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What’s wrong with purposely causing the extinction of animals?

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posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by andre18

Ok andre,

Let me have one more attempt here to point out how it is this kind of thinking that has helped us get into the diabolical state we currently find ourselves.

1. 50 species become extinct ... food-chain keeps revolving ... other species change/die-off ...

Did you read the post that explained when we get rid of something ... something else comes along to take it's place, usually hardier/more dangerous (have you never seen Jurassic Park ... the frog bit is true ... nature will find a way. That is not always a good thing). As for the species that 'die off' after the initial 50 ... erm hello ... that is the point ... what if the casualties of the extinct 50 were good guys (not venomous) served a vital purpose????

2. Yet life goes on ...

For now, but at what cost ? Have you looked at the state of the world we live in lately ... or have you been too busy with your magnifying glass, frying bugs in your backyard ? Have you considered the possibility that the extinction of one species of bug alone ... has helped the declination process of our planet ... by creating a chain-reaction ? Guess what it did !!!

I can tell that you really don't get it, no matter how it is explained to you ... but all the points you are reading ... in all the posts on this thread about the importance of balance is 100% fact, whether you believe it or not.

And that's just taking into account nasty poisonous creepy-crawlies/snakes etc ... we also have to consider what effect the natural-cycles of the planet cause ... and the damage that mankind is already doing to the balance ... do you really, truly think it would be a good idea to speed things up more than they already are ???

Please tell me you're not that stupid ...

I'm going to put my neck on the line here and assume that you are quite intelligent and therefore provide you with a bit of scientific information;

1. Every extinction represents the loss of a species that can never be re-created.

2. It is symptomatic of a profound destabilization of the Earth's ecology.

3. Reduction of biodiversity will eventually threaten the continued existance of the human species.

The key word here is 'biodiversity' ... everything serves a purpose ... even if it is not immediately obvious. Hence the reason I have to accept the existance of moths as much as I would like it to be otherwise.


posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:24 AM
Man, I'm trying here to be civil and come up with logical ways to explain why I believe this whole notion is ridiculous but I really don't think it's gonna land.

It's unfortunate, but the OP of this thread represents a growing number of people. Mankind just doesn't care about mother nature anymore. If only more people could open their eyes and see that spiritual element to nature. It's sacred and it's more than meets the eye. We're all linked (and I don't just mean the food chain). We're all part of the same energy and no creature on this planet is our enemy, even the ones that try to harm/eat us.

Oh how far removed we are from nature in our concrete worlds.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by SoLaR513

"The circle of life is already broken and its a matter of time and we will be on that list. "

we already are.....

Now....once again I’m not talking about killing off every single animal or insect on the face of the earth....I’m talking about a few deadly creatures that we can do without.....the ecosystem will survive without a few rattlesnakes.....jeezz....I’m not talking about going crazy and taking out every single animal in the world that poses a little threat....I’m talking about just killing a few one's we can do without. that will not disturb the environment...and as commonsense would have it...animals dies off every single day species and all.....

We as intelligent as we are. are and should be able to determine whether or not a species we decide to kill off...would pose any real damage to the circle of the ecosystem......logically we should be able to that..

[edit on 16-1-2008 by andre18]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by andre18

Now stay with me on this one……I’m not talking about a mass culling of pets or going around with a gun to lions, tigers and bears …..oh my……I’m talking about insects and creepy crawlies that are just annoying and irritating…what’s the point in keeping around spiders and ants…? (spiders are good for getting rid of pesky insects…) Well…correct me if I’m wrong….but if we get rid of those pesky insects….there wont be need for spiders….the same goes for snakes…It’s not like we actually need them or anything….I mean jeezz… you know how many creatures become extinct every week….every year……

I’m not being cold hearted….I just see it as common sense…why keep them around if they’re just going to bite you and kill you…..just imagine how much that little bit safer our lives would be if you could go to sleep knowing nothing’s going to get you…that safe happy feeling….wouldn’t you like that….hell….you could go out into the countryside with no fear of snakes and such…..that would be nice….ay...

Are you kidding??
There is only on creature on Earth that can be removed without damaging the delicate system. Man.

Mosquitoes for example are a food source for many spiders etc.
So if we kill the mozzies the spiders die too. So what you say?
Well the spiders are a food source for birds etc. etc.

It's obviously a little more complicated than that, but I felt that you could probably do with 'laymans' terms.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:27 AM

We as intelligent as we are. are and should be able to determine whether or not a species we decide to kill of...would pose any real damage to the circle of the ecosystem......logically we should be able to that..

The problem is we aren't smart enough to work out all the reprecussions.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by andre18

First, eating animals is a practice that goes across the ENTIRE food chain..Why should we be different? Secondly Lab tests on animals have achieved HUGE advances in the medical field..Pick your battles kid. And choose carefully.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by andre18

One species dead means another goes, and another, and another..By wiping out the initial food source of one animal you wipe out the initial food source for another. It's not an over night process, but the effects would still be noticeable within just a generation or two. PLEASE GO READ SOMETHING USEFUL.

[edit on 16-1-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

I never said there was anything wrong with doing such things……lab testing on animals and such… much as there may be….my point is that though such things are happening…..nobody seems to care…we go out hunting for animals for sport…..would you like me to start a thread on what’s wrong with going out hunting animals for sport? It’s the same basic deal….We are killing creatures on this planet like there’s no tomorrow…what’s the difference from hunting them for sport or food….or just simply killing off a species that’s doing harm to us….that we can simply do without…?

[edit on 16-1-2008 by andre18]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:39 AM

Or more accurately

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by andre18

Ok so I can probably safely assume that you are no older than 13 or 14 and by that, you haven't even finished education.

