posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 01:55 PM
I would say the reason she left you probably had more to do with the fact that you didnt want kids then you being a stars wars fan, but that is just
my take on it. I understand where you are coming from, after my first wife and I split, I was a wreck, I would drink, and listen to sad music.
Wonder all the time, why? We are meant to be together, on and on it went for a couple of years, then I decided enough is enough. I got on with my
life and stopped thinking about her lying at night with another man. I met my wife, about four years after, my soul mate, the love of my life. We
had our first child almost two years ago, and my life has never been better.
Here is the thing Jedi, you arent meant to be with that girl, she is who she is meant to be with and it isnt you. I dont mean to sound cruel, but
that is the way it is, when your time comes, when your soul mate shows herself you will know. For now, pull your head out, throw that stuff away, it
has no bearing on your future. Stop looking for woman in the bar, if you are looking for a quick poke, you are in the right place. I am sure there
are good women that go to bars, but the odds of finding a good one there are stacked against you, bars are meat markets. You use the internet to post
this, try it to find a partner, that is how I found my wife, and it has worked out wonderfully.
It will get better, but you have to help it get better, you need to get on with it. That is a part of life, love lost is one of the hardest
obstacles to overcome. But in drowning in self pity, you are missing all the beauty of life, take your bumps and bruises from this and move on. Stop
drinking so much, unless you are looking for a genie, you arent going to find anything in the bottom of a bottle.