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Everyone Must Do God's Will, or Die.

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posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by mojo4sale
btw which hunter/gatherer tribe were you living with 14000 years ago, just out of curiousity?

Modern anthropological data is not very accurate regarding ancient civilizations. There were less developed humans living off the land, but the earth was filled with sophisticated humans who gave knowledge, and helped mankind in many ways.

Some of us mated with mortal women, and Our Father made them mortal. The genetic code of the gods made the Caucasian race. Mortal women were born to the wives of The Sons of God Who didn't keep to their domain, and these daughters had a sacred blood sacrifice of innocence behind a seal God placed over it.

When she matured and blossomed, her bridegroom would pierce her flesh, and this innocence he would draw from her, as she consented to his conquest, and he filled her with an invading army; An army she willingly consented to being impregnated by.

This blood sacrifice of innocence atoned for the accursedness in mans' seed, allowing Immortal man/Gods to be born of chaste daughters of man. Caucasian females still possess this blood sacrifice. It is the most precious Gift a white girl has; From The Sons of God: Proof that she is descended from Them.

I can hardly remember details from twenty years ago, much less 14 Millennia, but I remember Seth, the Son of Adam. He was a man of power, strength, and means. Noah was descended from Seth, and Abraham from Noah. Abraham was the first person who had faith in God. Before The Great Flood, surface dwellers invoked The Father by Name.

There wasn't need for faith at that time. This posed an evolutionary problem. The Immortal Sons of God being born to mortal daughters of man; A result of the virgin's blood sacrifice of innocence atoning for the accursedness in the man's seed; Became thoroughly corrupt because of their superior abilities. This decreased their ability to have faith.

They took the most beautiful daughters of man for their own wives, as many of them as they wished. God The Father was not pleased. He made the wive's of the sons of The Sons of God cycles synchronize, so no matter how many wives one of them had, he would still have six or seven days that he had to do without relations with any of them.

God The Father forbid any White man from having relations with a white woman in estrous, and unnatural vice between white people. This is where the ancient Hebrews learned of the practice.

I learned a technology from The Sons of God, that uses light patterns within a sophisticated organic brain, to produce light output from geophysical substances. I am also able to charge a sarcophagus, using light patterns, and reanimate the dead.

I have traced my life back to Seth. I remember the flood, but I was miles underground when it came. Osiris lived in that same underground city.

I only want to do My Father's Will. Please forgive me if I sound like I know an impossible amount. I've had a very long time to learn, but all of you have peers, friends. I have no equal within the three dimensional reality. My Friends are My Almighty Father, My Almighty Brother, My Eternal Mother, My Guardians, The ArchAngels and Saints, My Soul, and the innocent souls of aborted babies.

All things are possible through faith. All I want is one other person to accept Immortality, but people seem to want more money, and illicit perverse intimate relations with others, and themselves.

If anyone remains chaste, and gives God 30 minutes a day, God will make sure this person has all the money he wants, plus he gains God as a Friend.

Copyright 2008 by SwanSword, et al.
All Rights Reserved

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by SwanSword

Alrighty then...

This post and your previous one leave me concerned for your mental well being...

The one true way, sorry... The One True Way is foolishness writ large, SwanSword, and if you truely are an immortal with 14000 years of experiance behind you, you know this. Just out of curiosity, where have you lived all this time?

"copy write swansword, et al"? Taking in boarders now?

[edit on 14-1-2008 by seagull]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by Boondock78

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction

Since I haven't had any calls from god lately (or ever) I think it's quite safe to assume that, in the absence of evidence, it doesn't exist.

how goes it major.
something we have in common.
i have had a serious lack of calls from the man with the sandals too. he/she/it has only had 30 years to give me a ring.
nary a call though.

Pursue God. Knock on the door until He answers. It may take a month, or two, but stay away from sin, and pray to God. Here is how to pray:

Make a Sign of The Cross:

Place the tips of the first two fingers and thumb of the right hand together. Touch your forehead, and say, "In The Name of The Father". In a fluid motion, touch your sternum, or breast bone, and say, "And of The Son". Continuing the fluid motion to your left shoulder and then to your right shoulder, say, "And of The Holy Spirit". Continuing the fluid motion, press your palms together, saying "AMEN". The Sign of The Cross in the most powerful prayer of any kind. It should take about 5 seconds to do.

