posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 08:18 AM
Hi ppl!
Fist of all, I would thank mikesingh for all the contributions on ATS, He really opened my mid, bus theres something about these faces on mars that
intrigues me. The fact is that we, as humans, have a tendence to see human faces in anything, if you draw two balls side by side and put a line in
the bottom, you coul say the this image ressemble a human face, just because your brain is used to recgnize this tipe of image. I do believe in UFO,
in matter of fact, I believe that Mars once was an alien populated planet, we have other proofs of that, and wasting our time with some face-like
images that can be just some nature's light trick, or a brain trick like I said before, just slow things down.