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Space shuttle clips

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posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 07:39 PM
I just came across this series on YouTube and am both amazed and skeptical (I hate using that word). I'm sure that most regulars on this board have seen these but i'd be curious to know what others' opinions are of these clips. Here's the link.....

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 09:35 PM
NASA footage, I believe, is some of the most compelling footage in the case for UFOs. It's hard to fake! I am sure that there are some incidents that can indeed be explained as space debris, ice crystals, etc.. However, some of the footage floating around is, to me, overwhelming and yes, amazing.

Hopefully we will see some new footage in '08!

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 09:44 PM
wow, if theres any hard evidence, I say thats it, right there. Thats extremely interesting.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:50 AM
I love this clip simply for the fact that each person who talks has a different opinion as to which one is actually Mir...

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 12:43 PM
I did a mental 'double-take' as I heard the woman from Mission Control state that "it will be difficult to pick Mir out from the stars as they pass behind us" as if Mir and the shuttle are moving along at warp speed in deep space. Man, talk about zero credibility.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 03:20 PM
No collection of nasa footage would be complete without STS75 "The Tether Incident"

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:17 PM
Yeah those are my favorite proof-that-UFOs-exist clips, the MIR incident being the most amusing in a "Where's Waldo" sort of way--I think Xanax is an essential component of being a NASA/Houston Control commentator. Stars in front of the earth? Moving? Accelerating? zooming by in arcing formations? Cmon!

And the space ballet UFO wheel is simply spectacular.

As for the tether incident, well, seems there are critters in space that feed off of energy.

Best thing about these clips is they are bootleg downloads of secret DoD footage shot with UV cameras, i.e., invisible to the naked eye.

Wish more people interested in UFOs would pay more attention to them--everyone is screaming, "Where's the proof?" Well, here it is, shot by your own gubmint.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by AtlantisAgain
i'd be curious to know what others' opinions are of these clips.

since I have had previous ties with the Freemasons I can honestly
say that some of the series is BS, at least the part about the Masons'
God being Lucifer the devil. That part is not true. And since one part is
not true .... why would I be inclined to believe the other parts ???
If someone will lie about one part, they will lie about other parts
as well. I'm not saying all of it is false. I'm saying parts of it are

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:36 PM
I love these clips

The MIR one always cracks me up. When the picture becomes clear and all these objects are flying around and the woman shuts right up because she knows very well what it is she's looking at and just doesn't know what to say

Then the tether one. Oh that's just dust/ice crystals/debris. I just love how all that dust/ice crystals/debris looks exactly the same. Speeds up then speeds down. Does u-turns and some just appear from nowhere. Don't forget that the largest one has a shadow from the tether cast on it which helps in putting the size at somewhere around 2 to 3 miles in diameter if I'm not mistaken. That's one huge freaking dust ice wait, no it's very large debris from past missions.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by sherpa

That detailed closeup of the disc with the high RPM core at 04:25 is even more incredible. I'd be curious to know what the purpose of the notches in the discs are for too.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 11:29 AM

I'd be curious to know what the purpose of the notches in the discs are for too.

It depends on what you think the disks are.

When I first saw the STS-75 clip I thought I was looking at deep ocean footage because of the similarity of the objects to jellyfish, I then realised this was in outer space but still could not lose my first association with a life form, at the moment I still think they are a form of life that has been diligently ignored by science.
As to why this is only leads to another can of conjecture.

What intrigues me is, if this is a life form then what is their means of propulsiion, if this was studied and reproduced could we have a revolutionary new space preopulsion system.

However if there main source of energy is plasma catching one for study could be extremely hazardous.

There is a saying "build a better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door", that could apply if perhaps you substituted the word "mouse" with "space critter"

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 12:33 PM
Amazing footage at the end of that youtubevideo. The UFO's over the storm really looks convincing. I noticed how the estimated size of the large UFO was 1.5 miles. Very similar in size to the UFO just witnessed in Texas. A lot of stuff moving around up there that's for sure!

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by SimonSays

Originally posted by AtlantisAgain
i'd be curious to know what others' opinions are of these clips.

since I have had previous ties with the Freemasons I can honestly
say that some of the series is BS, at least the part about the Masons'
God being Lucifer the devil. That part is not true. And since one part is
not true .... why would I be inclined to believe the other parts ???
If someone will lie about one part, they will lie about other parts
as well. I'm not saying all of it is false. I'm saying parts of it are

Can you even prove either exist ? Didn't think so .

You cant debunk something without counter evidence.

That outta the way . These stories are just as credable as any other .

Thanks for the links . Once i get linux configured right (OMG HELP ME)
I will view the rest of the series .

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