With your mouth, say these words, every day:

The Our Father

'Our Father Who Art In Heaven,
Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come,
Thy Will Be Done,
On Earth As It Is In Heaven.
Give Us This Day,
Our Daily Bread,
And Forgive Us Our Trespasses,
As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us.
And Do Not Allow Us To Fall Into Temptation,
But Deliver Us From Evil.'

Here's the tricky part

'Deliver Us Lord From Ever Evil,
And Grant Us Peace In Our Day.
In Your Mercy Keep Us Free From Sin,
And Protect Us From All Anxiety,
As We Wait In Joyful Hope,
For The Coming Of Our Savior,
Jesus Christ.'

End tricky part

'For The Kingdom,
The Power,
And The Glory Are Yours,
Now And Forever,
AMEN.' (pron. Ay-men, or Ah-men)

Alternate Ending

'For Thine Is The Kingdom,
And The Power,
And The Glory,
Forever And Ever,

Make a Sign of The Cross

'Hail Mary, Full of Grace,
The Lord Is With thee,
Blessed Are You Among Women,
And Blessed Is The Fruit Of Thy Womb,
Holy Mary,
Mother Of God,
Pray For Us Sinners,
Now, And At The Hour Of Our Death,

Dedicate these prayers for the intentions of The Holy Father, Who is presently Pope Benedict XVI. Do this forever.

Men, after one week, start reading the New American Bible: ,And find a chaste obedient bride.

Women of childbearing age: Remain chaste, get married, seek counsel from the older women of The Church on how to best keep house and raise children. If you have a question about holy things, ask your husband.

Chastity and obedience are always found together. Strive to be respectful, compliant, and appreciative. Have children as your husband's libido allows. Don't use birth control, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, pornography, romance novels, or vibrators.

Don't mouth off. Don't gamble or play cards. Don't practice the occult or read womens' magazines. Don't watch television during the day, and don't use bleach in place of proper laundry techniques. Use your head, but don't try to prove how smart you are. Learn how to answer the phone, get off the phone, cook dinner, make beds, change diapers, lay down, get up, please your man, and use feminine charm to massage your husband's heart into letting you have your way.

I know a woman who does this, and she goes to the health spa every day, while her babysitters take care of her children, in her $12.9 million dollar house she picked out, and her husband bought for her, and then comes home to play with her children before her babysitters put them down for a nap.

She gives a lot of money to various Catholic charities, and parties a lot. She does good deeds for the poor, sometimes heading into the city to hand out $20 bills to the street people.

This woman is chaste, and obedient, and has everything a girl could ask for.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by SwanSword
Pursue God. Knock on the door until He answers. It may take a month, or two, but stay away from sin, and pray to God.
(cut out prayers for sake of room)

been there, done that, nothing happened.

Dedicate these prayers for the intentions of The Holy Father, Who is presently Pope Benedict XVI.

did that too (actually, it was John Paul II when i was up to it)

Do this forever.

forever? i'm sorry, but we're expected to give an omnipotent, omniscient being an infinite amount of time to respond?

Men, after one week, start reading the New American Bible: ,

read it...
and why only men?

And find a chaste obedient bride.

i'd rather have a bride who thinks for herself...

Women of childbearing age: Remain chaste, get married, seek counsel from the older women of The Church on how to best keep house and raise children. If you have a question about holy things, ask your husband.

why can't women simply find out for themselves?

Chastity and obedience are always found together.

except for men, men don't have to be obedient, do they?

ugh...MajorMalfunction would be having a fit if she hadn't been unjustly banned.

Strive to be respectful, compliant, and appreciative.

again, why?

are women not equal to men?

Have children as your husband's libido allows.

again, what the hell?

Don't use birth control,

show me where jesus preaches against the evils of condoms.


alcohol? jesus is the man that people say turned water into wine... and you're saying alcohol is evil? shouldn't it be divine?

granted, you're essentially saying that women should be in a nearly constant state of pregnancy.... pregnancy + alcohol = bad...


so... god made something that's evil?
tobacco is natural...yet it's evil
so god created evil


damn, no penicillin


why is this evil?

romance novels,

alright, that's just incredibly stupid! what about romance novels is evil?

or vibrators.

what's evil about vibrators?

