can find thousands of sulfur balls, burned hard on the outside, but powdery sulfur inside.

These are the hailstones God's Angel rained down on the sodomites. If we don't get rid of sodomites, burning hail is going to destroy The United States, UK, and Western Europe.

Copyright 2008 by SwanSword, et al.
All Rights reserved.

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

...your post is logically inconsistent
nothing = something
according to you

...and what's this electromagnetic force that holds atoms together?

and why do you have free reign to change the definition of god to "anything"
...and "nothing"?

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
...your post is logically inconsistent
nothing = something
according to you

Actually my post is logicaly consistent. There is actually no such thing as "nothing". "Nothing", doesn't exist.

The word "nothing" is actually PAST TENSE. Meaning that in the past there was something, but now, nothing.

"Nothing", is basicly the area of space/time were something once existed.

For example, there is a car parked in that reserved parking spot. When the car leaves, there is now "nothing" in that parking spot. Nothing is actually an area of empty, which technicaly IS something. It is an area.

It's best described with numbers. "Nothing", would be the equivelent to "negitive". But, the only way for there to be a "negitive" or "lack of", is if there is SOMETHING to begin with, a "positive" or "abundance of".

It's common sense.

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
...and what's this electromagnetic force that holds atoms together?

It is The Will Of G0D. G0D created attraction and repulsion. He created the law "likes repel, opposites attract", and nothing in the enitre universe can change that law, because that would be like trying to change G0D's mind.

Ever seen a photograph of the human mind "thinking" in an M.R.I. device? Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging makes visible where and when regions of the brain change activity to support conscious and unconscious thoughts. It shows magnetic interactions that happen in your brain.

Now imagine running G0D through an M.R.I. device. You know what you would see? All of existance, all of Earth, you, me, everything.... We are G0D's thought, he created us in his mental "image". THAT is what electromagnetic force is, that is what "electric charges" are, in sub-atomic particles.

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
and why do you have free reign to change the definition of god to "anything"
...and "nothing"?

Because while you and many others are decieved to think G0D is a person of equal size and scale of humans... I am fully aware the G0D is actually all of existance. G0D is nothing, and everything, at the same time. The Good, the Bad, the Wrong, the Right, the Happy, the Sad, the Negitive, the Positive, the Fullness, the Emptyness, the Light, and the Dark, the Ying, and the Yang, the Yes, the No, the North, the South, the Nothing, and the Everything, the Alpha, the Omega.

[edit on 18-1-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by ALLis0NE
It is The Will Of G0D. G0D created attraction and repulsion. He created the law "likes repel, opposites attract", and nothing in the enitre universe can change that law, because that would be like trying to change G0D's mind. about this:
instead of just saying all of this stuff, you show us some evidence that supports it

you know, proving it

it's called science, it can be applied to anything that's real

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
it's called science, it can be applied to anything that's real

Ok, how about you go read a science book, and then get back to me and tell me I am correct.

I am talking quantum physicaly that we are all made of the same force. Do you know what a quark is? I do. What about a photon? Do you TRUELY know what that is? I suggest you learn, because its SCIENTIFIC FACT that we are all made of the same "charges". Every thing in existance is made of "charges".

that is proof we are all ONE.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

I agree that we are all made up of the same type of material, but I don't see how "God" is responsible for that material being here.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by 1Angrylightbulb
I don't see how "God" is responsible for that material being here.

That material IS GOD.

[edit on 23-1-2008 by ALLis0NE]

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:18 PM
You guys are really tripping me out. STOP IT!

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

This would of course make god a natural force, one that mankind has shown himself to be more than capable of manipulating to various tasks, rather than an independent entity in its own right.

Don't take this as criticism. You're almost right. You are very, very close to the reality of god. So very close.

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by ALLis0NE

ok... you still haven't proved that it's god

and i'm quite familiar with quantum theory.. but if you think you understand quantum theory, you don't know quantum theory.

but...again, you still haven't proven anything. all you've proven is that we are made up of the same base particulate matter, that says nothing of "god"

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
ok... you still haven't proved that it's god

Ok, you want me to prove it? Fine. Do one thing, and I'll prove it.

Tell me, what is YOUR definition of GOD?

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 04:59 AM
We made be made of the same things from the same source; but how do you know that it is YOUR conception of God that is the right one?

posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 05:04 AM
May the Force be with us all.

(Mo one line responses. The following is added. No one line responses, they are too short, much too short even though I believe one succinct and properly placed word can speak volumes. No longer a one line response.)

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