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Unseen Hand of God

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posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 01:26 PM
Have you ever reached for the hand of God? I know that I have many times throughout my life. Just because you can’t see His hand doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.

Several years ago I was in a very deep depression. I didn’t go anywhere. I sat at home and cried a lot. I would clean house and care for my niece and nephew while my sister worked. I was always asked to go along with them if they went anywhere but of course when you are that depressed you don’t want to do anything. One day they were all gone and I was at home alone. I remember I was cleaning up the kitchen and had just picked up a knife. At that very moment I wanted to die and not go on. So I took the knife and laid it on my wrist. When I was about to slice my wrist an image popped into my head. It was of my two children. I laid the knife down and cried even harder because I couldn’t bare to kill myself and leave them behind. Another image found its way into my head. It was of my sister walking in and finding me dead on her kitchen floor. During this period of my life I believed in God but my belief wasn’t that strong. Now that I look back on that time I realize that God had placed those images in my head. That was His way of putting His hand out for me to grab for. That is exactly what I did. God didn’t let me go either. He pulled me out of my depression.

Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the LORD, and He will support you; He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

Psalm 91:15 When he calls out to Me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble. I will rescue him and give him honor.

Psalm 94:18 If I say, "My foot is slipping," Your faithful love will support me, LORD.

God’s hand may be unseen but I promise you that it is felt. I may not feel it with my hand but I can sure feel it with my heart. Have you ever felt God in your heart? Felt His love for you in your heart? I have many times through out my life. In Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life. What does that scripture mean to you? To me it has a physical and symbolic meaning. The physical meaning would be that if you don’t guard your heart against things then you will die a physical death. The symbolic meaning is that if you don’t guard your heart against negativity you will lose your ETERNAL LIFE.

Psalms 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart rejoices, and I praise Him with my song.

Psalms 56:3 When I am afraid, I will trust in You.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding;

Life isn’t always easy for us. Things happen sometimes that we have no control over. We may lose a loved one or something drastic may happen to us like losing a limb for example. Sometimes we can’t duck the blows that happen to our loved ones or ourselves. We have to take them head on. They may hurt but He knows all that. He not only knows, but He cares. He doesn’t ask from us that we understand or even like what we face, but just that we face it and do what we know to be right, regardless of the fact that it goes against us sometimes. I know that God can help us do the right thing even though it seems impossible. But only God, through His love and grace can take a crushed and broken soul and restore it again.

1 Peter 5:10 Now the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will personally restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little.

Psalm 23:4 Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear [no] danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff —they comfort me

Psalm 9:10 Those who know Your name trust in You because You have not abandoned those who seek You, LORD.

Psalm 94:12-14 LORD, happy is the man You discipline and teach from Your law to give him relief from troubled times until a pit is dug for the wicked. The LORD will not forsake His people or abandon His heritage,

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 01:36 PM
My prayer that if your post helps just one person, that Father guide that person home.
Thank you for posting this sister. And may Father's will be done.

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by ReginaAdonnaAaron
My prayer that if your post helps just one person, that Father guide that person home.
Thank you for posting this sister. And may Father's will be done.

I also pray the same thing sister. Because you and I both know that His hand is there waiting for us to grab a hold of because God knows how many times I have done just that. You are welcome.


[edit on 12-1-2008 by johannamoria]

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:41 AM
Man is the Image of God. God has His Being, God The Father; His Creative Instrument, God The Son; and His Creative Seed, The Holy Spirit.

When God The Father saw The Virgin Mary, He was in Love with her, because She had traits that are beautiful to God: Piety, modesty, love for Him, a quiet and gentle spirit, obedience, courage, ordered reason, prudence, and chastity.

God sent His Creative Instrument, The Son, through Whom all things were made; Into the womb of Mary, and through Jesus Christ The Holy Spirit, or God's Creative Seed, was released into the wombs of the souls of Christ's Church, Creating man/Gods, of The Race of Jesus Christ, and The Blessed Virgin Mother of God, Mary.

Males are the image of God They have their being, creative instrument, and creative seed to bring forth new temporal life. The Image of God The Father is able to come directly to Him, and receive Forgiveness from Jesus Christ The Son.

Woman is the image of man, and is from her man (Literally wo-man). The woman seeks forgiveness from her husband, because the woman's sin is against her father, in the case of fornication, or her husband, in the case of disobedience; Not against God. Man is the master of woman. God is The Master of man.

The man's sins are against God. The man must come to God for Forgiveness. A woman may remain in the unmarried state, providing she subject herself to God, remaining a virgin for life. Other women must become subject to a husband. It is through female rebellion against God Ordained Nature that evil enters the world.

The sins of divorce; Bearing, or raising children outside the bounds of Sacramental Marriage; Fornication, Adultery, Being a rape victim, Being a victim of abuse, Using birth control; Performing godless perversions of the marriage act to prevent using one's body in a way pleasing to God, to reproduce God's Image; Disobedience of a wife against her husband, Usurping The God Ordained Authority of a husband over his wife, Reading romance novels, or Abandoning a husband need to be confessed to one's husband at the proper time.

It is these sins, and perhaps even worse ones, that are responsible for depression, bipolar disorder, phobias, panic attacks, neurosis, skin problems, thin hair, weak nails, droopy breasts, scant lashes, thin lips, infertility, divorce, being a rape victim or victim of abuse, use of birth control, and single motherhood.

If any person wishes change, she must first become subject to a husband, whom she has practiced chastity with until marriage, and confess her sins to him; Or become subject to God, and confess her sins to Jesus Christ, and she must repent of her sin.

In the event this is not done, the emotional problems will return again and again. The Roman Catholic Church has been given Authority to perform deliverance on people believed to be sincerely committed to repentance from sin, and who have grave emotional issues as a result of demonic interference.

Complete infestation can occur from using reiki, massage therapy, ignorant use of aromatic oils, incense, or candles; Association with people who practice the occult, such as Taro, Ouija, Seance, Astrology, Astral projection, New age religion, body massage, Yoga, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Satanism, Cannibalism, Feminism, Sodomy, Gambling, Card playing, Reading lots, Predicting the future, rolfing, or simply having materials related to some occult practice in one's home.

Subjection to a masculine authority brings healing, because a woman cannot receive love and forgiveness unless she is subject to her husband. In the same way, a man cannot receive Love and Forgiveness from God unless that man is subject to God.

After confession, stay away from even the appearance of sin, or thoughts of sin. Thoughts are how sin enters through the crack in the door. If a woman tries to master sin, through manipulation and control, she will be enslaved to doing evil.


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