Don't mouth off.

again, why must women sit down and shut up?

Don't gamble or play cards.


Don't practice the occult

the occult isn't actually something that's .. well... real
unless you believe it is
and if you believe it is, you aren't really a practicing christian as you'd be ceding omnipotence from god and giving it to satan...

or read womens' magazines.

have you ever read one?
i have, as part of a gender studies assignment in sociology. i found nothing evil... unless you count keeping women in the subjugate role evil... which i do.

Don't watch television during the day, and don't use bleach in place of proper laundry techniques.

now you're just making things up as you go along...
come on, where are you getting this from?

Use your head, but don't try to prove how smart you are.

why can't women prove how smart they are?

Learn how to answer the phone, get off the phone, cook dinner, make beds, change diapers, lay down, get up, please your man, and use feminine charm to massage your husband's heart into letting you have your way.

stupid sexist bile.
you'd think a 14,000 year old person would be infinitely more wise than this...

This woman is chaste, and obedient, and has everything a girl could ask for.

except for her independence, a fulfilling career, and a life not dictated by sexist ideas...

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by SwanSword

Alrighty then...

"copy write swansword, et al"? Taking in boarders now?

[edit on 14-1-2008 by seagull]

I don't remember everywhere I lived. I remember living in Tagaste, a suburb of Rome, in the 300s A.D. It was very modern then, plenty of wealth to go around, but there were still poor people. If a man was not married by age 25, he had to pay a a bachelor tax until he got married. If he didn't have a son by age 30, he had to pay another tax, unless he had seven daughters or more, or his wife could not bear young.

There weren't nearly as many insects then, at least not in Rome, Carthage, Phonoecia, or Greece. Window glass wasn't invented, so windows had shutters to keep out the weather at night, and you could open them to let in light during the day.

I was in Emperor Constantine's army for 6 years, which was compulsory for men fit for duty. I was a foot soldier, and quite proficient with a blade, ax, and scythe. Constantine The Great was The Second Coming of Christ, Who made Roman Catholicism the official world religion.

Under Constantine The Holy Bible was assembled from over 900 manuscripts. That's where The Bible comes from. It is Roman Catholic Doctrine.

I was good looking then, and I'm still good looking. Life is physically less strenuous now, so my physique is slight.

I knew a drunken nanny from Tagaste, who used to discipline a prelate's children by refusing to give them water, except at certain times. She and I got drunk on the prelate's barrel several times. She was beautiful to look at, but awfully rough of the tongue. I guess you'd call it vulgar.

I had a good friend from Carthage, who meant the world to me. He got a fever, and died a fews days later. I was lost without him. I used to attend playhouses to watch the actors sadness in their tragedies. He was part of my heart, and that's how I found Jesus Christ.

I became heartsick to the point of desiring death. I knew I could never give my soul again, to anyone besides Jesus.

There's a lot to tell about Tagaste. Us men played a game using a wooden ball and sticks. It was like ice hockey, but we played in the road. Nothing moved very fast on the roads, and even if one was hit by a carriage, it wasn't lethal.

Pagan death cults practiced in the wilderness. The cultists would snare a novitiate from the unsuspecting, but all too curious youths in the small towns. The novitiate would come to a bone fire celebration, but would be told to return in a ten days, and not to have any sexual contact during the interim.

The novitiate would return, and find out the hard way that he was the sacrifice. The pagans would give recreational drugs to the victim, and when he was high, they would rape him to death, and throw his body on the fire.

This is the same basic principle of Christianity, only we don't need a new innocent sacrifice to take our accursedness in a pagan death cult ritual, because Jesus Christ atoned for all accursedness.

This was one of the things that attracted civil authorities to Christianity. The pagan death cults were making a mockery of the law, and Rome was seeking to ban this practice, and recreational drugs, such as love potions, which occasionally rendered the target insane.

