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How 'Mystery Space Orbiters' (F.A.S.T.) were filmed.

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posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 09:20 AM
I went out yesterday and bought some new equipment, and I am working on this technique you discribe. I think it's great that it is so simple. I believe I have the equipment needed to video these objects, so now I just need a chance to find one.

Unfortunately, yesterday the sky between me and Orion was hammered all day with vapor trails. I couldn't see that entire area from dark until I went to bed. I'll watch today, and try again tonight.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by IAttackPeople
Well, stars do come in different colors. I would have thought this is common knowledge but apparently it isn't.

Thanks for scientific reply IAttackPeople and Springer. My point was I just don't remember any colorful star twinkling quite like I have recently seen some of them. I would think I would have remembered very colorful twinkling stars when I was a kid. They stick out like a sore thumb. They are not faint. If I would have seen them as a kid, the ones I see now, wouldn't be strange to me. I guess it's just me. Maybe I was blind to them as a kid and didn't pay attention, but I just don't see how since I love watching the stars.

Of course stars are different colors and it IS common knowledge, especially when you even go to college for a couple of years. (That was for benign.psychosis, your reply did sound kind of belittling) It doesn't change the fact that even though stars are different colors they still look to me as white twinkling specks with the naked eye. The ones I have recently seen are a lot brighter and more distinctly colorful in their twinkling. Enough to make you stop and say "is that a star or planet or something else?"

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Quazi176
The ones I have recently seen are a lot brighter and more distinctly colorful in their twinkling. Enough to make you stop and say "is that a star or planet or something else?"

Hi Quazi176,
Can you be more specific about the unusual stars you noticed? Where should I point my scope to check them out? The sky is such a BIG place when you're looking at it with 350x magnification, you need a reference point. A named star is best, then give directions. The degree of twinkling a brite star makes will vary from one night to another depending on the seeing conditions. The turbulance in the upper atmosphere can make the seeing great or bad, even tho the sky looks 'clear'. I'm working on the Walson hoax case and I'm pretty sure I can get videos as good as his with conventional equipment and a little know-how.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by waveguide3
Hi Quazi176,
Can you be more specific about the unusual stars you noticed? Where should I point my scope to check them out? The sky is such a BIG place when you're looking at it with 350x magnification, you need a reference point. A named star is best, then give directions. The degree of twinkling a brite star makes will vary from one night to another depending on the seeing conditions. The turbulance in the upper atmosphere can make the seeing great or bad, even tho the sky looks 'clear'. I'm working on the Walson hoax case and I'm pretty sure I can get videos as good as his with conventional equipment and a little know-how.

Hi Waveguide3, I'll certainly let you know the next time I see one (I'll send you a U2U the same night). I never paid too much attention to the exact location because I wasn't planning on showing anyone else besides my girlfriend since she is always just inside. She can also see them giving off different colors than a "normal star." Lately, if I face North (about 10:00pm CST), the star that usually gives off the different colors would be in the Eastern sky. I love to watch the stars but I still couldn't tell you where the constellations are besides the main ones people know like the Big and Little Dippers, etc..... I live in Louisiana so it's cloudy a lot here.

Starting tonight, I'll check outside every night until I can see it. I'll send you a U2U when I do and let you know where in the night sky it is located. If I see it, I don't know why you wouldn't be able to. It seems to distinctly shine blue, green, white, and red. The red and blue really stick out. I've seen it so much over the past few months that I don't stare at it any longer. We just moved more on the outskirts of town, so I'm sure I'm able to see more stars out there. I'd like to know which one I am looking at.

