Originally posted by whaaa
I highly recommend every member of ATS read this link. The report whaaa mentions is only a small sliver of what this article discusses.
Really, it gets into what I think are very real issues. At this point I believe that 99% of the members of and visitors to ATS believe in aliens.
Spending time and energy looking for pictures that finally PROVE it to be true... it isn't necessary to "re-convince" those who already believe.
Holding online contest to see who can present the greatest video proof or most convincing personal experience narrative... it is nice to have our
beliefs reinforced,but most of us ALREADY believe and don't need further convincing. OK, enough about that. I am new here, and still exploring. So
if I am way off base, I apologize. I just wish that this very intelligent and open minded community here at ATs would spend more time and energy
planning what to do about the aliens as opposed to trying to prove that there are aliens.
In reponse to some points brought out in the article whaaa links, ( article = reasons the government shouldn't disclose what they know about
"The government doesn't know much more than we do. The aliens themselves are secretive. The aliens choose to float at the edge of our vision, and
choose not to simply land in plain view."
----- This was kind of the point of view I wanted the group to take in discussing this post. If the government admitted having seen the ships and
shared the photos / videos and even mentioned discovery of the occasional wreckage, but didn't know much more than us.
"If the government revealed the existance of aliens members of the general population may try to attack the aliens."
------ Well, first the regular guy would have to get a chance to attack the alien. AND , whether the govt. admits UFO existance or not, normal guy
may shoot at a ship if he sees one over his house, and he may shoot at a being if it is in his driveway. Government disclosure wouldn't influence
this behavior. This is one of the weaker points in this article, I feel.
"citing President Carter's change of attitde as an example, the government is using reverse engineering on UFos and disclosure would compromise
national security."
-------- Huh? Why couldn't the govt. just say: we have these photos of UFOs, these videos, and these cases where we recovered their crashed ships,
and share that with its citizens. Reporter asks them what they learned from the recovered ships. Govt says we are attemptng reverse engineering. We
learned how to make the stealth bomber and how to make computer chips better so far. I cant say what else we are trying to learn because it would
compromise national security. Is that so hard? If there are certain parts of what te govt. knows about UFOs that can't be shared without
compromising security -- fine. But the simple acknowledgiment of the existance of UFOs cannot possibly corrupt national security by itself.
What replies do the rest of you have to the list of excuses that whaaa has kindly linked for us?
In response to some others of you besides whaaaa.......
If aliens landed and started openly communicating with us, THAT would be monumentally earth shaking. Just to have our government say " yup, we seen
'em too." I don't think would be as huge.
And the government could always find a scapegoat to blame for why they've been hiding this for 60 years. example: It was all the air forces fault,
and so we disbanded the airforce and incorporated the within the navy. Man those airforce types were rotten and deceptive, i am glad we did away with
When europe found out there was life on america, different looking and different sounding and different acting people, i believe the butcher, the
baker and the candlestick maker still went about their business.
Thanks to everyone for the feedback.
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[edit on 17-1-2008 by BOTAL]