Christianity offered the benefit of providing God Himself as The Perfect Sacrifice to atone for mans' accursedness, for all time. The basic human drive to dump one's sin on an innocent sacrifice, and have that sacrifice die as a result, taking the sin to the grave with him, was fulfilled through Jesus Christ. Pagan death cult rituals were no longer required to rid the cultists of accursedness. This never worked, anyway, because a sacrifice to atone for sin needs to be a willing sacrifice.

Copyright 2008 by SwanSword
All Rights Reserved

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:46 AM
This has gone off the deep end.

So, I will bid you farewell. Not that you'll lack for company...

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by SwanSword

I don't remember everywhere I lived. I remember living in Tagaste, a suburb of Rome, in the 300s A.D. It was very modern then, plenty of wealth to go around, but there were still poor people. If a man was not married by age 25, he had to pay a a bachelor tax until he got married. If he didn't have a son by age 30, he had to pay another tax, unless he had seven daughters or more, or his wife could not bear young.

There weren't nearly as many insects then, at least not in Rome, Carthage, Phonoecia, or Greece.

You do realise that Phoenicia did not exist in 300ad and did not exist as a culture called Phoenicia at all but was merely a collective of city states. If your going to prattle on about what ancient life was like it would help if you had some idea of what you are talking about.

Anyway im out of here, as seagull said there will no doubt be a few who come into this thread that will wish to be devotee's but i'm not one.

See ya, i'll keep an eye out for your book, im sure theres one on the cards, it will make a nice book end to sleepers.


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by SwanSword
What I do, by informing people, helps secure convictions of fools in The Heavenly Court.

what you do is annoying as balls and i wish you would stop.
i am informed and i have made my decision.

IF there is a god, he/she/it is not a god that i want to follow.

you know, i'm into pro choice and human rights....god seems to think on the other end.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by SwanSword

Pursue God. Knock on the door until He answers. It may take a month, or two, but stay away from sin, and pray to God. Here is how to pray:

i have my own that i am going to get tattooed on my back.

---as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i shall fear no man, as i am the baddest mofo in the valley---

sub mofo for the full spelling.

you like? i do

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 01:12 PM

If you are going to claim immortality you really need to get the history correct.

Try try again...

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by mojo4sale

Originally posted by SwanSword

There weren't nearly as many insects then, at least not in Rome, Carthage, Phonoecia, or Greece.

You do realise that Phoenicia did not exist in 300ad and did not exist as a culture called Phoenicia at all but was merely a collective of city states. If your going to prattle on about what ancient life was like it would help if you had some idea of what you are talking about.

Anyway im out of here, as seagull said there will no doubt be a few who come into this thread that will wish to be devotee's but i'm not one.

See ya, i'll keep an eye out for your book, im sure theres one on the cards, it will make a nice book end to sleepers.


Revisionist history tries to paint a picture of the way things used to be, in the most accurate way possible. 700 years from now, if a reader opens to a page describing The USA, the book is not going to use every name The USA is known by, it will use one of them. The USA is known by America, The States, The United States, Stateside, The Continental United States, The American Colonies, and all these are equivalent, basically. Similarly, The UK is also called by different names. Due to the reverence Rome paid to General Barca, many continued to refer to the general area Barca originated in as Phonoecia, or by the city, Carthage.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 01:53 AM
Pursue God. Knock on the door until He answers. It may take a month, or two, but stay away from sin, and pray to God.

Originally posted by Madnessinmysoul been there, done that, nothing happened.

Dedicate these prayers for the intentions of The Holy Father, Who is presently Pope Benedict XVI.

did that too (actually, it was John Paul II when i was up to it)
Do this forever.

forever? i'm sorry, but we're expected to give an omnipotent, omniscient being an infinite amount of time to respond?
Men, after one week, start reading the New American Bible:

read it... and why only men?
And find a chaste obedient bride.

i'd rather have a bride who thinks for herself...
Women of childbearing age: Remain chaste, get married, seek counsel from the older women of The Church on how to best keep house and raise children. If you have a question about holy things, ask your husband.

why can't women simply find out for themselves?