I just checked the Starry Night Online map of the night sky. According to the map, while facing the Eastern horizon, the constellations they show seems the star would be among the constellations Gemini, Canis Minor or Cancer. At least that's about how far up over the horizon I see it. Anyway, I'm no astronomer, but I'll do my best in getting you the info. I'm extremely curious as to what star it is.


posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:59 PM
John Bro, I checked your "store out" and you are right, you really have nothing to sell. In fact you should give all that stuff away. Nothing but insects you claim are sky monsters. I also spoke with (won't mention name for fear of being banned) and he told me why you are so disgruntled. Pretty funny actually. Egg on you John Bro, you are here trying to get points from "under" his coat tails. Also, these stars seem to be contrived eh ATS owners? Who is John Bro? A nobody of note. Just popped out of the blue hollering foul when "you know who" doesn't even give this guy the time of day.


posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 08:48 PM

I knew this guy Jose was a fraud, a modern day UFO snake oil saleman(ripping people off). I figured he just had a technique for getting these shots, that he wouldn't share, and was trying to make a buck off.

According to this thread:

Made in mid December '07, just about 4 weeks ago, Alot of people here felt the same way. (Edit* oh look right on que too, here is RGGEORGE in THIS thread coming to Jose's defense.) Hilarious. You and your friends little scheme to make money is over. Jose's secret is out, give up already.

OP, Thanks alot for comeing forward with this, and especially being honest. Unlike some people who try to make a buck of phony pictures and stories.

It's a real shame there's people out there like this, useing camera tricks to basically hoax UFO phots, AND try to make a buck off it in the process? It's just bad for UFO community as a whole.

Looks like we can FINALLY put F.A.S.T in the Hoax bin for good, imo.

-Oh and by the way if Mr. Lear happens on this thread, it doesn't mean there isn't a secret U.S. military space station up there. It just means, Mr. Escamila did not photograph it. There's still a high probability that there is stations up there, perhaps, staying in orbit behind the moon? *shrug*

[edit on 13-1-2008 by Nola213]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 05:03 PM
Good day, Reg.

Surely you must concede that your gloating response on this thread does digress from the subject. But I guess that I should afford you a curt response.

The main difference between you and I is; I have actually met with – and have had quite a batch of dealings with the person of whom their comments you have come to advocate. Mine was not a ‘fan / hero’ relationship, either.

Back in the mid-1990’s – I was the original author of a short-lived method of videography called ‘Solar Obliteration.’ At last estimate, that story was distributed out to over ½ billion people. ‘Riding on his coat tails’ is more than a bit presumptuous.

One day, ‘He whom shall not be mentioned’ traveled out to our camp and personally participated in a recording session – after which, he was given the original tape to take home. Later, excerpts from that video were included in one or more of his presentations.

On the original version of the second installment of ‘Rods’ videos – there was actually a segment called ‘John Bro Technique.’ They could have come out with a new version by now, I don’t know. I also had a cameo in his ‘Rods Phenomenon’ special that was aired in UK – but for some reason never made it to U.S. broadcasts. There came a time when it surely looked as if my research would be absorbed into his. When that didn’t happen, an aire of ‘competition’ seemed to materialize.

I made the mistake of publicly stating that I didn’t believe everything that my camp was recording was ‘rods.’ Then I began reading reports on the internet that ‘he that shall not be mentioned’ had gone about the business of publicly dismantling my works. Claims like ‘He is only in it for the money’ became prevalent – and consistently coming from ‘their side.’

Next time you talk to your ‘close friend’ – ask him if he remembers appearing on Art Bell’s ‘Coast to Coast’ radio program – and publicly apologizing to me - before millions of listeners – on just this subject? And before he answers – inform him that we possess the audio recordings of this. Also, let your pal know that this program segment still remains in the archives section of that show’s website.

Then ask him if any of my materials are in any of his presentations. Again – we have copies.

Ultimately, ‘Solar Obliteration’ method was used as the ‘ultimate debunking mechanism’ for his ‘discovery.’ Click on the following hyperlink – and go down to the section that reads ‘Filming bees by Denny White.’

Funny – he tells you…. That….. I…. am filming insects. Mr., White’s work precedes the ‘History Channel’ fiasco by 5 years.

