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BET Founder Slams Obama in South Carolina

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posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:44 PM

BET Founder Slams Obama in South Carolina

Robert L. Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, who is campaigning today in South Carolina with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, just made a suggestion that raised the specter of Barack Obama’s past drug use. He also compared Mr. Obama to Sidney Poitier, the black actor, in “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.”
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:44 PM
Bob Johnson comes to the defense of Hillary Clinton in this, the latest chapter of the "I didn't mean to sound racist" debacle that seems to be gripping the media and, therefore, the attentions of the presumptive Democratic front-runner.

Johnson is currently one of two African-American billionaires, the other being Oprah. He is also the founder of a television station that has been, at different times, by different people, called "racist" (due to its name), "misogynist" (due to its content), and "a compendium of the worst stereotypes pertaining to African-Americans" (that one's mine).
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by HarlemHottie

BET Founder Slams Obama in South Carolina

Robert L. Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television, who is campaigning today in South Carolina with Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, just made a suggestion that raised the specter of Barack Obama’s past drug use. He also compared Mr. Obama to Sidney Poitier, the black actor, in “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.”
(visit the link for the full news article)

Wait! Wait one minute here!

Ain't Johnson the guy with the TV station that started showing all the nasty videos with the "bitches and hoes" and the drug dealers? All that nasty booty shaking, I call it soft porn...and he has since sold his so-called Black TV station to Viacom? If I remember correctly, yes, he's the guy.

Lord, Lord, Lord, what is wrong with Sister Hillary? She just can't get it right. Her racist remarks (like the one about the guy in the 711 store?) are just plain stupid and most people know she is racist and has a nasty mouth. And recently, she has been acting like a sore loser on the playground.

She is constantly on the lookout for someone Black to endorse her in an effort to attack Obama...while he just ignores her and continues his campaign.

Like when she had Magic Johnson endorse who in their right mind would want to believe anything Magic said? Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Magic the guy who ran around having unprotected sex with all kinds of women (who fawned over him and his celebrity), and then contracted AIDS and then gave it to his wife? He's the last person I want to look at! POS!

Looks like Bill and Hill are flailing about in the waters, hoping not to drown...they are the ones who are supposed to be so "experienced", so why can't they keep their cool, and stop race baiting? Their problem is that they have become crazed by Ambition.

Hillary ain't slick, she moved to New York (she ain't no New Yorker) and ran for the Senate so she could represent real New Yorkers, just so she could then run for President...I think she is obsessed!

Then there is her latest escapade which has to do with some crappy insinuations about Martin Luther King and President Johnson.

She's making a fool of herself, and, just like her husband, she is bringing pure filth into American Politics.

Now, now, Hillary, if you can't behave, how can we ever make you President?

Somebody tell Hillary to stop being a 'girlyman"!

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 05:55 AM
Hey, wait a minute.... I heard what the clintons had said... and in no way did I think it was out of line or derogatory.

Furthermore, I agree with Robert Johnson. I think Obama's campaign is built on lies, and I think he uses race to keep anyone from disputing him. I think that's underhanded and wrong.


Nothing annoys me more than when a person says "You just say that cause I'm black." Have some accountability. Sheesh.

Good on you Robert.... I'm glad your giving it to Obama. He should have the truth presented.

[edit on 1/14/2008 by JessicaS]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by JessicaS
Nothing annoys me more than when a person says "You just say that cause I'm black."

When did Sen. Obama say that? Do you have a link?

Allow me to be very clear. Obama does not have my vote. I still have some issues with him. That's not what this thread is about. This thread is about Bob Johnson and his position as the newest member of Hillary's hit squad.

Barack Obama is NOT running a race-based campaign. It is not a part of his platform to institute programs catered to the black American population. Hillary Clinton IS running, in part, a gender-based campaign (ie, "No woman is illegal!"). Therefore, her choice of Bob Johnson as a character reference is a curious one. Here is a man who became a billionaire by broadcasting the jiggling behinds of WOMEN.

That was my point.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by JessicaS
Hey, wait a minute.... I heard what the clintons had said... and in no way did I think it was out of line or derogatory.

Furthermore, I agree with Robert Johnson. I think Obama's campaign is built on lies, and I think he uses race to keep anyone from disputing him. I think that's underhanded and wrong.

Obama does not use race. Race was not mentioned until Hillary feared that she might lost New Hampshire...she had an emotional breakdown, she went on attack mode, and Bill went on attack mode.

Poor Obama was somewhere minding his own business. The media broadcast all that crap the Clintons were cooking up (SOUR GRAPES), they broadcast it over and over, until no one could think of anything but RACE!

In the meantime, Obama was somewhere doing what he came to New Hampshire to do--Campaigning!

And I wonder where Hillary found Mr. Johnson, that nasty hateful man--and never doubt that Hillary knew what he was going to say--that was an attack, on a Black man, by a Black man, and you say that you agree with that? If someone wants to endorse Hillary, must they get up on the stage and bash her opponents? By name, not issue?

