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osama bin landen ex cia agent

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 01:17 AM
I was told by a man who used to work with Yassir Arafat that Osama Bin Landen actually used to work for the CIA

bet most of you did not know that

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:26 AM
I'll bet you didn't know that the bin-Laden family and the Bush family have been good friends for many years with strong business ties. They're such good pals that Bush got the whole bin-Laden family out of the country right after 9/11, when the families of 9/11 victims were grounded and unable to meet up with loved ones.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by wizzosis

Um, actually pretty much all of us do.

This is 9/11 101, actually, along with Atta's $100,000 payment from Pakistan's ISI shortly before the attacks.

Another fun fact to go along with jackinthebox's post: the bin Ladens were allowed to leave without being interrogated by the FBI; they were called off that particular nicety by higher-ups.

Another fun fact: Al Qaeda in Arabic means "the network," which refers to the dedicated, secure internet-like communications network between various international secret services, and which AQ/OBL was given use of when doing its insurgency work against the Russians in Afghanistan.

Bonus fun fact: the bin Ladens are major investors in the Carlyle Group, which is a Reagan/Bush crony-infested defense/armaments contractor; IIRC correctly Osama's brother was actually with Pres. GHW Bush and his partners in crime at a Carlyle Group meeting when the attacks took place.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by wizzosis
I was told by a man who used to work with Yassir Arafat that Osama Bin Landen actually used to work for the CIA

bet most of you did not know that

If you actually spent some time searching ATS land looked properly you wil find countless Osama Bin Landen CIA realted stuff pages and pages we knew it already !

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by gottago
reply to post by wizzosis

Um, actually pretty much all of us do.

This is 9/11 101, actually, along with Atta's $100,000 payment from Pakistan's ISI shortly before the attacks.

Another fun fact to go along with jackinthebox's post: the bin Ladens were allowed to leave without being interrogated by the FBI; they were called off that particular nicety by higher-ups.

Another fun fact: Al Qaeda in Arabic means "the network," which refers to the dedicated, secure internet-like communications network between various international secret services, and which AQ/OBL was given use of when doing its insurgency work against the Russians in Afghanistan.

Bonus fun fact: the bin Ladens are major investors in the Carlyle Group, which is a Reagan/Bush crony-infested defense/armaments contractor; IIRC correctly Osama's brother was actually with Pres. GHW Bush and his partners in crime at a Carlyle Group meeting when the attacks took place.

Dude I am so happy that you brought up "the network"(i.e. The Base - or Data Base) fact here.

This tidbit is so important in my mind if true. I cant remember the claim now, but was the bank which offered (the data base) service the same institution associated with operation gladio? BCCI? I may be mixing my accounts?


posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 11:09 AM
You mis-spelled Bin Laden in the title of the thread
anyways- Great thread, I'd like to see this one continue...Anyone else have any info on this subject?

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by cynical572

Well, about a month before her death, Bhutto said in an interview with David Frost that bin Laden has been murdered by Omar Sheik. Then she died of hitting her head on the handle that operated the sunroof in her truck as it was bombed and as she was shot in the head and stomach.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by gottago

I want to add to fun facts to.....

Bush Jr's 1st oil company was money from the Bin ladens..

Sorry thats all I got..

[edit on 1/17/2008 by ThichHeaded]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by ThichHeaded

Oh Sheesh! How could I forget?

Bin Laden has never been charged with perpetrating 9/11.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by gottago

Let me ask you this...does Al Qaeda translates The Base or The Network?

Because I asked my professor who teaches the subject on terrorism of various organizations around the world and she says its The Base for this particular group.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:06 PM
I think the thread title would be more correct the the word 'ex' was removed from it.

I think he is STILL a Operative working for our government. This would help explain his time in the hospital and his meeting with a known CIA agent just prior to 9-11

"Two months before September 11 Osama bin Laden flew to Dubai for 10 days for treatment at the American hospital, where he was visited by the local CIA agent, according to the French newspaper Le Figaro.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by deltaboy

Good question; I've seen both translations used--as scrapple cited above--but don't know which is preferred. Let me dig on the subject and I'll get back and post what I find.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
reply to post by gottago

Let me ask you this...does Al Qaeda translates The Base or The Network?

Because I asked my professor who teaches the subject on terrorism of various organizations around the world and she says its The Base for this particular group.

Is your terrorism teacher fluent in Arabic?

Those two files were kept in one file called in Arabic 'Q eidat ilmu'ti'aat' which is the exact translation of the English word database. But the Arabs commonly used the short word Al Qaida which is the Arabic word for "base." The military air base of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is called 'q eidat 'riyadh al 'askariya.' Q eida means "a base" and "Al Qaida" means "the base." [ex/]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 02:06 AM
Usama has been quoted as loving the United States back in the '80s when we aided (or should I say started) in his conflict vs the USSR.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Not quite.....

These flights were screened by law enforcement officials, primarily the FBI. For example, one flight, the so-called Bin Laden flight, departed the United States on September 20 with 26 passengers, most of them relatives of Usama Bin Ladin. Screening of this flight was directed by an FBI agent in the Baltimore Field Office who was also a pilot. This agent, coordinating with FBI headquarters, sent an electionic commmunication to each of the field offices through which the Bin Ladin flight was scheduled to pass, including the proposed flight manifest and directing what screening should occur. He also monitored the flight as it moved around the country –from St Louis to Los Angelos to Orlando to Washington Dulles and to Boston Logan --- correcting for any changes in itinerary to make sure there was no lapse in FBI screening at these locations

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by scrapple

Okay, this is way out in left field but doesn't this...


...look like "illuminati?"

reply to post by Swampfox46_1999

Not quite.....

Um, what?

Did you honestly think I meant that Bush went around with Airforce One picking up all his bin-Laden buddies?

[edit on 1/19/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:30 AM
Hmmmm, Prescott Bush gets busted for financing Nazi's before and after the war.

Bush sr. in partnership with the Carlyle Group who make Bradley Armoured Fighting Vehicle widely used in Iraq.

Bush Jr (oilman)/Dick Cheney (oil Man) get into power, gas doubles in price. Carlyle and Haliburton and Oil companies are having orgasms at the profits post 911.

So a rational mind asks... Who Profits?

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:14 AM
ok little kids, instead of talking about what already happened, lets play a

little game i call "Predicting WWIII". My best guess, around 2012. After we

invade Iran with the same lame excuse we used in Iraq (which actually

#ing convinced dumb American voters to elect him for a second

term.WTF!?!?) then invade some more countries without the backing of the

UN(like we did in Iraq) ie. North Korea, China, aahhh yes maybe even

good old Britian! Or maybe, just maybe even France!

With Israel on our side were looking at the 21st century Japan and


The only part that sucks is that so many Americans are stuck in there own

little world and life that they are either oblivious of the facts or just flat out

dont care. Because in this day and age the only people that care about

politics are politicians that are getting money and big businesses that are

getting more money. The true patriots are the common man, the kind of

people that built this country, that actually cared about the future. Now

days its all about getting that extra dollar in your pocket.

Oh yeah did i forget the biggy. Yes, Your next President of the United

States of America doesnt even Pledge to the flag. I cant imagine what

kind of book will replace the Bible for the inogoration ceremony.

One more biggy. How do u become president when you werent even born

in this dam country?


posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 06:30 AM
Nice facts, but all are a drop in the ocean, compared to my bomb-shell revelation...

Bin-Laden is an Arsenal football club supporter...

beat that


[edit on 22-7-2008 by Rock Ape]

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