I appreciate your visiting my website. I was disappointed that you didn’t mention that I was one of the aliens in StarTrek. Now that - would have raised more eyebrows as to my legitimacy. But I beat you to that too. Oh, well. Think I’ll go watch the last 15 minutes of last week’s ‘Monster Quest.’

Tell your buddy to just relax…. And… go have a drink.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 05:19 PM
Im willing to bet that these so called FAST objects turn out to be just Communication satellites. The fact they are alledgedy in Geo-stationary orbits and have long thin antennae arrays points to them being just TV, Mobile Phone-GPS or Internet satellites.

There are thousands of Satellites out there, so common sense tells us what they are. Why are people so willing these days to make conspiracy out of every day common things ??? perhaps take away the ATS points system and we might get an indication.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 06:02 PM
It is also my belief that these images are of something far less fantastic than an 'Intergallactic Invasion Force.' But fear is a great motivator to have people reach into their pockets, is it not?? I have also seen the ISS as it streaks over head in the night sky. Anyone that gets a good shot of that thing has my kuddos.

I just think that if enough people went out and saw these things for themselves... that the 'mystery' would come to light. Am working on a much better version of method description -- but don't worry, detractors. I won't be posting it at ATS.

You folks have been a gas. Happy hunting.


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by mazzroth

oh with the rods it's even worse than sattelite pictures. If you go to, the basically has a tons of picture, some showing shutter speed, and it's amazing how he turns mundane insets(bees) into rods, so easily, just by mucking around with camra setting, and shutter speeds, and alot of trial and effort , I'd imagine.

The thing that's really pissing me off here is that Jose Escimella(sp?), sorry, opps are we not to mention his name? Anyway as I was saying.

It's seems Jose, gathered these techniques from tohers, as is evidence, in saved videos and interviews by Johnbro, good foresite on his part, saving these intervies, and videos.

Anyhow, likw any good entrepeneur, Jose took these tchniques, and used them to dupe the UFO community, for the sole purpose of makeing a buck.

People like this are on the top of my list as well I won't get nast but, suffice it to say, I don't like people ho prey on others sometimes misguiden beliefs, or people who WANT to believe in something so bad, they'll pay a ton of money to be told stuff I could make up (aka Sylvia Brown). So yea, I put Jose in that category.

He knows there is nothing Extraterrestrial here, except camera tricks, but he is makeing money of peoples desires for proof (they want it so badly), and he's more than willing to take thier money and give them a a lowbudject Hoax film.

Your better off spending the money that you would on one of Mr. Escimillas videos, and use it to take a friend or your kids to the movies. It's both fiction, and at least you know at the movie theartre, you'll get a quality production, and usually have a good time with your friends and family to boot.

I hope more people come forward and shut this fraud down for good.

He's been banned from ATS, and I forsee the banning of his lackies (theirs 2 I know for sure), and a good possiblity of a 3rd. If you read through the December thread I posted, you'll pick up on who these cohorts are, besides the obvious RgGeorge. who knows maybe one of them is Jose himself under a new account.

But yea, keep up the good work, and put and end to this guy. There's nothing more I hate than seeing people make money off others wanting to believe in something so bad , i.e. religion, Spritual mediums, or UFO hoaxers , like Billy Meiers and Jose Escimilla(just to name a couple). The only thing worse is people preying on the eldery, and takeing all of thier savings by the thousands of scams that are out there.

Please keep this thread flagged, and lets debunk (F.A.S.T) once and for good. We can deel with Rods after that, but imo, with all the research I've done it's the same thing, different subject. Insects, instead of these rare Stars.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Johnbro

No don't leave us now

We need you to finish this off I mean if I were I'd be pised, not only was this your baby first; but it was basically stolen out from under you, and THEN used to make a healthy sum of money off of. You have be wan't to shut this guy down. Not that there's many people (except for the brainless you tubers, who buy into this) who believe Jose's evidence anymore

But we still need you to shut him down here at ATS for good.

Where anything further posted about F.A.S.T. immediately labelled hoax. Or at the very least, moved to the Skunkworks forum.