Hillary, with her foul mouth, and foul manners, is going to run some of her supporters away, out of shame for her nasty attitude. I think that her and her husband are very nasty acting and nasty living people.

There's no doubt that this whole "racial mess" is Hillary's fabrication; she put a little crap in the game because it looked like she was losing New Hampshire. She cried, Bill accused Obama on National TV of making some kind of Fairy Tale...remember this stuff?

Personally, I respect Obama for not acting like the foolish Clintons, they don't seem to have the confidence and class required for politics anymore, if they had it in the first place! They are acting like low class clowns!

Sorry Losers!

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by CSIfan
There's no doubt that this whole "racial mess" is Hillary's fabrication; she put a little crap in the game because it looked like she was losing New Hampshire. She cried, Bill accused Obama on National TV of making some kind of Fairy Tale...remember this stuff?

That's kind of extending the media promotion that Bill was pulling some kind of racial attack on Obama?

What did Clinton actually say that day?

Bill Clinton’s ‘Fairy Tale’ Unplugged

“It is wrong that Sen. Obama got to go through 15 debates trumpeting his superior judgment and how he had been against the war in every year, enumerating the years, and never got asked one time, not once, Well, how could you say that when you said in 2004 you didn’t know how you would have voted on the resolution? You said in 2004 there was no difference between you and George Bush on the war. And you took that speech you’re now running on off your Web site in 2004. And there’s no difference in your voting record and Hillary’s ever since. Give me a break. This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen.

Taken in context, Bill was attacking Obama's postion on the war...

I don't see evidence of a racial bias in his words, please point out where race comes into play, I don't see it.

Is it typical politics? You bet, it has been going on for as long as I can remember so my advice to the MSM is not to promote this unfounded racial attack angle when it is obvious to those who want the truth that the MSM just want to start trouble for ratings or other reasons.

Kudos to Senator Obama for not falling into the trap laid open by the MSM.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:43 PM
Oh my GOODNESS!!!!!

The Democrats crying RACE against each other.... Isn't that usually saved until they go against the Conservative Candidate and it appears they are losing?

I mean ever year it's the Dems crying about racist commercials and the like, it's good to see them infighting like they are.. Refreshing...

Maybe the rest of the country will wake up and realize what they are dealing with in the Demon-crats.. LOL (Just joking there folks)

If Obama wasn't a Democrat and borderline Socialist, I could vote for him. I like his poise and the fact he is not RE-HASHING the same old garbage I am used to hearing from them...

I've personally not heard anything negative from him. Not saying he has not said it, I just have not heard it...


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
The Democrats crying RACE against each other.... Isn't that usually saved until they go against the Conservative Candidate and it appears they are losing?

That is a big problem, if something like what Clinton said is twisted into a racial issue, just wait and see how this affects the election down the road.

What Bill said was not even close to being racial, yet here we have this explode into an issue, with people ready to jump right in with the instigators of this fraud.

It will only get worse IMO, as Obama is further insulated from anyone trying to criticize his record.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
I like his poise and the fact he is not RE-HASHING the same old garbage I am used to hearing from them...

Me too.

I'm just really disappointed in the Clinton campaign. I'm a woman, and, while I'm sure there's a woman somewhere who could do the job, I don't think it's Hillary. She is simply too divisive.

Take this Bob Johnson thing. Her stalwarts among black voters are older black voters- the exact same people who hate BET. None of the older black people I know even allow BET on their tv's, unless their grandkids are visiting. Even then, they're disgusted by it, much as I am.

So, how did she think this would help her cause? Oh, because he's black, that's how.

If that's not playing the race card, I must be missing something.

I've personally not heard anything negative from him. Not saying he has not said it, I just have not heard it...

That's awesome that you noticed. I wondered if he might have been drowned out by the 'talking heads'. Apparently, a lot of Americans agree with you. This morning on Washington Journal, the host asked if Hillary and Obama were playing the race card, and almost 99% of the callers said, No, just Hillary. So, she's taking the brunt of this, at least in the minds of the voters.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 11:27 PM

While I disagree with him on policy, he is a class act...

It's funny that Hillary finds herself in the position of getting mired in mud as a result of slinging her own mud at Obama...

I think his greatest weapon has been his lack of response to anything negative and not pertinent to the campaign...

**sigh** I wish some Republicans would just stop and watch him for a little bit...

Oh well, we all pick our sides don't we...

I will say this, if it is between him and McCain or Paul, I'll vote Democrat for the first time in years...


posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

Haha- it's funny you would say that... my family was somewhat shocked a few weeks ago when I said, if Hillary gets the nomination, I'm voting Republican.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:33 AM

"We've always said we need a perfect, well-spoken, Harvard-educated black candidate who would prove we've transcended race," the billionaire African American businessman and supporter of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) said in an interview yesterday. "Well, now we've got him and nobody knows how to campaign against him."
BET Founder Johnson Defends His Recent Criticisms of Obama

I would like you all to note, Mr. Johnson called Obama "perfect" and admits that "nobody knows how to campaign against him."

So... does that mean that his prior comments have no validity and should be dismissed as simple campaign-season mudslinging?

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