It doesn't matter what your rules are, you shouldn't rape little boys. Why not sex with women? No, they rape minor boys. They are vile disgusting
creatures, no human should treat them with more respect than that of which a rat would get.
They say they will follow stupidly along the Catholic
ways, then they rape little boys. Nothing excuses it. Like NC with his you persecuting me
because I like to rob houses.
Also, why they not in jail? A couple lose their job, thats it. The church
declares bankrupt to get away from lawsuits, yet they make billions a
year.Why the special treatment? Just because they preists
? Well, fine, I'm gonna become a preist
, kill a few people, then say reason I
did it is because the catholic
way says I can't. Well, the catholic
way says a preist
can't rape little boys yet some do. One
person had the excuse/explanation of because they are to have no sex their entire life. Well, one isn't suppose to kill someone else their entire
life, doesn't mean we let them get away with murder. Yet the priests
are getting away with rape. A couple were defrocked, thats it as far as
I've heard.
I swear, why not be protestant, luthern, a respectful branch of christianity? Heck, one satanist rapes a little boy, whole sect gets in trouble, a
bunch of preists
do same thing, some don't even get a slap on the wrist. Why one christian branch punished outright while other isn't?
Answer to the question, no. The church
is getting what they deserve. They allow such things to happen and when they finally get caught you
don't expect them to get in trouble? Ha, they deserve to be sent to a @$$ ramming prison. That way eye for an eye is literall.(sp?)