But I won't try to force you stay, I've played the morality card already (maybe in poor taste sorry),anyhow good luck in whatever you do. As I said It's evident in that December thread, most ATS'ers are "Denying Ignorance" when it comes to (F.A.S.T), so ya, you've given us many tools -thank you-. we can handle it from here.

Again stay Honest

Your a credit to the UFO research community. It's people like the ones I've mentioned who give it a bad name.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:19 PM
Thank you, Nola.

You are very kind. I have been a member of ATS since early 2006. I am not 'leaving' - because some psuedonymn makes a go of it. But I also am not going to be baited into arguments on a daily basis. This ultimately is what leads people to 'lose their cool' - and eventually get 'banned' from a site - on that one day when it all goes too far. And I am certain that some individuals work hard to achieve such a scenario. "I may be dumb... but I'm not stupid!"

I personally would never say that 'this is my baby.' I make no claim to the '4th dimensional flying snake' theory. Years ago, parts of my materials were used - in mis-leading formats - credits, dates, locations corrupted. For this, I will never forgive.

One day while in San Diego, (1998 or '99) I was watching the local news on television - when on a 'trailer' ad - a picture that I had taken two years hench was flashed on the screen. The image had been cropped down to remove the text denoting the photographer and date. I quickly went to the KFMB website - and the image was there as well. The on-line story reported that 'Lord Valdemord' ( he that shall not be named )
- had been in town - and 'this picture was taken just this morning.'

This is just one example. There were many. The JEM is actually cubic zirconia.

About 10 years ago, I was given my '15 minutes of fame' as a noted UFO researcher. After much ridicule and undermining by certain influential, if not charismatic media leaders in this genre' - ( no, not Valdemord ) - I had had enough and pretty much just walked away from it all. Today, very few remember any of that - and it is probably for the best. I can only add that the reality of the super-science of our universe is hardly effected by our knowledge - or lack thereof.

Today, I am merely a consciencious observer of the UFO phenomenon - have never made money off of any of this. Just adding my observations to the ever-growing list of such evidences. I have absolutely no interest in being one of the 'Stars of UFOs.' Going down in history as a famous mental case holds little appeal. I harbor no empathy.

So, I hope this all comes out in the rinse. You can't sell God, or Infinity - and one shouldn't try to sell UFOs either. Like the spirit of this post... the truth... is simply given. People can make their money after disclosure.

Back in a week....

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 12:16 AM
I'm really interested to see if this method actually works for other people, whether they see cool stuff or not.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 12:25 AM
Yeah John Bro please don't leave. Besides you have your mutual admiration society growing here. I guess your failed career as a UFO claimer is getting a resurgence here. You started this thread. The one you can't mention the one more famous than you showed me your conceptual drawings of the insects you filmed. It is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen he told me how when he first saw this stuff he and his crew laughed for days. John Bro has aliens drawn inside this artist rendering of what he says is a starcraft or some name and it's really funny looking.

What ever you were thinking when you drew this drawings really settles why you were embarrassed out of the field of UFO research. I called him and we had a long conversation about you. He was actually surprised to hear you were here making accusations at him. I've been keeping him informd on things being said but never mentioned you. He's been too busy working on his films and doesn't have time to kill like us. So now that he knows he told me he will send you an email someday. Maybe. It's all petty ranting on your part from as far as he's concerned what he told me.

So John Bro he asked me to send you his best wishes and hopes you find something that makes you happy where ever you are. Now that's class. RG

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by Johnbro

I see your point, it does seem, certain people he have concieted defeat, and now just wan't to try and goad you into a fight. This shows maturity on your part.

Sheesh that would have me spinning if I saw a picture of mine in a video, or on the tele, with my name cropped off it, and no acknowledgments given. Not even mometary, just a simple, this pic shot by "so and so" would suffice.

But yea, it seems your thread here has done it's job. Not really much left for you to do in this thread.

