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Soy Milk for Babies - Poison or Panacea?

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posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by buddhasystem

just like any food, you can't switch cold turkey. it must be gradual. still, it seems like a better idea not to give soy milk to kids until they are a bit older, perhaps old enough to pour themselves a glass.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by RogerT

You can buy pasteurized goat milk in just about any major grocery store, and any health food store.

No matter where you live if you go to the health food stores ad start asking around for the raw milk co-op you will find the goats, or at least raw cow.

Goat milk is what I recommend clients supplement with and switch over to from breast. I am not going to get redundant with the references but message me if you want help finding a co-op.


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:59 PM
oh yeah, and if you go to my profile I actually have links to goat stuff. I forgot.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by scientist
Just look a little more into the whole milk / dairy industry. Who ever said milk was good for you? Take a guess... same people that make money when you drink said product.

The same could be said about soy. ADM is making lots of $$ of this soy fad.

Please see the article I linked in another ATS post.

I eat soy from time to time, but wonder how good it is for very young children.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by DontTreadOnMe

agreed, but then again, soy isnt pumping pro-soy propaganda to children across the nation via school lunches and government subsidiaries either.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:09 PM
Soy mucks with your thyroid function pretty bad and slows down your metabolism.

I am a part of The Weston Price Foundation The have a link on the font page for Soy Alert!

They promote a raw and cultured grain and cultured milk diet and discuss the problems with soy consumption, and discuss the benefits of raw milk.

Some of you all might find it an interesting sight to peruse and gather information. I would think that some people on here might be into to this as it definitely against Big Farming and the conspiracy of the food triangle.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Paloma

I live in what used to be Eastern Europe and I can assure you there are no health food stores in my area selling goat milk

If I looked hard enough, I could probably find a local farmer with a goat, but we do need a bit more convenience than that.

Re GMO soy, the soy milk we buy comes from Austria and is labelled Organic and GMO free. Actually, its labelled as a soy drink and is mostly water, 7% soy bean, 3.5% apple juice and sea salt.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 05:56 AM
interesting fact (I think?):

soy milk was actually accidentally "discovered" as being a byproduct of tofu. It's literally the leftover juice (before being processed).

I can't remember where I read that, otherwise I would have posted a source.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by scientist

The history of Soy milk,

Soy milk may have originated in China,[1] a region where soybean was native and used as food long before the existence of written records. The earliest written record comes from Liu An using it as a medicine, and a later record of the drink as a medicine could be found in Bencao Gangmu.[2] Later on, the soybean and soybean foods were transplanted to Japan. Soybean milk is reputed to have been discovered and developed by Liu An of the Han Dynasty in China about 164 BC.

I found this disturbing article from my neck of the woods here in GA

Vegan couple sentenced to life over baby's death
Malnourished baby was fed soy milk and apple juice, weighed 3 1/2 pounds

An American vegan couple were sentenced to life in jail today for the murder of their malnourished six-week-old son, who weighed just 3 1/2 lbs when he died.

Jade Sanders, 27, and Lamont Thomas, 31, fed the boy, who was named Crown Shakur, a diet largely consisting of soy milk and apple juice, the Atlanta court heard.

I guess this is the extreme when it comes to parents lacking proper understanding on their babies needs and nutrition.

I found out that at the age of your baby 10 months he is ready for changes on diet, so as long as soy milk do not gives an allergic reaction is OK, but also it should be supplemented with other sources of protein like cheese.

Baby & toddler

When your baby is 7 to 10 months old, you can try bite-size foods, such as Cheerios, pieces of bread, well-cooked pasta, avocado, cheese, and meats cut up for easy chewing. Your pediatrician will be your best source of advice about what to feed your baby and when, and what to do if you hit a snag--if, say, your baby rejects certain foods or suddenly starts eating less (not unusual when a baby is teething). At each well-child visit, starting at about 4 months, you'll probably get a new list of foods your baby can eat and a list of what to avoid, such as peanut butter. (It's generally a no-no until at least age 2.) You may be told to introduce foods one at a time to make sure your baby isn't allergic to them. Always supervise your child when he's eating.

Like I said I was from he old school so I did what my mother did and worked fine for me.

I also cooked my infant baby food also, never really trusted the over the counter baby food in jars.

I find very disturbing this days when I see a young mother filling their babies bottles with sodas and feeding them McDonald, it wasn't until my children were of school age that I reluctantly allowed them to discover the sickening world of fast food.

I know you are a very concern parent and I know you are doing your best to provide you baby with all his required needs

You are doing fine.

[edit on 15-1-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 09:32 AM
ok lets clear something up please....

MILK comes from a mammal not a plant

SOY is a bean and comes from a plant, so soy is really BEAN JUICE.... ok

i think the term "soy milk "comes from the company as a form of advertising
maybe "as good as milk"

[edit on 01/16/2008 by ST SIR 86]

[edit on 01/16/2008 by ST SIR 86]

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by ST SIR 86

Well I think the term milk is used to describe the color and constituency, like 'Milk of Magnesia' and 'Cement Milk', so Oat Milk, Rice Milk, Soy Milk etc are just following that convention

We bought some Rice and Oat milk today, same brand. They are just as tasty as the soy and he seems to like them, so we'll be giving those too.

