posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 10:40 PM
I have a problem with the idea of a bathroom sting to begin with. If there was really a problem at this location, why not post a sign asking people
to call xxx-xxxx if they see inappropriate behavior. It was an airport. Everyone has a cell phone, and security would be seconds away.
So why do a 'sting?' Stings allow police to rack up arrests and fine revenue, unlike the posted-sign method. It is a kind of mass-production for
cops. I have never, ever encountered gays having sex in a public restroom, so I question whether it's a major problem. Once at a highway reststop,
a guy asked me if I wanted a BJ. I declined and went on my way. I'm straight, but I did not have an heart attack, didn't call 911, and didn't
feel scarred for life.
I believe the 'sting' concept originated from confidence men. It allows police at times to rope in innocents who wouldn't break the law on their
own. It usually targets those not suspected of crimes for investigation, which to my mind should be a Fourth Amendment violation.