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Denver Int. Airport Underground !!!

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posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 11:41 PM
Here's a reassuring interpretation of the murals from someone who knows the artist.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 11:42 PM
Yeah, there is a lot of underground stuff. They have trains that transport under the runways. But a while back they had the baggage system on the news because it didn't work and to think that they built an entire base underground in that short amount of time is kind of far-fetched

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 11:45 PM
I think the word is that the base was built during the time of consideration of the airport. Which was quite a few years if I recall correctly.

So in other words, they were just connecting the airport with the base. I don't believe it myself, but I remember seeing or hearing that. Take it for what it's worth.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 11:49 PM
What was the time of consideration?

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 11:50 PM
I keep seeing this stuff about DIA. I'll take my camera with me Saturday when I drop my GF off there and see if I notice anything wierd. I read (only once) that Denver is supposed to be the new NWO capital. Can't confirm the validity though... like I said, I only read it in one place. Also, I'll ask around Denver when I go hang out in the slumz at my friend's warehouse. Yeah, we're kinda gutterpunks in a way.

Any details that you can't make out in pics that anyone would like me to try to catch? I'm not gonna do anything stupid, though, like jump fences and stuff.

BTW, you should see how 'out of the way' it is. There is only 1 tol road in Denver (that I know of anyways) and it is to and from DIA... the 'short' route... I'll get pics of that too. It's wierd driving out there. I felt really uneasy last time I went... I'm 'empathetic' and almost always can feel energy signatures, especially from 'shady' people.

posted on Mar, 2 2004 @ 11:57 PM
You should just walk around the airport next time you go on vacation and have a boarding pass so you cna get through security and take lots of pictures. Go to all the concourses, and take pics of the trains under the runways. Also there is a possibility I guess that this is a military base underground considereing it is right next to Buckley AFB, but then again why would they need a base if it was near buckley. You should try to go in doors if they are unlocked and take pictures. put a camera in your luggage when it goes underground.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 12:30 AM
I'm just dropping off my GF so she can fly to Texass. I won't fly on a plane ( wanted my first flight to be on the Concorde, but I guess that'll never happen, lol...).

I will see if I can catch any open doors though. Maybe I'll catch some conversation... guess I'll take the tape recorder too for the heck of it. Gonna get some good outside pics, and will take notes on any 'feelings' I get from personel. Ever see 'Unbreakable'? I can kinda do that, but I don't have to touch and I don't get visions... although I do sometimes get flashes of a person's life and people they know, especially if they are trying to hide something.

Don't expect much, but ya never know. Not a whole lot on the net as of yet about it, except for the bits that were posted here.

BTW, the 'tent' design helps with wind and lets snow slide off. It is in 2 layers so there is an air pocket that stays warm. We got snowed-in in Denver last year... so much snow that it actually ripped the top! I'm just glad we were at my GF's uncle's house in Aurora and not at DIA.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 12:40 AM
Guess I won't be getting inside at all. Farthest I can go is dropping her off, apparently. This security thing is getting rediculous! I'm never getting on a plane.

I'll still see what I can get from outside. They have some parking zones that I should be able to get some good shots from. Also, I'll get the roads to and from, and see if I can get some nice distant shots to better illustrate the architecture.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 07:45 PM
if you got that creepy feeling say your right on man

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 11:14 PM
I am going to california in abril and leaving from dia to la. I can take a tape recorder and camera to take pic and record conversations of suspicious activity.

posted on Mar, 3 2004 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by NavalSpecWar
I am going to california in abril and leaving from dia to la. I can take a tape recorder and camera to take pic and record conversations of suspicious activity.

Sweet! I stay clear of airports, so I never realized how rediculous the situation has gotten. I think it's pretty sad that all I can do without a boarding pass is drop someone off... what if I wanted a tour? Kinda sad, really.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 03:16 PM
you know why that is?
that you cant go in? tour etc...
cause its dia man
ive been to lots of airports and that is the only one where i heard you can only drop some one off and not at least see them off
as a suspicous note:
The former head of FEMA is in charge of security at DIA
his name is Albaugh i beleive
Those are pretty high standards for a head of security for a airport!
dont you think.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 03:32 PM
I was recently at both the Kansas City and Atlanta airports, and the farthest you could get at either one without a boarding pass is just inside the doors. Kansas City affords you a little more mobility (you can at least SEE the gate from where you drop them off), but that's just because it's a small airport. In Atlanta, you can barely get past the ticket counters, and nowhere near the gates themselves.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by NavalSpecWar
You should just walk around the airport next time you go on vacation and have a boarding pass so you cna get through security and take lots of pictures. Go to all the concourses, and take pics of the trains under the runways. Also there is a possibility I guess that this is a military base underground considereing it is right next to Buckley AFB, but then again why would they need a base if it was near buckley. You should try to go in doors if they are unlocked and take pictures. put a camera in your luggage when it goes underground.

I WAS GOING TO SAY THE SAME thing to do is have a camera sticking out of the zipper and let it zoom around the know the luggage pick up?? try to be casual and pretend to fix it...but while theyre not looking slip into the place where the luggage comes out....look around for camera's pull their plugs if you any of them.....dont get caught it would be funny if you did....

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 09:16 PM
Very interesting. Glad somebody made the post with the previous ones.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 12:41 AM
i saw on a show called sightings several years ago that said the building of DIA was interrupted many times because it was built on sacred burial indian ground.

Apparently the spirts of the indians there were causing all kinds of disturbances. it all came to a point where they brought in a member of one of the local tribes to bless the place.

Supposedly thats why the roof looks like tents. they thought that if it looked like tents, it would appease the spirits.

Take this as you will, i'm just throwing in my two cents.

Maybe someone else here saw that episode and knows more details, as it has been a while since i saw it.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 06:46 PM
The show I just saw not too long ago, said the tent looking structures were to symbolize the mountain peaks in Colorado. Take it for what you will.

As far as the FEMA - DIA connection, I don't know.
FEMA does have an underground facility on the Denver Federal Center. Bldg. 710
Possible tunnel between the two? I doubt it. Something to think about though.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 07:07 PM
Well, for anyone who has ever been to DIA to pick someone up, you know how hard it is to get any shots of the place.

I went and couldn't stop anywhere to get decent pics. The only place you are allowed to stop is the 45min. waiting area... about a mile away. You aren't allowed to leave your car, and you cannot see the airport from there. They get REALLY peturbed when you stop on the roadside to try to snap pics, too. Bummer... too bad I'm scared of flying in planes or I would've gone with my GF and got pics from inside the complex. (not because of 9-11... I'm just scared of heights. They gonna have to knock me out before we go to Florida this X-Mas!).

Oh well.

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 07:13 PM
They get really perturbed at you when you stopped to take pics
isnt that strange
very strange
did you see a large prescence of guards and police

posted on Mar, 10 2004 @ 07:20 PM

I believe you will find this site most interesting as regards the Denver Airport

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