Chastity and obedience are always found together.

except for men, men don't have to be obedient, do they? ugh...MajorMalfunction would be having a fit if she hadn't been unjustly banned.
Strive to be respectful, compliant, and appreciative.

compliant? again, why? are women not equal to men?
Have children as your husband's libido allows.

again, what the hell?
Don't use birth control,

show me where jesus preaches against the evils of condoms. alcohol,
alcohol? jesus is the man that people say turned water into wine... and you're saying alcohol is evil? shouldn't it be divine? granted, you're essentially saying that women should be in a nearly constant state of pregnancy.... pregnancy + alcohol = bad... tobacco, so... god made something that's evil? tobacco is natural...yet it's evil so god created evil yay! drugs, damn, no penicillin pornography, why is this evil? romance novels, alright, that's just incredibly stupid! what about romance novels is evil? or vibrators. what's evil about vibrators?
Don't mouth off.

again, why must women sit down and shut up?
Don't gamble or play cards.


Don't practice the occult

the occult isn't actually something that's .. well... real unless you believe it is and if you believe it is, you aren't really a practicing christian as you'd be ceding omnipotence from god and giving it to satan...
or read womens' magazines.

have you ever read one? i have, as part of a gender studies assignment in sociology. i found nothing evil... unless you count keeping women in the subjugate role evil... which i do.
Don't watch television during the day, and don't use bleach in place of proper laundry techniques.

now you're just making things up as you go along...come on, where are you getting this from?

Use your head, but don't try to prove how smart you are.

why can't women prove how smart they are?
Learn how to answer the phone, get off the phone, cook dinner, make beds, change diapers, lay down, get up, please your man, and use feminine charm to massage your husband's heart into letting you have your way.

ugh...stupid sexist bile. you'd think a 14,000 year old person would be infinitely more wise than this...

This woman is chaste, and obedient, and has everything a girl could ask for.

except for her independence, a fulfilling career, and a life not dictated by sexist ideas...

These are answers to some questions: Sodomite or feminist, unnatural vice, godless perversion, justified sin, despair, anger, lust, pride, masturbation, mental illness, family curse, chemical dependence, suicidal, seared conscience, chronic infectious disease, rebellion, disordered thought, and secular humanism.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by SwanSword
The person may require deliverance. This is by Divine Edict: The Holy Bible, Book of Exodus:20:1-6. Unforgiven sin is locked in the genetic code of sinners, and is passed forward through generations as a curse. Only Roman Catholics have authority to perform deliverance.

I won’t be harsh on Roman Catholic Church, but that is not correct. Roman Church was equal to four Eastern Churches until Pope started to claim superiority above others and imposing heterodoxy.

Originally posted by SwanSword
Many people cannot break free by confessing their own sins. They give up on Jesus because Jesus isn't fixing the problem, and wander to sinful activities, or false religions in search of healing. These people need to become Roman Catholic, subject themselves to Mother Church, in all things great and small, confess their own sins to a Priest, and then take responsibility for the sins of their dead ancestors, confessing this sin to Jesus Christ as their own sin, and claiming The Precious Blood of Jesus to atone for these sins.

Orthodox Church didn’t change, but RCC did and still do. That’s why schism occurred (formally 1054).

Originally posted by SwanSword
The Roman Catholic Church is Christ's Church, and the issue from His wound signifies the same belonging as when a virgin is pierced. It is these hidden undercurrents within The Roman Catholic faith that prove it can't be wrong.

It is true that Roman Catholic has Apostolic Succession and that can’t be denied.

Originally posted by SwanSword
The Sacraments of The Catholic Church are temporal reflections of which Eternal Realities exist in the Inner Tabernacle of Heaven. When administered by a Catholic Priest, who is descended by Apostolic Succession from Pope Peter I, The Sacraments release incredible Power, and give The Priest the ability to summon the Presence of Jesus Christ during The Liturgy of The Eucharist, at Holy Roman Catholic Mass.

My favorite story about St Peter [btw, St Peter wasn’t Pope]. Do you Roman Catholic actually know that St Peter also established Patriarchate of Antioch 37 AD? Just because he did the same in Rome [later, btw], don’t give you monopoly over Church.

