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Ducle, Roswell and Area 51

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posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 04:06 PM
Its been 40 some years since all this alien/UFO stuff really took off. There have been countless books, articles, pictures and other publications produced about alien phenomena. Within the past two decades these stories have really seemed to be a media hit and even more have surfaced. Additionally since the freedom of information act a lot more "official" information has come forth. I say "official" with the quotation marks because their source is questionable. It is possible to forge documents, especially ones from 30 years ago. All ya do is put a few important peoples names on it, type in some orders using suspicious wording and apply sharpie liberally. Amongst these "official" documents are the Dulce papers, which suggest that a military base exists in new mexico near the tiny tiny town of Dulce.

Thomas Edwin Castello claims that experiments with humans are going on at the facility and that we fought a war with aliens and managed to win due in part to our development of "pig latin." Some of the things he does say could be believable but lack any sort of evidence. He claims that his family had gone missing but can this be verified? Additionally I've read reports of people who investigated Dulce and found nothing. His story is very interesting and creative. George Lucas also had a really good story, he called it Star Wars and made millions.

A sketchy video of several tanks of purple goo was released which was supposed to be tanks which held some sort of embryos, personally it looks like a sci-fi movie set in the sense that everything looks artificial. It is as if it was filmed based around our preconcieved notions of how the base would look. The fact that it is in color when most security camera tapes are in B&W is also suspicious. Heck even the alien autopsy video was in B&W.

My biggest complaint with Dulce is the combinations of two seperate conspiracies: greys and reptilians who live under the surface in tunnels. I feel that this element to the story is where the fiction shines through the strongest. It almost makes one think of some sort of He-man episode, Greys and lizardmen versus He-Man!

Roswell on the other hand is something else. Something really did crash there, I do believe that but as to what it was I have no clue. Most people claim it was a saucer, this may be true. It's also possible it could of been some sort of meteroite breaking up in the atmosphere which contained some metals which are not found on this planet.

The government did do a really nice job of covering it up. I mean nothing says hush hush like several large army trucks and a bunch of scientists. The question is why would the army seek to keep the public from knowing about it. The only reason I can think of is they thought that the "object" could potentially be harmful to us or could even be some sort of new russian atomic weapon that malfunctioned. Just think, if during the cold war ( or as CIA calls it now World War III ) we had heard that the russians attempted to launch a nuke at us and it didnt explode by some stroke of luck.

Following Roswell questions about what crashed there and what the government said crashed there increased. Soon people started coming forth and telling what they saw despite being threatened by the military.
Unfortunatly others who had not witnessed it came forth and claimed that they had seen it as well. Lies and truths became interwoven creating false history. The popularity of this event only enhanced the false aspects of the tale to legendary proportions.

As for Area 51, yah its there. But what exactly goes on there aside from the aeronautical research and testing. Many people assosciate this location with aliens yet it seems like lately all they have been doing is just testing planes. Perhaps at one point in hangar 18 a saucer was held there but now its definatly gone. If the government was wise about it they would keep area 51 as a distraction to keep people from thinking that maybe they moved the alien research to somewhere which is not as well known.

Geeze I feel like I'm writing a book here. As far as my opinion on these events/places I have to say that I believe Dulce is purely ficticious, that it was only done as a means of gaining popularity and money. Similar to that one guy who claimed he worked at Area 51. As for Roswell I believe some sort of craft did crash their as for what I do not know exactly. And finally Area 51 may have their new supersonic aircraft but I doubt its existance, photos i have seen have been faked. Is Area 51 a top secret government installation? Not anymore, but they still have their secrets.

I'm just left wondering, after all weve been through in these years, how come the government has not revealed anything to us about aliens. Why would they after all this time keep silent about it. Is it cus they plan on using the technology as a weapon, like the Nuclear bomb was for WWII? Another option is that the only aliens in the us come from Mexico. It is possible that none of this exists, I mean theres plenty of evidence to prove that were alone in the universe. But isnt that what they want you to believe?

I guess what I'm trying to say is we shouldn't accept any of this at face value but really look into it and try to find out the truth amidst the lies and deception. There are people who try to tell the truth and people who try to make a best seller. It is the latter that prevent us from finding the truth. Whats important is that we seperate fact from fiction and find out what really happened, I believe we have the right to know our history.

We also have to be careful what we believe in and also what is presented to us as "evidence." The internet is NOT a reliable source of information. Pictures can also be decieving. Someone could take a picture of a bunch of dust particles and claim them to be spirits and some people would be inclined to agree with them.

The truth is out there, its just a matter of how determined you are to find it.

[Edited on 11-2-2004 by CaptainMooPoo]

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 04:14 PM
Personally I now believe that we the general population have been given the stories and rumors of crashes and secret bases in specific locations in order to keep our eyes ears and thoughts away from the real locations etc.As far as Roswell goes, which gets all the attention, there was apparently a second, or first crash at another location nearby but all attention is on Roswell and not much on the other site.
With respect to Dulce,If it exsists and is as big as claimed then it will have immense support systems and machinery that should be detectable in some way by electronic means or by being where it is and as immense as claimed someone would have seen something peculiar for the area.People have to get in and out somehow.
No I think were all looking in the wrong direction.Would it not make more sense to hide bases such as the rumored Dulce in the most remote areas on the planet where there is absolutly noone to see or hear? Antarctica?Alaska?Islands in the middle of nowhere?Just my opinion.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 04:40 PM
Cold War was not in 1947.

Something landed in at least two locations outside of Whitesands.

It was not related to the V2 missile tests. (my father was there)

There was ALOT of activity to "recover" what ever it was.

Regular base staff were not allowed on the "recovery" mission.

