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Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect (New Paper by Judy Wood/John Hutchison)

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posted on May, 11 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by CB_Brooklyn

John Hutchison's research, among many others, inspired me to include ai tiny amount of a radioactive isotope in a type of "biological antenna" I devised. It seems to transmit robust effects over a far distance to specific individuals. One description of Hutchison's equipment includes a Tesla coil with a few milligrams of radium in the core, another says it has a uranium core.

Scroll down to the word "Hart" or "tube".

Gerry Vassilatos - Blackwaves

Wilhelm Reich, Radium

edit on 11-5-2011 by grizzle2 because: Repair link

posted on Jun, 6 2016 @ 12:12 PM
shes just asking questions...there is no logical explanation as to how these buildings came down because the 2 towers were literally turned into dust and cars from 1/4 mile away were pulverized..with the upholstery and tires still perfectly in tact...dust covered the city...what else other than advanced unknown technology could have done this?

edit on 6-6-2016 by patrickdubs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2016 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: patrickdubs
dust covered the city...what else other than advanced unknown technology could have done this?

Well, the collapse of 3 buildings for starters, why not go with what we know instead of making up stories of mythical "beam weapons from space"!

with the upholstery and tires still perfectly in tact

Care to actually show evidence of that?

posted on Jun, 6 2016 @ 11:06 PM
Judy Wood is a dis-info agent plain and simple. She is doing nothing to further finding the truth about 9/11.

Think logically. Is it easier to put bombs in buildings and crash some planes? Or create some mysterious "Free Energy" weapon to disintegrate the towers, using some unproven method?

When you take into account explosives and thermite, there is empirical evidence. Experiments can be conducted that fit the evidence.

When you consider HER hypothesis.. it is nothing more than science fiction. And honestly I believe it is doing a GREAT disservice to those who died that day, and to those who risked their lives to save victims.

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