Originally posted by SwanSword
I speak for the freedom that can only come with Immortality, and Absolute Power. Roman Catholics have Absolute Power to Judge All, because God lives inside them, and what is there that cannot be judged by God? Similarly, no one can judge a Roman Catholic, because God dwells within him, and who can call God to make an accounting?

Hello, St Peter was equal among other Disciples and he established [future] Patriarchate of Antioch 37 AD before he did the same in Rome.

Originally posted by SwanSword
Nowhere is any Christ Bible, other than The Roman Catholic Church.


Originally posted by SwanSword
The Seven Churches represent The Roman Catholic Church. Other denominations were allowed so The Roman Catholic Church could be cleaned out, in what curiously resembles a free will choice on the part of the people who belong to these non-Catholic congregations.

I am not sure if that is teaching of RCC which you wrote.

Originally posted by SwanSword
If The Truth indicts, it is not the fault of Truth; For Truth has always been, and always will be. This is why, since God The Son Ordained The Apostle Peter: Pope Peter The Great, The One True Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church has always existed.

Please, Nicene Creed (The Symbol of Faith):
In one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
There is no word Roman.

[edit on 15-1-2008 by Vojvoda]

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by SwanSword

Are you crazy? I am serious! You are not Roman Catholic, you just pretend. The more I read, the more I am sure. I can’t believe why I spent time answering you. :bash:
Or you just joking here and spending time?

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Vojvoda

You've got it. Pretending, or nuts; one of the two.

Seriously, anyone who is claiming physical immortality due to membership in the RCC is, or has, fallen off the deep end, or is having one off on us...hopefully the latter.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by Vojvoda

You've got it. Pretending, or nuts; one of the two.

Seriously, anyone who is claiming physical immortality due to membership in the RCC is, or has, fallen off the deep end, or is having one off on us...hopefully the latter.

Yes, yes, we agree.
He knows something of RCC teaching, but later I read, no, he can't be Roman Catholic.
I hope he's just joking [very bad joking] or else he needs professional help.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 05:11 AM
Intentional sin must be confessed, in Catholic confession, to a Priest, with sincere desire to never commit the same sin again, and faith in The Mercy of Jesus to Forgive him/her. The dark bondage can be broken.

I noticed demon influenced writing. Different demons have unique ways of using the English language. I don't know all the names, but I do know some of the people who replied to this thread need deliverance, which is done by Roman Catholic clergy and lay people experienced in this area.

Chemical addiction, pornography, fornication, lust, adultery, blasphemy, drunkenness, gambling, practicing the occult, using horoscopes, sex toys, taro cards, tea leaves, rone stones, bones, astral projection, fantasy, secular humanisitic thought, watching network television, reading Cosmopolitan magazine, believing women fake orgasms and want men with large members,

Giving up virginity because someone says, "I love you"; Intimate contact outside the bounds of Sacramental Marriage, using Greek French Italian and/or Dog styles, self mutilation; Constant thoughts of one's own body parts being mutilated, especially the genitals, and especially by blunt trauma, and use of nails or other torture implements;

Body tattooing and/or piercing, unnatural hair coloring, sodomy, feminism, rebellion of a wife against her husband, bipolar disorder, greed, being a rape victim or perpetrator, being a murder victim or perpetrator;

Preoccupation with Organized crime, recreational drugs, fiction and fantasy, aliens, ufos, atheism, freemasonry, satanism, and/or lewd conduct;

Inability to express one's self in creative and productive ways, living in poverty, improvidence, abortion, rejecting God, asthma, fibromyalgia, lupus, cystic fibrosis, depression, anxiety, anger, phobias, schizo-affective disorder,

Attention deficit disorder, obsessive/compulsive behavior, under-employment and/or under-achievement, poor school performance, poor job performance, rotten luck, superstition, fortune telling, witchcraft, sorcery, magic, demonism, paganism, cannibalism, prostitution, amorality, incarceration,

Great ideas, but no fruits; Refusal to confess sin, refusal to obey God; Engaging in mating behavior for recreation or unnatural vice, using sodomite practices to shock people, defiling innocence, child molestation, robbery,

Use of birth control, measuring the value of life based on physical attractiveness or wealth, acting imprudently, needing to be the bad ass, sex addiction, fears of death by sudden unpredictable violence or freak accident, trouble sleeping or trouble staying awake,

