I have not posted in this thread because I am unsure how to word this.
My mother is a VERY religious woman. No religiously preoccupied, mind you. But if something good happens she will verbalize "Praise the Lord"
This is quite different from myself, who leans more towards Buddhism.
However, we discuss religion frequently, and we agree frequently on the generalizations, differing on specifics.
One thing she has always told me is "The Lord will take care of you. Just be positive". Throughout my life I have seen this promise fulfilled with
her, personally. Being a widow, life is not easy for her. But, over the last 3 years she has won 10k on lotto, a new laptop, a 2k dollar
mountainbike, 1500 dollar baby bed, thousands in various gift cards, 2 Wii's (my boy has one, niece has the other), signed football helmets....many
thousands of dollars in prizes. She enters sweepstakes as a hobby.
I don't have her luck. But i can say that anytime in my past that i ahve seen hard times, i have seen solutions present themselves. Money arrives
in the mail just in time, i get the right job at the right time...life in general just seems to work itself out. So much so, that i have just about
completely abandoned the concept of "worry" (many years ago, actually).
This drives my wife crazy. She likes to stress. However, the more I have shown her how NOT to worry, the more things just seem to happen for us.
True, into everyone's life a little rain must fall. My mother was diagnosed with stage III lymphoma just over 19 months ago. She just recieved her
6 month check up, and all is well. She has a LARGE piece of scar tissue from where the tumor was. But she is in good health now, and the doctor
feels positive in the near term.
During her battle with cancer there were dark days for all of us. Worry about mom, her finances (she owns rental property and we had a hard time with
maintenance). Not to mention chemo at around 22k per treatment (she had 7 total treatments). Once again, we didn't worry. And once again, the
answer was delivered in the way of a 150k dollar grant.
It isn't about mysticism. It isn't about having all you want. It is about knowing that you will be taken care of, working hard to make it happen
for yourself, and then reaping the rewards of your hard work and positive outlook. Sure, bad stuff happens.
It is ok, and you should expect it.
The "bad stuff" is what makes you appreciate all the good that is delivered.
I guess mom has it right. "The Lord will provide was is needed". Given my Buddhist beliefs, this fits right in, as the Universe DOES provide for
what is needed.
Sky, this is an OUTSTANDING thread. I cannot say it strongly enough.
I will, in all likelyhood, end up sending you some U2U's. I just need to put words around what i am thinking.