Take care, hope to see some other stuff from you in the future, as you are a gifted photographer.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Johnbro
It is also my belief that these images are of something far less fantastic than an 'Intergallactic Invasion Force.' But fear is a great motivator to have people reach into their pockets, is it not?? I have also seen the ISS as it streaks over head in the night sky. Anyone that gets a good shot of that thing has my kuddos.

I just think that if enough people went out and saw these things for themselves... that the 'mystery' would come to light. Am working on a much better version of method description -- but don't worry, detractors. I won't be posting it at ATS.

You folks have been a gas. Happy hunting.


I've gotten pretty good shots of the ISS through my telescope, as seen in my avatar picture. I looked at your pictures and I can tell you why your stars look "odd" - you weren't using a tripod or you weren't using a remote/timer to take the pictures. Your stars streaked because your camera shook during the exposure, as seen by the way the ground objects appear to have motion blurs. I have reproduced this effect to debunk JLW's still photography and provided comparison shots that were done on a tripod without shaking. I can repost that here in this thread if you'd like.

As for colorful twinkling, to those who are reporting that I'm afraid to say that's perfectly normal atmospheric scintillation - notice how the effect is always most prominent on bright stars near the horizon, never at the zenith (highest point straight up). That's just normal bad "seeing;" stars are point light sources, so if the turbulent waves in the atmosphere are larger than the beam of light, it will twinkle. For this reason, planets do not normally twinkle the way stars do (because they are much much closer and present a disc, not a point of light), but because stars are point light sources, their light can be easily bent, refracted in various ways, and this results in color shifts (because different colors of light will bend easier than others) as well as twinkling.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 03:06 PM
I'm going to temporarily suspend my absense here - as I feel if would be rude if I didn't give response to my new-found friend.

Thanks again, Nola. Ng... you are probably closest to the mark.

Good day, (pseudonym) Reg.

I would like to say thank you. It is very flattering to me that anyone would take the time to go to my webpage, and follow through all of the internal links that would be required to locate materials from 10 years ago. It is a major compliment that you… I mean, your mentor – would still be distributing my artwork from 1997. In your own posted statement, you admit that it is ‘conceptual.’

Wikipedia defines ‘Conceptual art’ as: ‘Art in which the concept or ideas take precedence over traditional aesthetic and material concerns.’

I wonder if you also ‘laugh for days’ when you look at models from StarTrek or Starwars? Probably not as much as I have laughed at ‘flying rods’ animations. But they do fall under the same category; “Science Fiction Art.”

The difference is that I have labeled mine as such. I would be most gratified if you were to post one of my ‘Artist’s Renditions’ here for all to see. I greatly appreciate the time that you have spent admiring my past works. I don’t know if I would have done the same for you.

One in particular; called ‘Interlinks theory’ – actually ended up in a futuristic Japanese space cartoon. I guess that one would have to read the fine print. But; that’s entertainment! Oh… the ‘alien’ in the artwork that you mentioned – was actually a depiction of an Air force test pilot.

‘Resurrecting ‘my’ UFO research here.’

Hmmmm. Seems like an odd thing to say. Surely, you give me far too much credit. I was simply making a post on a web forum.

For people that ‘wouldn’t give me the time of day’ – I feel that ‘they’ may be expending way too much energy in this pursuit. The ‘hit counter’ on my website also displays ‘referrers’ point of origin. Some person(s) is making quite a concerted effort to ‘get the skinny’ on ‘anonymous’ me. If I had an agenda, this would serve it well.

‘More famous than you’

Huh. Well, you possibly don’t want a ‘margin call’ on that one, either. But NOW… we are getting to the actual ‘meat and potatoes’ of this, are we not?? Considering the media-morphing from ‘Flying snakes phenomenon’ to ‘Greatest collection of public domain materials never sold’ to ‘Interstellar communications satellites’ – it seems apparent to me that the material is taking a backseat to the promotion of the ‘artist.’ (Reserving prefix that is opposite of ‘pro’) Just curious… What is the biggest project that ‘Valdemord’ has been a part of?? (besides…. ‘Harry Potter’ that is.) But, we remain quite optimistic – that his shall one day be a household name.