"Material" was sent to Wright Patterson, in Ohio. At the time HQ for the strategic bomber fleet and head of the OSO.

Nothing was leaked to the soldiers at Whitesands.

The "recovery" had nothing to do with anything that was "saucer" shaped.

There is a cover up of the roswell "incident"

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 04:46 PM
The cold war started right after World War II. And as for the red scare that took place initially back in the 30's.

But well all I am doing is just voicing my opinions here. Believe me these are not set in stone, if I find evidence which proves me to believe otherwise then I will change my opinion.

As for the bases you're probably right, a while back someone made some post about the NAZIs having a base at antarctica.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 07:10 PM
good post, i do believe that all this area 51 stuff aint real
but i do believe that area 51 is a big deception plan to take the public eye off the real truth as long as we think things r goin on there thats the place we gonna look keeping anything thats real out of it.

ive heard many things about area 51 moving to another location, and then i hear there building more runways and stuff

could this all be part of a big cover up to keep people interested in area 51 when the big stuff is goin on else where?

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 07:14 PM
All the "new" stuff is being done elsewhere.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 07:25 PM
interesting post captain moopoo!,

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 07:28 PM
1947/08 - 3 "pillars" of the containment policy are in place: Truman Doctrine (March 12), Marshall Plan (June 5), National Security Act (July 28). Supporting instruments include DOD, CIA, SAC, advance bases in Turkey and Libya 1947/09 - Stalin creates the Cominform, or Information Bureau of Communist parties, at the meeting in Poland of the Soviet, East European, French and Italian communist parties.

Andrei Zhadov reported to the conference that America and Russia were locked in a two-camp struggle for world domination. 1947/09

- Freedom Train begins - travels U.S. through 1948

1948 is when the world new of "the cold war"

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 07:31 PM
so have u heard about all this stuff about the move aswell robertfenix

if u know anyfin do u know any sites or anything that can point me in the direction of a change of location ?

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 07:51 PM
well there was reportedly an article done in a magazine in which some guy went to the place and found nothing, yet from what I gather he ended up going to the wrong place.

posted on Feb, 13 2004 @ 08:07 PM
Okay Groom Lake is still there aka Area 51 its home to a division of NASA Rymes (spelling ?) Institue aka Space Advanced Technology Lab.

BUT the big dollar Black OPS program have been scaled back due to constant perimeter breaches and people hanging out in the desert to see the "light show"

just check the nuforc sightings and you will see the new "operational zones" for the black projects.

Some are across the pond.

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by CaptainMooPoo
well there was reportedly an article done in a magazine in which some guy went to the place and found nothing, yet from what I gather he ended up going to the wrong place.

popmec article

I guess you mean this article? it's from 1997.

brake the car, step out, check my map and compass, and then (sorry, Avis) climb on the trunk for a better view. A 360-degree scan quickly solves the mystery. There has been a washout. The missing road reappears about 100 yards ahead. Tracing its line toward the horizon, I see what I've come to find�the back door to Area 51.

There is no guard post. A cattle gate, the sort you can buy at Kmart, seals the road, but the two heavily tarnished brass locks that secure the gate's chain are no blue-light special. They are strictly military-issue. Rusting strands of waist-high barb wire hang just beyond the gateposts. I had expected something taller, electrified. The warning signs flanking the gate aren't very threatening either. One warns "no trespassing." Its weather-beaten companion cautions me that the Air Force drops real bombs on the other side of the fence. My attention returns to the locks. The tarnish extends inward toward the tumblers, suggesting they haven't seen a key in a while. Perhaps no one comes out here anymore?

posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 04:46 PM

I appreciate you desires to know the truth, we have that in common but there are many excellent UFO stories from around the world.

One of the better ones, even Americans agree with is the incident at Shag Harbour in Nova Scotia Canada. Look it up.

Since both the Canadian and US military were involved in this incident and hundreds if not thousands of witnesses you would admit that something significant happened there.

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by madmartinez
good post, i do believe that all this area 51 stuff aint real
but i do believe that area 51 is a big deception plan to take the public eye off the real truth as long as we think things r goin on there thats the place we gonna look keeping anything thats real out of it.

ive heard many things about area 51 moving to another location, and then i hear there building more runways and stuff

could this all be part of a big cover up to keep people interested in area 51 when the big stuff is goin on else where?

I would have to disagree! I think Area 51 is still home to some of the most critical black world R&D. Remeber, most of the modern research has to do with electronics systems and avionics. These are systems where you can do more and more of the testing in a lab. If you look at some of the newer planes like the F-35 JSF, they look convetional on the outside, but inside they house some computer technology that is so advanced, that it would make Bill Gates feel "Old Fashion". We can speculate all we want to, and we can pull up countless pages of circumstantial evidence, but the bottom line is this: Not one of us knows for sure exactly what is going on in the underground labs out at Groom Lake! Also if the base was becoming less important, why haven't we seen a sharp drop in the number of Janet Flights? There has to be a reason why they are sending all those people out there besides deception.

Roswell, I'm sorry to say I'm not current on Roswell. Do they still have an active facility out there?

Ducle, I believe this is a research facility, but for what, I don't Know.

ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

posted on Feb, 20 2004 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by ghost
I would have to disagree! I think Area 51 is still home to some of the most critical black world R&D. Remeber, most of the modern research has to do with electronics systems and avionics.
ATS Director of Counter-Ignorance

I have to agree with Ghost, A51/Groom Lake if anything is expanding... having recently extended the runway by 2 miles to make it 12 miles in length, plus the fact that the gov't has annexed more land around it. I don't think civilians can get to "freedon ridge" anymore.

Jeez! 12 mile runway? can anyone say "hypersonics"?


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