posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:05 PM
I can't be for certain with what I should show. Everything I have is classified eyes only. I only have access to certain things. And anything I have
access to, ends at 6pm every day.I by no means will claim to know anything about reverse engineering mysterious spacecraft, or doomsday underground
NWO societies I see all over the internet. I don't find myself holier than thou and I am not saving the world.
However the things I know , I cannot tell anyone. I cant tell my wife, my brother, best friends at a bar some drunken night, no one. I can't even
take the chance for my own wife to see me type this. Quite ironic actually. My position was to keep anything from leaving. From Hubble to JPL and
back to southern Nevada at Lockheed. I have been one of the ones keeping the information silent. I feel the constitution is being torn apart at the
highest level. And the more who know about it, the more potential there is to see it coming. Lives to be saved.