I list specific and factual incidents, and this is the only response?? Then the ‘calling-out’ on the other thread should rightfully expect the same. Yet another example of ‘their’ hypocrisies?

‘He might send an e-mail’

Probably would be a waste of time. I never open suspicious messages. One never knows what kind of macros could be attached. I just delete them.

I think it is very sweet that you guys are keeping in touch. The taking the time, in-between videotaping Bar Mitzvas seems quite charitable. Well, I guess it is the ‘off season.’ Oddly enough, by pseudonym – or by proxy; ‘He that shall not be mentioned’ is in effect, still participating in these forums – as long as he has his house elf.

My best to you, as well. By the way, ‘Crayton’ sends his regards. And he asked if you are still living in a Studio City hotel…. Or did you finally get a place of your own??

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 04:37 PM
may i just say JB the last post of yours is one of the best posts i have seen here at ATS in the 6 years of coming here,

i was not aware of your broad history, although i was aware of the techniques and films i was not aware of your involvement right from the start.
you have my sympathy for all the *** you must have had to face over the years.

many thanks for a heartfelt post.

take care


Originally posted by Johnbro
Thank you, Nola.

Back in a week....

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 05:56 PM
A little investigation will show that the images were obtained in the UK , near to Portsmouth , not far from an active helicopter base ( spooks in black helos....just normal RAF activity )
There is nothing in the videos to suggest giant space machines or indeed UFOs....simply very poor videography through an 8 inch telescope.

To be honest the pictures are poor quality and rather mundane.....either deliberately attempting to dupe viewers or the chap is just having a laugh !
They can be duplicated quite simply by putting a hi zoom video camera to the eyepiece of a telescope.
Basically....overzoom+overmagnification + poor focus = Rubbish

Well done NG with your shots of ISS.....good work......its a pity Steve AKA JLW doesnt concentrate his efforts and put his telescope to good use by taking " normal" imagery .

Its all a bit like the Emporer's new clothes I suppose....there are plenty of gullible people out there just waiting to grab at anything that suggests a conspiracy or a hint of the paranormal.

Very sad.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by rggeorge
So John Bro he asked me to send you his best wishes and hopes you find something that makes you happy where ever you are. Now that's class. RG

Yea it's good he has you to do these meanial tasks, because he's so busy...., oh wait no, he banned, that's right. what a shame.

But again here you are...oddly enough whenever a thread discreditting him pops up. Ready to defend him, and make forum posts for him.

This is the thing about trolls johnbro, they bring you down to their "name-calling, 5th grade level" then beat you with experience. :p

Not that I see him getting you there, you seem pretty level headed, me, ah well my buttons are easily pushed. Something I need to work on.

Take your break, it's a waste of time in this thread, you've made your point, and an excellent one at that, there's nothing more to say really. You've show how to reproduce Jose's images , by giving away his super secret technique, that he for years wouldn't let out. Despite it being the right thing for the community. but he knew it was a hoax, and a camera trick, and that it was in his best interest to remain silent, and make money off of it. This here should be a HUGE red Flag to anyone in the UFO community that someone is a Fraud.

A "real" researcher shares his information. They do not charge large amounts of money to see more junk, and give the buyer the false hope that if they buy his dvd the truth might be revealed.

NG, I believe Johnbro was shaking the camera on purpose to reproduce the effects the F.A.S.T. people we getting, and trying to make money off of. You have to admit there are some striking similarities in a few of his pictures, at least imo I think there are. BTW, Very nice shot of the ISS you got there btw, excellent.

Anyway, I hope this just ends, you guys-- JohnBro, and 'He that shall not be mentioned' seem to have a long , perhaps somewhat stained relationship, and dealing with one of his underlings (or screename alts) isn't gonna get us anywhere. I mean just refer to the mid December thread, you can see what RG is all about. Waste of time.

You did your job here, concerning the title of the thread, and that's that.

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