Recently, i started a thread called 'The Case For Clifford Stone' and, to me at least, it seemed the general consensus was that he was speaking the
truth, flat out.
Now don't get me wrong, hats off to the guy for bringing forth the FOIA documents, which i find extremely interesting to say the least, but his story
is a little errr... shaky, by that i mean he starts off with a good old tale of government cover ups and ET communication, and ends up with talking to
invisible friends and being hand picked as a communicator to alien species.
Having watched a lot of the Project Camelot video interviews i cannot fathom how some people take it as 'the truth', i am in no ways a skeptic
anything i'm a 'skeptical believer', in that i believe we are being visited by extraterrestrial entities, but i am not willing to believe 90% of
the interviews on this site. To me the only ones that rings credible are Gary Mckinnon and Ralph Ring. Probably because they don'y go down that
'spirtual' or 'higher conciousness' road that a lot of the others go down..
Robert O'Dean and his wife for example, in their interview together, they claim to have met each other many times in past life's, this is bordering
on tarot card reading material here might i add, which i believe is a complete scam.
Nonetheless the people conducting the interviews are trying to tie all the facts of these guys story all together, which is going to end up a huge
mish mash of information that will probably be incomprehendable me and possibly a few others.
Dan Burisch tales for instance, which no doubt have been debated on here many times before, now this guy can act that's all i'm saying, he obviously
has nothing better to do than spout rubbish about stargates, sub star trek/stargate SG1 material that has no conclusive or tangible evidence! That and
it seems Dan Sherman is trying to plug advert about his book, i suppose we all need to make money mind you...
My conclusion is this, sorry to the members of ATS who believe in Project Camelot, i am not 'close minded' nor am i a 'debunker', i am just not
willing to accept these guys testimonies as flat out truth as others do, if you believe them and it turns out there is proof of them lying then i'm
sure it'll be another conspiracy theory within itself, so really, there's no convincing anybody and ultimately renders this thread a waste of time,
on the contrary, there should be some interesting arguements