Nice post mate. I too feel like that sometimes.
But then you ask yourself why is this happening, there has to be a reason. There are many possible answers. Here are a few:
Planet Earth is not a place of happiness and bliss, it is a place of suffering and tough learning. It is not an easy planet, many choose to come here
beacuse it offers great challenges and a faster progress in their soul development. This is why sometimes they called Earth a prison planet or a
school. A prison because sometimes really evil egos
are sent here to exist.
Then another answer is that not all people are the same and at the same level of personal development. This is refected on Earth perfectly. There are
many poor, middle and rich places to live in. There is such diversity: religions, nations, languages. But you have to remember that if you are born in
a poor country, you have almost nothing to eat, etc. this does not mean you are a novice soul, but maybe you choose a thugh life to live and
Everything that happens in your life is beacuse of you and your actions of today and all the things you ever done in your existence. You should not
feel sorry for the poor people in Africa, you should respect them because they chose a difficult life. I sometimes feel weak because while I have my
stomach full, 40.000 children died of hunger that day. Why am I the one to have food on the table and not them?
Earth is a place of individuality, not a place of unity, that is why you can find here very nice people, but also murderes. This is why Earth is a
school, you have many classes where souls can go. From the rich to the poor, good to evil, everything.
But all I gave you until now is answers that are not very, well Earthly, I have no proof of what I am saying. I do not know your believes or faith so
this might offend you or not.
A more Earthly answer would be that we humans lack the necesary level of cultural development to really understand how society needs to function and
be able to provide the minimum required to everyone.
It always ends up to evolution and progress. We need to fight our way into a better world and it is not easy, there are many forces which resist to
Even today in our society there are slaves and masters. Just take a map and look. No one is saying this out lound, they keep saying there is no more
slavery in the world. I say, today, there is more slavery compared to any other time in history.
How is this possible? Well, look at China, around 800 million people live in slave like conditions and all they do is work all day for almost nothing
but enough food to survive. Then we have USA and Europe which are the masters which live off the slaves. I feel sorry to say, but I live in Europe.
China is just one example. There are plenty.
If all the people on Earth were to live in equal ways this abuse would not exist. But there is no equality in todays world. Our Constitutions are bias
and discriminatory. They say "Owners of property and land are protected by the state and no one can take it from them". Do you see anything wrong
with that statement? If I was the owner of Earth then all the rest of you would have been punished by the state if you desired your own equal share of
land. If I am born with no property, I die with no property. You say, but you can buy property. Buy with what if I am a slave in China?
You see, our world is corrupt, inefficient, discriminatory, and all these are protected by our own constitutions. Isn't it ironic? We think of
Constitutions as the best things that have ever happened to us, when in fact they are disguised tools to keep us ignorant.
I do believe a world which is corrupt, inefficient and discriminatory favours an elite. This is why the NWO (New World Order) idea is not so far
fetched. When you have corruption, inefficiency and discrimination it is impossible for an elite not to exist. Someone has to benefit from all that
If you were to draw a conclusion after all I said, you would say there is no hope left for humanity. Hope is the only thing most of the people of
Earth have to keep them going to work the next day, fight for enough food to survive, etc.
What is this hope? It is an inner knowing, a knowledge that transcends your current life. It is beyond our world. But what does it say, this hope?
There will be a better tomorrow, whenever that tomorrow will be. And we are all right when we say that. The world is an ever changing enviroment.
Things will never stay this way forever.
The story of creation, not religious ones, say that in the beginning we were all One and in the end we will all become One again. What we are
experiencing now is the inbetween time from One and back to being One.
All I can say is enjoy the ride, but sometimes it is rather hard to enjoy death, suffering, envie, selfishness, discrimination, abuses, etc. But we
can't change the world, the world was created to change us. If you see abuse, try to never do it yourself.
Here is hope for a better tomorrow! Cheers, Pericle