posted on Jan, 21 2008 @ 03:35 PM
Hi bwfcfan. I'm afraid I don't really have anything new to say, but I do want to say that this is one image I really believe the authenticity of.
There's just something about this picture that I can't yet put my finger on that makes me believe it is genuine.
Also, by how you come across in your posts you seem to be a very genuine, no nonsense person.
I thought the face looked very chilling from the moment I saw it.
I know you said you don't know these girls, but could your mum find out from her friend if they've ever had any strange occurrences in the house?
When I was a child, myself and my sister had loads of strange, unexplainable experiences in our house, and neither of us ever talked to anyone about
these wierd goings on, and seldom to each other about them - I think we didn't want people to think we were crackers. Had we ever had a picture like
that [and no Photoshop in the eighties
] it may have changed things somewhat. I don't know.