posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 08:30 PM
Nibiru, the movie... Oh what an amazing feature film it will be my friends. Let's pull together film financing to shoot a fictional tale about a
mysterious giant planet (that nobody can see until it is too late) crossing paths with the doomed, doomed, doomed earth. All the typical Hollywood
special effects are already in place - evil alien overlords, earth shattering destruction, grand conspiracy theories, and armageddon. Don't forget
about the pure, unadulterated armageddon. Now all we need is a hero to save the day and show those stinkin' aliens that humanity will triumph over
all. Maybe we can get JJ Abrams to produce it - I mean this already has the tell-tale undergound marketting strategy that he thrives upon. (Probably
not unless he reads this forum and gets a chuckle from this post.)
If it gets started now, I think we can be in a perfect production state for a 2012 completion. That is the final deadline afterall.
I've been aching to direct another feature film. Maybe I should get a script ready to go folks. Much of the story has already been written. Just
add the witty lines of dialogue, high-octane action sequences, a couple of car crashes, overused Hollywood cliches, several pints of beer, subliminal
product placement, and actors who aren't great peformers but are fun/pretty to look at. I'll stamp my name onto this project. Why not. Hooray for
Hollywood capitalism.
I'm really sorry people, but every day I read these planet x threads and seriously wonder if I am in some high school fiction writing forum. If you
want to believe the wild speculations, yay for you... many good people still believe in santa. Hey, I heard santa was originally a half-mayan
half-sumerian reptile - I'll show you the youtube video that proves it.
So who's with me. Who wants to shoot a major feature film depicting the destruction of earth by the annunkungfufunuklickityakaiaki (pronounced like
it was from a Monty Python sketch) or whatever they choose to call themselves. I'll just call them the Oh-Nos for simplicity sake. The film can't
be any worse than Battlefield Earth or Starship Troopers! Hey, we'll even give ATS a few $ points for good measure - so this site can profit from
the film. Hooray for Hollywood capitalism.
And when the whole Nibiru date comes to an uneventful pass, at least we can say we saw the fun-filled movie version of it. We'll leave the theater
and stare up at the sky saying to ourselves... well that was a enjoyable romp through sci-fi cinema goodness, what's the next scheduled date for the
end of the world?
Now seriously... Somebody show proof of the Nibiru claims, because I personally don't see a single shred of evidence. I believe I have more chances
of shooting the above film than the Nibiru story being true.