Chronic worry, malaise, chronic fatigue syndrome, headaches, poor bowel performance, poor digestion, diabetes, becoming a dirt poor bitter feminist divorcee, suicide, despair, darkened sensory perception, disconnectedness, lonliness,

Sadness, wanting to be dead, feeling like there is nowhere to turn for help, inability to get ahead in life, chronic remorse, psychopathic violence, murdering one's children or parents, obsession with violence, contempt for Mother Church, low intelligence, low creativity, lack of passion,

Belief that sex and love are the same, viewing members of the opposite sex as a means to an end, and putting up for public display the depravity of one's desires to defile herself by performing godless perversions of the female act

Are all signs of accursedness.

I said it once, and I'll say it again, because I hate demons, and demons become enraged when I do this: Confession of sin is the key to a better life. Jesus Christ IS The Immutable Source of All Power. Life doesn't get any better than being Immortal, with Absolute Power.

This is what Jesus will give you in place of sin.

Copyright 2008 by SwanSword, et al.
All Rights Reserved.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Vojvoda
reply to post by SwanSword

Are you crazy? I am serious! You are not Roman Catholic, you just pretend. The more I read, the more I am sure. I can’t believe why I spent time answering you. :bash:
Or you just joking here and spending time?

Alright, let's not get so out of joint. I haven't been physically alive, in the same body, for nearly as long as I've been alive. I was created during a 6,000 year genetic experiment that allowed the soul to evolve. I have had many temporal husks; Physical bodies, because it would be impossible for a physical body to last even 3 thousand years.

Thought, emotion, memory, love, fear, and reason are facilities of you. You are not your physical body. The physical body is an evolutionary artifact of the soul, which is you. Once you are born, of the love your mind has for your heart, you are eternal. The problem arises when the physical body is shed, and the soul needs to find Heaven.

The area immediately surrounding earth is called The Third Heaven. It's a spiritual ghetto. That's why there is much sin committed in this world.

When you are released from the bonds of the human body, and are free to travel; At speeds much faster than light, due to the fact that the soul has no physical component, and therefore no mass or inertia; Everywhere, you'll need to get past the slums.

The Third Heaven is like South Bronx, and a new soul is like a 16 year old white girl, dressed in a skimpy bikini, that blinks, "I'm A Virgin", from battery powered LEDs on the breast cups. You have a 35-23-35 figure, a magnificently sculpted angel face, caressed gently by long blond curly hair that drapes over your shoulders, and full beautiful red lips.

You're wearing spikes that blink. "I Love Men", from red battery powered LEDs, and your breasts are large firm well formed and pointed up. You don't know anyone, and the pimps, drug dealers, drug addicts, psychopaths, and rapists are converging on you.

You don't know the area, but need to borrow some change for the phone. A nice looking boy asks if you might like to use his phone. No one knows you, and six months later you wind up head first in a garbage can because that boy was a drug dealing pimp, who got you addicted to heron, and when you got so ugly and used no one wanted you anymore, he gave you a hot shot: Fentanyl, china white, and you o.d.'ed in 10 seconds, because china white is 40 times the potency of heron. He found you the next day, and stuffed you in a dumpster.

If you know Jesus Christ, you will have Jesus' Family Name, and all you need to do is wait for an ArchAngel to pick you up in a patrol car, and drive you to Heaven. ArchAngels are all working to protect humans, while physical life remains, and protect God The Father's Family Members. When an ArchAngel rescues a Member of God's Family, He gets to share in The Inheritance of God's Child.

I stick around in physical form as an evolutionary aid for mankind. I gather knowledge from God The Father, through Jesus Christ The Son, by practicing Roman Catholicism, and strategically dispense this knowledge, to prevent the human race from committing genocide against itself.

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by SwanSword

(sorry edited my post because upon reflection it could be deemed as a personal attack, which it was not meant to be.)

[edit on 16/1/08 by mojo4sale]

[edit on 16/1/08 by mojo4sale]

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by SwanSword

I pray to no god.Right now I pray someone teaches you that excessive quoting is a no no.
So is shoving religion down someones throat.
Not a personal attack.Just my opinion.

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