The people on here are grown-well educated people, I would suggest that you go play with your pokemon or something as you are getting "owned".

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by andre18

How many time does the food chain need to be explained to you?
How many times does the common ethic have to be explained to you?
How many times do people have to tell you that your ignorance of the working biosphere is the reason you're losing this argument?

Yes species are going extinct. Right now as a matter of fact. And yes people DO care. Alot of people do. Every day scientists, biologists, and evolutionary scientists are looking for ways to curtail these effects. Why do you think that is? We made our ugly mark on this planet millenia ago, and now we're charged with having to fix the problem. Further more, if everyone sees this as a problem, then why offer a way to exacerbate it?

Ignorance kills kiddo. Specially ignorance of this caliber.
Be a man, admit you're wrong. Swallow your pride already.
You're fighting an uphill battle on skates and frankly I'm embarrassed for you.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:49 AM
Well done on the food web…..

I’m actually 18…so…..ummmmmm

I’m not embarrassed for having an opinion…

[edit on 16-1-2008 by andre18]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by andre18

Well if you're 18, then woooey have we got a pickle here.

A single minded, ignorant stubborn teenager.

I had a quick gander at your profile and it seems that you're interests are government secrets and religion (you apparantly hate the latter) so why not go post in those topics as you have no idea how pathetic you come across when trying to post on a topic you obviously have no idea about!

Your opinions are your own, fair enough, but not everyones opinions are right! Hitler didn't like jews.....etc etc.

Please stop being stubborn and face the facts that this thread has produced nothing but evidence that you have no idea of how the world runs itself!

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by andre18

You know, I respect that. I like that you have an opinion and that your sticking to it. That's consistency in character. And that will do you well down the line. But before you embark on your quest of consistency of character, know this:

A> It is not about your opinion. Opinions mean precisely nothing in the face of overwhelming fact. Take that with you as you make it into your twenties and thirties.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 09:58 AM
Look Look Look…..this getting weird……

one more time on the George Carlin - Saving the Planet thing….

This is very close to my frame of mind…I don’t see why we are so different from nature…if nature over millions of years is able to completely kill off every single creature on the planet…then why can’t we… but to a very small compared particular group..?

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by andre18

George Carlin is NOT an authority on biological issues kid. And he would probably be appalled by someone taking this seriously. He's a comedian. And even though the man gleams with an occasional morsel of truth doesn't make him correct on environmental issues.

Pull up a scientific journal that's peer reviewed stating your end of the argument. Show me ONE. But DO NOT come here, a place full of seriously experienced and educated people, and cite George Freakin' Carlin as an authoritative source. That's just an insult to everyone here who has busted their butts to achieve a level of understanding and education you couldn't possibly fathom. The way to winning an debate does not begin by insulting the intelligence of those whom you've chosen to hold a debate with.

[edit on 16-1-2008 by projectvxn]

[edit on 16-1-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:07 AM
Are you on Prozac or something?

You don't seem to be receptive to logic at all ...despite you use the word in about every second post it seems you have no idea, what it actually means.

From logic.... reason or sound judgment, as in utterances or actions: There wasn't much logic in her move.

There's not any logic in of your arguments and you don't seem able (or willing) to understand the simple base of humbleness towards creation that other members put forward in their arguments. So I won't waste my time arguing with you, but I'll give you an example from the real world on what such stupidity and ignorance can lead to.

Mao launched a campaign in the 50s to restructure and modernize agricultural production in China. It was called "The great leap forward" and was considered a succes. Untill one day the chairman was watching the harvest of the fields and noticed the birds all around eating off the grain. Ahah, he thought, if those birds don't eat the grain we'll have 10% more harvest. As thought so done, he initated campaigns that practically eradicated the birds. And what happens next? The feast of the bugs! And they didn't take 10 but 100%. Result famine. Depending on source 20 to 200 million Chinese starved to death.

The moral of the story is don't interfere in things you have no understanding of. Goes for ATS too, but maybe you're applying for the fool on the hill status.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by projectvxn

I’m not saying George is a scientist……lol…anything but……I’m just showing where I got some of my ideas from… me where I said I believe what he says is factual truth…I said his thinking is “very close to my frame of mind”

[edit on 16-1-2008 by andre18]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:23 AM
That's like asking... Whats wrong with taking pieces out of my truck engine?

For one, the system, the motor would not function. Animals and humans are a crucial part in the motor of earth, thus we are crucial to the solar system, thus the universe.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by andre18

Well too bad. I'm sorry to tell you this but your ideas, and obviously his, are ill-informed. Simple as that. I'm not going to argue with you anymore. You're a dumb kid, and everyone here has owned you completely. I don't care if you're 18, 28, 38, or 48. At any age, this "opinion" of yours is still ill-informed, and disastrous. It's a very dangerous way of thinking. You complain about people not caring when you just wanna make the problem worse. By "Only eliminating the ones we don't need". Yeah? Who gets to decide that one huh? You? What country? What region of the world? Out of 6 billion people, who gets to decide which ones we don't need? This is stupid. Aren't you getting tired of looking like an idiot?

I don't think you're stupid. I think you have a lot of cojones to put such a controversial post up for every educated person on the internet to tear apart. But at some point, you're going to have to man up and swallow this crap. It may be your opinion, and depending on what country your in, you're entitled to it(I think I read you're from Australia), but don't wave it in front of overwhelming fact and consensus. This is not ok. No one appreciates it. And the only thing you're doing is intellectually isolating yourself. And in a forum that requires you to interact intellectually with others, this is not a good thing for you. You will find yourself alone in this. Unless you can get George Carlin to come by ATS and lay it out for us. Until then, please take some friendly and unfriendly advice, and stop this stupidity before it hurts your ability to function within this community.

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