Thanks for the posts guys. I'm still on the fence for Soy. Nothing I read so far has convinced me either way, although I'm leaning towards the 'natural is ok' stance that I feel comfortable with. The less processed the better.

If it's been good enough for billions of Chinese for thousands of years, that's comforting

Thanks for all your good wishes and contributions.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 02:26 PM
First off; forget that the Internet exists.

Second; ask your child's MD for this kind of advice.

Getting health advice from the Internet is not wise IMO. At best it is a poor substitute for an MD who specializes in children's medicine. At least go to a site that is written by qualified people like webmd.

If you go the unnatural Vegan route, I'd say the input of an MD is even more important.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by marg6043

That case is what prompted my Vegan remark above. Horrible thing!

I should have read the whole thread and known someone else would have brought it up

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

Hi Blaine, thanks for the input, but we are poles apart.

I've yet to meet a MD in General Practice who has a good grasp of even the most basic aspects of health. They may have a vague understanding of anatomy and can make an informed guess at diagnosing an illness, and make a prognosis and prescribe some drugs according to the Merck manual and the latest Pharma PR, but my 10 year old understands health and nutrition better than the average allopath.

My local MD is the LAST place I would take my child unless we were experiencing a trauma emergency, and to ask an MD for health and nutritional advice would be like asking a Frenchman for lessons in politeness

posted on Jan, 14 2009 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by RogerT

Hi, our boy is the same and he is not lactose intollerant, but allergic to the protien in the cows milk itself. You might want to ask you doctor about that.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 10:48 PM
No one should touch Soy or Peanut products.

Soy Dangers Summarised

High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.

Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic orders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.

Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.

Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body’s requirement for B12.

Soy foods increase the body’s requirement for vitamin D.

Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.

Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and added to many soy foods.

Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.


Babies fed soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula.

Infants exclusively fed soy formula receive the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day.

Male infants undergo a “testosterone surge” during the first few months of life, when testosterone levels may be as high as those of an adult male. During this period, baby boys are programmed to express male characteristics after puberty, not only in the development of their sexual organs and other masculine physical traits, but also in setting patterns in the brain characteristic of male behavior.

Pediatricians are noticing greater numbers of boys whose physical maturation is delayed, or does not occur at all, including lack of development of the sexual organs. Learning disabilities, especially in male children, have reached epidemic proportions.

Soy infant feeding—which floods the bloodstream with female hormones that inhibit testosterone—cannot be ignored as a possible cause for these tragic developments. In animals, soy feeding indicates that phytoestrogens in soy are powerful endocrine disrupters.

Almost 15 percent of white girls and 50 percent of African-American girls show signs of puberty such as breast development and pubic hair, before the age of eight. Some girls are showing sexual development before the age of three. Premature development of girls has been linked to the use of soy formula and exposure to environmental estrogens such as PCBs and DDE.

posted on May, 30 2010 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by RogerT

Seeing you have a boy, I strongly suggest you keep on cow milk. Soy milk is full of phytoestrogen, which is not good for a boy, most of all of this age, since his body is in development.

In the link below, it says not to worry for men. ( They don't talk about babies, tho. )

In the next one, it says it is good for menopause...

I have a hard time believing one, or a group, of hormones will have effects on women and not on men...
And in the last link, it says that in western civilization there are more prostate and breast cancer than in Asian countries, because they eat a lot of soy... Seeing how many Asians there are, I'd be more inclined to think they don't take that much hormones to regulate reproductive cycles.

Given men don't take the pill, but it is a known fact that the hormones women take from those pills make their way to tap water, and affects men, overtime.

Congrats for the little bundle of Joy!!!

PS to RogerT concerning Frenchmen's politeness; C'est vrai en tabarn...

[edit on 30-5-2010 by Aresh Troxit]

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 11:51 PM
Eating Soy Foods Will Destroy Your Thyroid
and leach calcium from your bones

Soy, due to its phytic acid, causes calcium to be stripped from the body, and impairs absorption of all minerals. Soy suppresses the thyroid gland, leading to serious problems.

Soy contributes to joint pain, and often merely discontinuing all soy and drinking lots of water to flush out the poisons will make the pain vanish. The highly-touted phytoestrogens in soy have been linked to increased cancer, infertility, leukaemia and endocrine disruption.

It is child abuse to feed a baby soy formula.

A baby fed soy will receive, through the phytoestrogens, the equivalent of approximately five birth control pills per day! The damage is incalculable. The British government is considering legislation to control the sale of soy-based baby formula - when will the rest of the world take notice?

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:10 AM
cow milk is from cows
still not sure why people want to drink from cows.
also, the maximum allowable puss content of milk in the US is somewhere around 10%
im sure thats healthy fora growing kid.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:16 AM
Almond Milk is excellent as well.

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