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Strange star saturday night

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posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 06:00 PM
Saturday night I was outside at about 8:00 and I looked to the south and I saw a really bright star. I have never noticed this one before and it cought my eye because of how bright it was and only a few stars were out by that time. I checked to make sure it wasnt a plane, but it did not move at all. Now tonight i was looking for it again but it is gone. It is very weird and hard to explain how bright this thing actually was. hmm maybe not brightness but the size. It was south and i live in NY about 45 degrre above horizon

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 06:03 PM
Depending on where you are situated it may have been a planet? Was it pure white or did it have color to the light? Planets ususally show color that is why I'm asking.

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 06:06 PM
I've been seeing the same star for over a month now, I've been meaning to take a picture of it. I think someone said it might be Venus, I would like it clearing up though.

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 06:09 PM
if its the brightest thing in the sky besides the moon, and about the size of a star...its venus most likely.

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by John Nada
I've been seeing the same star for over a month now, I've been meaning to take a picture of it. I think someone said it might be Venus, I would like it clearing up though.

This link should answer your questions Sir

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 06:35 PM
Jupiter is shinning bright in the southen sky right now

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 06:40 PM
I've seen this star too. It's brighter than Venus. It pops up every now and then - you don't see it every night. I also had to check to see if it wasn't a plane. It's just too bright to be Venus or even Jupiter for that matter. It has incredibly bright rays of light coming from it. I'm sure its probably just a planet though.

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 06:50 PM
Most likely you saw Venus,then again maybe it was a ufo pretending to be Venus

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 07:06 PM
yea it might be jupiter but its just so bright, ill be looking for it evry night now, and if it was a planet wouldnt it be in different positions each night?

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 07:24 PM
I think I may have seen this too...i was coming back home from something last saturday...the sun was just starting to set so they sky was only a shade or two the south-west corner of the sky i saw a really bright light, that didn't move, the only thing up there i could see (no moon or other stars out yet)


posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 07:29 PM
The planets Sun-Saturn is suposed to be in perfect alignment end of this month. Could have been Venus. Not a cosmologist but turn 180 degrees and see if you see others.

You would need to live in a city without ambient light to see most of the distnat planets. I would guess.

If it isn't a planet...take a picture and post!

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 07:05 PM
its out again tonight really low someone take a pic

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 07:14 PM
venus would have been low in the west, or probably even set. same with mars, they're near each other. jupiter doesn't rise until later, or it's just rising. saturn would have been at about your zenith (right overhead). what you most likely saw was sirius (yes, i'm serious! DA DA DUM TING! sorry... i'm a nerd) anyway, it's the brightest star in the sky, and would be in the south to the lower left of orion. it's nearly a -1.5 magnitude star, meaning very bright.

EDIT: and it's always there. nothing strange about it

[Edited on 2/16/2004 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 06:36 PM
Yes, definately Venus. I was looking through the paper this morning and it had a small article and picture of it, telling you where to look. It should be out for a few more months.

posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 06:51 PM
Me too i live in NY but its South of me when i look out my house window very bright i also looked at it with my 10X50 binoculers but i now know what it is i guess

posted on Feb, 18 2004 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by EmbryonicEssence
I've seen this star too. It's brighter than Venus. It pops up every now and then - you don't see it every night. I also had to check to see if it wasn't a plane. It's just too bright to be Venus or even Jupiter for that matter. It has incredibly bright rays of light coming from it. I'm sure its probably just a planet though.

i see it every night here in san bruno

its very odd, but im sure its some plant just letup like the moon but its VERY bright

posted on Feb, 19 2004 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by weeman
Saturday night I was outside at about 8:00 and I looked to the south and I saw a really bright star. I have never noticed this one before and it cought my eye because of how bright it was and only a few stars were out by that time. I checked to make sure it wasnt a plane, but it did not move at all. Now tonight i was looking for it again but it is gone. It is very weird and hard to explain how bright this thing actually was. hmm maybe not brightness but the size. It was south and i live in NY about 45 degrre above horizon

Strangely enough. ON monday night I too saw a extremely bright star east of MAnchester.

I, again, had never before noticed this star. It was so bright it seemed to be in our atmosphere. ANyway, I noticed it on the way down to a mates house, I got in and told him and he didnt give it a seconds thought, a star, he was very confident of this. Anyway, when I was going to leav, an hour or so later the "star" had completely gone!

I waited till the next night, at exactly the same time to see if I could see it again but it was nowhere to be seen.

There was no movement at all, at least not for the 15mind I was watching it.

I wanted to come straight on here to ask you lot about it but it slipped my mind untill now.

Could this have been a planet? WHere I live there is a lot of light polution but this "star" was brighter than the moon! It was also, the only visable star in the sky!

I believe the north star is teh brightest, is this right? If so then why on earth would the north star be to the east?!!

Please look at the map here, so I can give you a rough idea of teh direction i believe the object (please note i am no longer discribing this thing as a natural celestial body!) to have been.

I was in HYDE, on the south east side of MAnchester the star seemed to be in teh direction of somewhere between (in the red writing on the west side) TRAFFORD and WIGAN.

WHAT on earth (well, obviously nothing on earth) could this have been? What stars or planets are in this direction at this time of year?!!

If it heps at all, MAnchester is on the same latitude as central CAnada.

So, star gazers, please help me here! I am quite concerned, especially now this New Yorker has seen something similar.

PLEASE, if you do reply to my post, please be so kind as to U2U me, so I dont forget about this post. My mind is terrible.

Thankyou in advance!

posted on Feb, 19 2004 @ 06:56 PM
for yoru ionformation.

My object was quite high. Though I am terrible at calculating anything like this, I would hazard a guess at it being 70degrees above the horizon.

posted on Feb, 19 2004 @ 06:58 PM
oh yeah.

This object was pure white, no other colour to it.



posted on Feb, 19 2004 @ 07:35 PM
I live in NY too. I also saw this star. Only it was in the southwest for me. And went east. (stars go east to west) It was the brightest thing i have ever seen at night. I have film pics but i doubt they are gonig to come out very well. All i kno is it wasn't no star.

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